Eagle LifeChurch

ELC | Joshua: The Promise You Can Trust (9)
Can you trust any promises anymore? Parents abandoning children? Divorce? Lying politicians? Fake News? In this series, we learn about the power of trusting our faithful God. His promise is a promise you can have confidence in. He is with us to help us when we have failed ourselves. I invite you to join me every week as we study the fantastic history of Joshua and God's faithfulness to give the people Israel the promised land. - Pastor Brad
Locations & Times
Ascend Church
3838 W Floating Feather Rd, Eagle, ID 83616, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Let us know you are with us, text the word "CHECK" to (208) 352-6002.
Click the return message link and check-in your household.
Click the return message link and check-in your household.
Check out today's service Live on Facebook. Or if you missed the service, you can watch the video later. **You do not need to have a Facebook account to join us.**
http://facebook.com/eaglelifechurch/liveWill you join us in prayer for God to HEAL OUR LAND?
The Elders, Pastors, Staff, and Deacons have all confirmed that this is a season of intercession. It is a time, once again, for us to pray for the peace and prosperity of America (Jeremiah 29:7). We will pray for the promise of God to be fulfilled in our lifetime. We ask God to HEAL OUR LAND.
http://eaglelifechurch.org/heal-our-land-2020/COMING EVENTS:
Now Until November 3
DAILY - Heal Our Land Call to Prayer | 7:14am/pm
6 - ELC Youth Back-to-School Pool Party at the O'Brien's outdoor pool
8 - Back to School Day, West Ada | Remote Learning
8 - Pray America | 12:00-12:30pm, Heritage Park Gazebo, Eagle
10 - Ladies Book Club | 6:30pm, Zoom Meeting
11 / 12 - Lawn Care Team | 9am, Eagle LifeChurch Grounds
12 - Men's Breakfast on Zoom
16 - Building Immunity God's Way Seminar, Dr. Steven Baker | 7pm, Eagle LifeChurch & Online
20 - Water Baptism | Directly After Church, 4521 W Morgan Creek Ct EAGLE, ID 83616
30 - Pumpkin Carving Party | 6-8pm, Eagle LifeChurch
TBD - Women's Retreat | Eagle LifeChurch
Now Until November 3
DAILY - Heal Our Land Call to Prayer | 7:14am/pm
6 - ELC Youth Back-to-School Pool Party at the O'Brien's outdoor pool
8 - Back to School Day, West Ada | Remote Learning
8 - Pray America | 12:00-12:30pm, Heritage Park Gazebo, Eagle
10 - Ladies Book Club | 6:30pm, Zoom Meeting
11 / 12 - Lawn Care Team | 9am, Eagle LifeChurch Grounds
12 - Men's Breakfast on Zoom
16 - Building Immunity God's Way Seminar, Dr. Steven Baker | 7pm, Eagle LifeChurch & Online
20 - Water Baptism | Directly After Church, 4521 W Morgan Creek Ct EAGLE, ID 83616
30 - Pumpkin Carving Party | 6-8pm, Eagle LifeChurch
TBD - Women's Retreat | Eagle LifeChurch
The Comeback | Week 9
| Joshua 8:1-25 | 2 Chronicles 7:14 |
Pastor Brad Murphy
1. Do Not Fear
2. The Future is Past
3. Good from Bad
Say YES to Jesus! | Text "YES" to (208) 352-6002
Need PRAYER? | Text "PRAYER" to (208) 352-6002
**Join the "Heal Our Land" Prayer Team. Text "HEALOURLAND" (all one word) to (208) 352-6002.
| Joshua 8:1-25 | 2 Chronicles 7:14 |
Pastor Brad Murphy
1. Do Not Fear
2. The Future is Past
3. Good from Bad
Say YES to Jesus! | Text "YES" to (208) 352-6002
Need PRAYER? | Text "PRAYER" to (208) 352-6002
**Join the "Heal Our Land" Prayer Team. Text "HEALOURLAND" (all one word) to (208) 352-6002.
We want to pray for you {{CLICK HERE}}
Do you need prayer? Let our pastors and elders know how we can pray for you.
https://churchteams.com/m/Register.asp?a=MmxWbnNlQVA1c1E9Say YES to Jesus {{CLICK HERE}}
If you would like to say yes to Jesus Love and begin a relationship of following him. Click below. - Pastor Brad will connect with you and help you take the first steps. After you complete the form, you will be taken to a website where you can learn more about what it means to say YES to Jesus.- You can also read the two plans below: (1)"Who is Jesus?" and (2) "Next Steps in Following Jesus."
https://churchteams.com/m/Register.asp?a=TE8wU2tSLzlzbU09Missions and Outreach {{CLICK HERE}}
Do you want to be Water Baptized? {{CLICK HERE}}
If you are interested in following Jesus in water baptism, visit this page, complete the Bible reading plan, and contact Pastor Brad.
Water Baptism, September 20, After Church
http://eaglelifechurch.org/about/water-baptism/Water Baptism, September 20, After Church
Join the ELC Prayer and Share Group on Facebook {{CLICK HERE}}
This private group was created for the people of Eagle LifeChurch to share prayer requests, and other information with each other.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/elc.prayer/LifeGroups, Events, and Online Giving. {{CLICK HERE}}
Visit us online to learn more about LifeGroups, Events, and Online Giving.
https://www.EagleLifeChurch/LIKE us on Facebook {{CLICK HERE}}
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