Sarnia EMC
Silence: Before a Word is Spoken
Locations & Times
707 Talfourd St, Sarnia, ON N7T 1S1, Canada
Sunday 10:30 AM
“Silence is the home of the word.”
-Henri Nouwen, The Way of the Heart
-Henri Nouwen, The Way of the Heart
Not all silence is .
(Luke 20:26, 39-40)
(Luke 20:26, 39-40)
Silence is an act of
(Psalm 46)
(Psalm 46)
Silence positions us to
(James 1:19)
(James 1:19)
Silence is a mark of humble
(Ex. 14:14; Hab. 2:20; Rev. 8:1)
(Ex. 14:14; Hab. 2:20; Rev. 8:1)
Challenge for this week: What have you learned about God today? What change is God asking you to make? Who will you ask to help you?