Dover Assembly of God

1.28.2018 | Life of David - Week 23
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. the Dover Assembly app!
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January 28, 2018
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
6:30 pm ~ Men’s Dinner-Hoss’s
The guys will be meeting at Hoss’s in West York this Thursday at 6:30 for an awesome time of fellowship and food! Sign up in the lower foyer if you want to join us!
Mark your calendars now for the Spring Tour. It will be held at Christian Life A/G on April 21. There is a sign up sheet on the Women’s table. Please sign up if you would like to join us.
If you would like to be a part of this yearly program, where each lady is assigned another to encourage throughout the year with cards, small gifts on special days, etc. please complete the form on the women’s table in the upper foyer and return to Darlene Fearson or put it in her mailbox.
The ladies will resume their study of Joyce Meyer’s “Battlefield of the Mind” on Monday, Feb. 26 at 7:00 pm. It will continue through Monday, Apr. 30. Please sign up if you would like to be part of this study.
Has been rescheduled for Friday, Feb. 9 at 6:00 pm. Judy Landis will be our “guest” speaker for the evening. Even if you signed up before, we are asking that everyone sign up again so we are sure who is able to join us. Please sign up at the women’s table in the upper foyer.
Emerge Youth will be having their spaghetti lunch fundraiser on Sun. MARCH 11immediately following the morning service. Please sign up if you are able to come and support our teens! If you are able to donate any food items, that would help in keeping our costs down. The youth will appreciate it! New this year, we are adding a dessert auction that day. If you’d like to donate a dessert to be auctioned off, please sign up in the foyer and write DESSERT next to your name.
Mark your calendars now! On Sun., Feb. 11 we will have a Friends Day! Invite your family and friends who do not regularly attend church. We will be having New Life for Girls ministering that morning! And, we have invited our Spanish service to join us as well! Immediately following the service, we will have a luncheon for all church body, New Life for Girls and our Friends. Please sign-up and let us know how many will attend (adults and children) and what you are able to donate. Cash donations are accepted as well.
We would like to be able to purchase some communion cup holders to place in each pew row. The goal is 3 holders per row. There are 18 rows so the total needed would be 54. The cost per holder is $17.00. We are asking if you would prayerfully consider “adopting” one or more holder. We will receive the offering on Sunday, March 11. Thank you for your help!
If you would like to be a voting member of our church or want to follow the Lord in water baptism, please visit the Information Center and take the appropriate form on the wall next to the counter, complete it and return it to Pastor Jeff. We will notify you of the scheduled classes.
Our annual meeting was held last Sunday. We reviewed 2017 activities, gave an update on the building project and the parking lot pledge offerings. We also voted for one candidate to fill the vacancy on our deacon board. Sherwin Villagracia was elected.
Should we have the need to cancel any of our services due to inclement weather, we will put that information on our FaceBook page, our website, and the local TV stations WEBSITES [WGAL-CH 8, CBS 21, ABC 27, FOX 43, CW 15] If you would like to sign up for a TEXT on your cell phone that will indicate the status of our services, please fill out the blue & white card with your name and cell phone number. Please be sure to hand them into our Information Center and we will add you to our list.
Please note: The TV stations may not list this on their TV shows. It may only be available on their website. If you are in doubt, please call the church.
We should have our envelopes in about a week or so. Please use the envelopes in the pew racks and put your name on them to ensure proper credit. Once the new envelopes arrive, they will be in your church mailboxes.
Feb 1 ~ Sheila Reed
Feb 2 ~ Kyra Kauffman
Feb 2 ~ Daci Miller
Feb 8 ~ Kendra Knaub
Feb 13 ~ Naomi Gelsinger
Feb 15 ~ Abigail Reed
Feb 26 ~ Lacey Shumaker
Feb 12 ~ Tom & Darlene Osborn
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Helen S.
Prayer Needs
~ Rick C.
~ Robin H.
~ Les K.
~ Marian T.
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
6:30 pm ~ Men’s Dinner-Hoss’s
The guys will be meeting at Hoss’s in West York this Thursday at 6:30 for an awesome time of fellowship and food! Sign up in the lower foyer if you want to join us!
Mark your calendars now for the Spring Tour. It will be held at Christian Life A/G on April 21. There is a sign up sheet on the Women’s table. Please sign up if you would like to join us.
If you would like to be a part of this yearly program, where each lady is assigned another to encourage throughout the year with cards, small gifts on special days, etc. please complete the form on the women’s table in the upper foyer and return to Darlene Fearson or put it in her mailbox.
The ladies will resume their study of Joyce Meyer’s “Battlefield of the Mind” on Monday, Feb. 26 at 7:00 pm. It will continue through Monday, Apr. 30. Please sign up if you would like to be part of this study.
Has been rescheduled for Friday, Feb. 9 at 6:00 pm. Judy Landis will be our “guest” speaker for the evening. Even if you signed up before, we are asking that everyone sign up again so we are sure who is able to join us. Please sign up at the women’s table in the upper foyer.
