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Grace Chapel

Redefining Greatness: Glory of God or Glory of Man?

Redefining Greatness: Glory of God or Glory of Man?

Welcome to Grace Chapel! The Gospel of Jesus leaves no room for self-reliance. When we believe in Jesus, we move from darkness to light and are given eternal life in place of our deserved destruction. In this passage, Jesus tells us to go with His power, light, and hope into the Word, believing and telling others about our ultimate reality of life in God.

Locations & Times

Grace Chapel

8505 S Valley Hwy, Englewood, CO 80112, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

John 13 through 17 is the LONGEST teaching of Christ recorded.
Jesus’ last words were SENDING words for us.
Chapter 12:27-13:20 is the set up for the FAREWELL discourse.
He sets up His final discourse by saying:

You need My POWER. (vs. 27-31)
You need My LIGHT. (vs. 32-43)
You need My HOPE. (vs. 44-50)

Three affirmations of Christ’s divinity from Heaven:
- Baptism (Dove)
- Transfiguration (Bright light)
- Final Passover (Thunder)

Yes, but ultimately no.

When we understand the effects of the Cross on Christ, God’s love becomes irresistible.
Our decision: Give glory to God or SEEK glory from men?
My Next Steps:

- Identify where I am more self-reliant than God-dependent and ask Jesus to help me change.
- Read 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 and pray it, asking for God’s wisdom in my life.
- Invite someone to Easter Service next weekend
- Share my faith with a person I know needs the power, light and hope of Christ.

Have you missed a sermon? The past sermons are available on our website!

Prayer Requests

We would love to pray for you this week. All submissions using this form will be shared with staff, Elders, and the prayer team. Please note in your request if you want this shared with staff and Elders ONLY.