Dover Assembly of God

10.20.2019 | Biblical Life Lessons - Forgiveness
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. Week's Bulletin
October 20, 2019
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
~ Special Speaker: Gil Tunney
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Women’s Bible Study
6:30 pm
Young Adults-Corn Maze
6:30 pm ~ Saturday Night Spanish Service
Pastor Appreciation Sunday
This Sunday, we'll take time to honor our pastors. We're thankful for each of them and pray God's continued blessings upon them and upon our church. We encourage you to find a way to show your appreciation for them not only in October, but throughout the year. We love and appreciate each of them!
~ Pastor Jeff & Anna Bender - Lead Pastor
~ Pastor Luis & Edith Nunez - Spanish Pastor
~ Pastor Keith & Lynette Miller - Commissioned Pastor
Young Adult Ministry
Our Young Adult Ministry will be meeting at ‘Round the Clock Diner on Route 30, NEXT SUNDAY EVENING Oct 27 at 7:30 pm. Our first get-together was a great success. If you are out of high school and single, we would love to have you join us. Just meet at the restaurant!
We are also going to a Pumpkin Patch / Corn Maze on Oct 25. See Katie Jones with any questions.
Men's Pinball
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming event especially for the guys! Men’s Pinball night-Thursday Nov 7 at 6:30 pm @ Mark Crumrine’s House. This is an excellent opportunity to bring a friend! Sign up in the lower foyer.
Halloween Pass-outs
If you will be passing out candy this year, we have a small card that we will make available to hand out with your candy. It is just a small post-card showing the ministries of Dover Assembly. If you would like some, please see Pastor Jeff.
Outreach Lunches
In our desire to be a blessing to our community, Dover Assembly will be providing pizza and soda lunches for the Township offices (Monday Oct 28). If you would like to assist in delivery or monetary donations, please see Pastor Jeff.
New Life For Girls
The New Life women will be ministering in our morning service on Sunday, Nov 24. This is an excellent opportunity to bring someone with you to hear about the power and grace of God. We are also providing a light luncheon following the service. We would encourage as many as possible to join us to fellowship with these ladies.
Time Change
Don’t forget, we turn our clocks back one hour on Nov 3. Be sure to set your clocks accordingly. We want you to be on time so you don’t miss out on what God will do!
Faith Promise Update
In an effort to keep us up to date on our financial obligations and reminder of God’s faithfulness, here is the latest on our parking lot/roof loan. The loan was initiated on June 2017 for 8 years. The principle balance was $50,000. Thanks to your faithfulness over the past 2 years, we have paid down almost half. Our current balance is $26,963! PTL! Let’s keep working toward being debt-free again!
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Beulah S.
Prayer Needs
~ Robin H.
~ Rose K.
~ Gladys J.
~ Marian T.
Nov 3 ~ Daylight Savings End-Turn clocks back!
Nov 7 ~ Men’s Pinball Night
Nov 15-16 ~ Women’s Conference @ Hershey Lodge
Nov 24 ~ New Life For Girls
Nov 27 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service-No Departments
Nov 28 ~ Thanksgiving
Dec 6 ~ Deacon Board Christmas Dinner
Dec 9 ~ Women’s Christmas Cookie Exchange
Dec 12 ~ Men’s Ministry Christmas Dinner
Dec 13 ~ Women’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 18 ~ R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Party
Dec 24 ~ Christmas Eve Service
Dec 25 ~ Christmas-NO FAMILY NIGHT
Dec 31 ~ New Year’s Eve
Jan 1 ~ New Year’s Day-NO SERVICE
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donuts
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
~ Special Speaker: Gil Tunney
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ Women’s Bible Study
6:30 pm
Young Adults-Corn Maze
6:30 pm ~ Saturday Night Spanish Service
Pastor Appreciation Sunday
This Sunday, we'll take time to honor our pastors. We're thankful for each of them and pray God's continued blessings upon them and upon our church. We encourage you to find a way to show your appreciation for them not only in October, but throughout the year. We love and appreciate each of them!