Emerge Youth will be having their spaghetti lunch fundraiser on Sun. MARCH 11immediately following the morning service. Please sign up if you are able to come and support our teens! If you are able to donate any food items, that would help in keeping our costs down. The youth will appreciate it! New this year, we are adding a dessert auction that day. If you’d like to donate a dessert to be auctioned off, please sign up in the foyer and write DESSERT next to your name.
Mark your calendars now! On Sun., Feb. 11 we will have a Friends Day! Invite your family and friends who do not regularly attend church. We will be having New Life for Girls ministering that morning! And, we have invited our Spanish service to join us as well! Immediately following the service, we will have a luncheon for all church body, New Life for Girls and our Friends. Please sign-up and let us know how many will attend (adults and children) and what you are able to donate. Cash donations are accepted as well.
We would like to be able to purchase some communion cup holders to place in each pew row. The goal is 3 holders per row. There are 18 rows so the total needed would be 54. The cost per holder is $17.00. We are asking if you would prayerfully consider “adopting” one or more holder. We will receive the offering on Sunday, March 11. Thank you for your help!
If you would like to be a voting member of our church or want to follow the Lord in water baptism, please visit the Information Center and take the appropriate form on the wall next to the counter, complete it and return it to Pastor Jeff. We will notify you of the scheduled classes.
Our annual meeting was held last Sunday. We reviewed 2017 activities, gave an update on the building project and the parking lot pledge offerings. We also voted for one candidate to fill the vacancy on our deacon board. Sherwin Villagracia was elected.
Should we have the need to cancel any of our services due to inclement weather, we will put that information on our FaceBook page, our website, and the local TV stations WEBSITES [WGAL-CH 8, CBS 21, ABC 27, FOX 43, CW 15] If you would like to sign up for a TEXT on your cell phone that will indicate the status of our services, please fill out the blue & white card with your name and cell phone number. Please be sure to hand them into our Information Center and we will add you to our list.
Please note: The TV stations may not list this on their TV shows. It may only be available on their website. If you are in doubt, please call the church.
We should have our envelopes in about a week or so. Please use the envelopes in the pew racks and put your name on them to ensure proper credit. Once the new envelopes arrive, they will be in your church mailboxes.
Feb 1 ~ Sheila Reed
Feb 2 ~ Kyra Kauffman
Feb 2 ~ Daci Miller
Feb 8 ~ Kendra Knaub
Feb 13 ~ Naomi Gelsinger
Feb 15 ~ Abigail Reed
Feb 26 ~ Lacey Shumaker
Feb 12 ~ Tom & Darlene Osborn
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Helen S.
Prayer Needs
~ Rick C.
~ Robin H.
~ Les K.
~ Marian T.
Last week...
Last week, Pastor Jeff talked about the vision of our church.
We are continuing our study through the life of David.
As we mentioned before, the Bible doesn’t sugar coat anything. It tell us all the good bad and ugly in an order to teach us and help us learn from others successes and failures.
We left off a couple of weeks ago with Amnon raping his sister Tamar.
We believe as a direct result of what he saw his father David do with Bathsheba.
Children learn what they live.
As we mentioned before, the Bible doesn’t sugar coat anything. It tell us all the good bad and ugly in an order to teach us and help us learn from others successes and failures.
We left off a couple of weeks ago with Amnon raping his sister Tamar.
We believe as a direct result of what he saw his father David do with Bathsheba.
Children learn what they live.
We realize from this verse that Amnon didn’t really love Tamar, he simply wanted her. He wanted to use her as an object.
True love always respects the other and always wants the best for the other. True love puts the other first and yourself a distant second.
If he loved her he would have listened to her first request to not sleep with her. True love would also not want someone else to disobey God!
What he did was totally disobeying God’s written law. And he was forcing her to be complicit in it.
True love always respects the other and always wants the best for the other. True love puts the other first and yourself a distant second.
If he loved her he would have listened to her first request to not sleep with her. True love would also not want someone else to disobey God!
What he did was totally disobeying God’s written law. And he was forcing her to be complicit in it.
Amnon wanted her for himself, but then couldn’t get rid of her fast enough.
Because he was in lust and not in love. Lust wants to get, love wants to give.
Amnon got what he wanted and that’s all he cared about.
Because he was in lust and not in love. Lust wants to get, love wants to give.
Amnon got what he wanted and that’s all he cared about.
Why? Because now that she was no longer a virgin, she was a very poor prospect for marriage.
She couldn’t live with all the other virgins, nobody would want her. How could she prove that it wasn’t her fault?
She couldn’t live with all the other virgins, nobody would want her. How could she prove that it wasn’t her fault?
The word women doesn’t appear in the original language. The actual meaning of the word used is “THING” -- in other words, he said “get this thing out of here.”
Trying to absolve himself of guilt, the first thing he does is make the other person into a thing.
By placing blame on another, or by degrading the other to make yourself feel better is a natural consequence of our sinful behavior.
Trying to absolve himself of guilt, the first thing he does is make the other person into a thing.
