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Grace Chapel

If Only: Hope Is A Strategy

If Only: Hope Is A Strategy

Welcome to Grace Chapel! Because Jesus is risen from the dead, His children are not bound by sin, overcome by suffering, or ended by death. Jesus declares Himself to be the life we need, and He gives His life freely to those who come to Him in faith. The Life Christ gives is the only way to experience ultimate and lasting hope.

Locations & Times

Grace Chapel

8505 S Valley Hwy, Englewood, CO 80112, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Text Your Question to 303-335-9484
“If only” is worshipping the idol of the me that might have been, and never discovering the me that can still be in Jesus. — Dr. Richard Dobbins

Doubt questions God, but FAITH believes He will answer. (vs. 17-24).

The resurrection promises us a RECURRING hope. (vs. 25-33).

Hope = Belief + Trust
For the Christ-follower, death is just an EVENT, not a destination.(vs.34-37).

He’s alive…I’m gonna be okay!

Text Question: Hello, I'm 26 years old and I have seen and been through many things: lost 18 friends in 12 years, including 2 cousins to suicide. I find it very hard to believe in good and wondering if you have any insight for me. I have been in and out of jail for the last 7 years. I wish I knew where God was in my life. It feels very lonely going through these things with no answers.
Text Question: What would you say to someone who is pleading with God to hear His voice, but He is not speaking and hasn’t for a long time?

Text Question: If you were to recommend a verse to use to encourage someone who is suffering, what would it be?
My Next Step:

- Finish this sentence and carry it with me: My hope is in Christ; therefore, I will trust Him with __________.
- Read all of John 11 and reflect on how Jesus identifies with Mary and Martha and redirects their hope.
- Read and pray Romans 5:2-5 about rejoicing in suffering.
- I will write a note/email to a person who needs encouragement and use Psalm 46:1-3 in the letter.

Have you missed a sermon? The past sermons are available on our website!

Prayer Requests

We would love to pray for you this week. All submissions using this form will be shared with staff, Elders, and the prayer team. Please note in your request if you want this shared with staff and Elders ONLY.