By placing blame on another, or by degrading the other to make yourself feel better is a natural consequence of our sinful behavior.
Sin never fulfills what you think it will.
You think that this one sin will finally give me what I want or the thing I think I need.
The enemy always promises great results or benefits when you sin, but never delivers. Not only does it not give you what it promises, it always leaves you worse off than before.
You think that this one sin will finally give me what I want or the thing I think I need.
The enemy always promises great results or benefits when you sin, but never delivers. Not only does it not give you what it promises, it always leaves you worse off than before.
Amnon treats her like trash and throws her away. But in reality, the robe she wore makes her position a regal one.
She was the virgin daughter of the king and as such was royalty. And should never have been treated like that.
But sin always puts a cheap value on others because it’s all about me.
She was the virgin daughter of the king and as such was royalty. And should never have been treated like that.
But sin always puts a cheap value on others because it’s all about me.
Ladies, do not forget, you are daughters of the King!
You are royalty. You should be treated as such. Do not let others take advantage of you and do not think yourselves beneath anyone.
Nobody has the right to treat you any less than the king’s daughter.
Regardless of what your past may have been, you are still the daughter of the king.
Nobody has the right to treat you any less than the king’s daughter.
Regardless of what your past may have been, you are still the daughter of the king.
All of these symbols, the torn robe, the ashes and the hand on the head all symbolize the ruin of her life.
The irreparable loss of what could have been.
The irreparable loss of what could have been.
In response to her question to Amnon in 2 Samuel 13:13, she goes to Absalom.
In that society, it was the responsibility of the full brother to protect the honor of his full sister.
In that society, it was the responsibility of the full brother to protect the honor of his full sister.
He knew about the king telling Tamar to go see Amnon. Now he sees her with the torn robe and ashes and pretty much knew what happened.
He also tells her to be quiet about it. . . for now.
He knew David would like hypocritical if he did anything about it.
Another reason...what did the law require for such sin?
He also tells her to be quiet about it. . . for now.
He knew David would like hypocritical if he did anything about it.
Another reason...what did the law require for such sin?
So what does Absalom see happening here?
David is mad, but that’s all he is. He won’t do anything. He is an impotent leader and ruler. Unwilling or unable to carry out justice.
After all, he remembers that his dad committed two capital crimes, adultery & murder, each requiring death, but no punishment was carried out on him.
He figures that no punishment would happen to Amnon either. He was the king’s son, heir to the throne, “my dad won’t do anything to him either”.
So what happens? Nothing.
David is mad, but that’s all he is. He won’t do anything. He is an impotent leader and ruler. Unwilling or unable to carry out justice.
After all, he remembers that his dad committed two capital crimes, adultery & murder, each requiring death, but no punishment was carried out on him.
He figures that no punishment would happen to Amnon either. He was the king’s son, heir to the throne, “my dad won’t do anything to him either”.
So what happens? Nothing.
Absalom doesn’t forget. He allows this injustice to fester inside of him. It grows and becomes consuming.
If the people given the responsibility for punishing evil and rewarding good don’t do their jobs, what happens?
Other family members become resentful. Those under an ineffective leader lose total respect and begin to despise him.
If the people given the responsibility for punishing evil and rewarding good don’t do their jobs, what happens?
Other family members become resentful. Those under an ineffective leader lose total respect and begin to despise him.
Absalom was going to do what is father wouldn’t-punish Amnon.
Instead of leaving it up to God to handle, which he didn’t see happen to his dad, he does it himself.
Instead of leaving it up to God to handle, which he didn’t see happen to his dad, he does it himself.
David wasn’t punished, Amnon wasn’t going to punished, so Absalom was going to do it.
So Absalom has been stewing for 2 years. Plotting exactly how to get revenge, when everyone thought it had died down.
If David had not been the absentee father and had wanted to spend time with his family, he would have went to dinner, Amnon probably wouldn’t have been killed and maybe Absalom doesn’t try to take the kingdom from David.
But David is too busy for his family.
If David had not been the absentee father and had wanted to spend time with his family, he would have went to dinner, Amnon probably wouldn’t have been killed and maybe Absalom doesn’t try to take the kingdom from David.
But David is too busy for his family.
His use of the word “brother” which he only uses this one time, is meant to let David know, all is forgiven, he’s my brother.
David had to know that this was still in Absalom’s mind. This wasn’t something he would forget or even forgive.
He was right to be leery about it, but Absalom didn’t give up.
He was right to be leery about it, but Absalom didn’t give up.
David probably thinking that Absalom wouldn’t do anything with all the boys there--safety in numbers.
But David, like some of us sometimes, underestimate the degree to which people hold a grudge and the length to which they will go to get justice...or revenge.
Next week we’ll see how this plays out for everyone and the further consequences of David’s sin.
But David, like some of us sometimes, underestimate the degree to which people hold a grudge and the length to which they will go to get justice...or revenge.
Next week we’ll see how this plays out for everyone and the further consequences of David’s sin.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!