~ Pastor Jeff & Anna Bender - Lead Pastor
~ Pastor Luis & Edith Nunez - Spanish Pastor
~ Pastor Keith & Lynette Miller - Commissioned Pastor
Young Adult Ministry
Our Young Adult Ministry will be meeting at ‘Round the Clock Diner on Route 30, NEXT SUNDAY EVENING Oct 27 at 7:30 pm. Our first get-together was a great success. If you are out of high school and single, we would love to have you join us. Just meet at the restaurant!
We are also going to a Pumpkin Patch / Corn Maze on Oct 25. See Katie Jones with any questions.
Men's Pinball
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming event especially for the guys! Men’s Pinball night-Thursday Nov 7 at 6:30 pm @ Mark Crumrine’s House. This is an excellent opportunity to bring a friend! Sign up in the lower foyer.
Halloween Pass-outs
If you will be passing out candy this year, we have a small card that we will make available to hand out with your candy. It is just a small post-card showing the ministries of Dover Assembly. If you would like some, please see Pastor Jeff.
Outreach Lunches
In our desire to be a blessing to our community, Dover Assembly will be providing pizza and soda lunches for the Township offices (Monday Oct 28). If you would like to assist in delivery or monetary donations, please see Pastor Jeff.
New Life For Girls
The New Life women will be ministering in our morning service on Sunday, Nov 24. This is an excellent opportunity to bring someone with you to hear about the power and grace of God. We are also providing a light luncheon following the service. We would encourage as many as possible to join us to fellowship with these ladies.
Time Change
Don’t forget, we turn our clocks back one hour on Nov 3. Be sure to set your clocks accordingly. We want you to be on time so you don’t miss out on what God will do!
Faith Promise Update
In an effort to keep us up to date on our financial obligations and reminder of God’s faithfulness, here is the latest on our parking lot/roof loan. The loan was initiated on June 2017 for 8 years. The principle balance was $50,000. Thanks to your faithfulness over the past 2 years, we have paid down almost half. Our current balance is $26,963! PTL! Let’s keep working toward being debt-free again!
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Beulah S.
Prayer Needs
~ Robin H.
~ Rose K.
~ Gladys J.
~ Marian T.
Nov 3 ~ Daylight Savings End-Turn clocks back!
Nov 7 ~ Men’s Pinball Night
Nov 15-16 ~ Women’s Conference @ Hershey Lodge
Nov 24 ~ New Life For Girls
Nov 27 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service-No Departments
Nov 28 ~ Thanksgiving
Dec 6 ~ Deacon Board Christmas Dinner
Dec 9 ~ Women’s Christmas Cookie Exchange
Dec 12 ~ Men’s Ministry Christmas Dinner
Dec 13 ~ Women’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 18 ~ R.O.C.K. Kids Christmas Party
Dec 24 ~ Christmas Eve Service
Dec 25 ~ Christmas-NO FAMILY NIGHT
Dec 31 ~ New Year’s Eve
Jan 1 ~ New Year’s Day-NO SERVICE
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Connect with Dover Assembly as we connect to God, build people, and offer hope. Keep up to date with the latest news and events, watch our latest videos, and more all within our app! you for your faithfulness!
You can now give to Dover Assembly online at your convenience. Click the link to learn more!
Week 6 - October 20, 2019 - Gil Tunney
Today we’re going to talk about Forgiveness and Forgiving.
We covered forgiveness as a result of anger in our last Wednesday evening discussion.
Teachings on forgiveness are very familiar to Christians. The Bible is filled with verses dealing with being forgiving, for example:
We covered forgiveness as a result of anger in our last Wednesday evening discussion.
Teachings on forgiveness are very familiar to Christians. The Bible is filled with verses dealing with being forgiving, for example:
Definition of Forgive according to Merriam Webster
to cease to feel resentment against an offender; to give up resentment of or claim to something given in return, compensation, or retaliation; to grant relief from payment of
We, as Christians most often use the first and second definitions.
to cease to feel resentment against an offender; to give up resentment of or claim to something given in return, compensation, or retaliation; to grant relief from payment of
We, as Christians most often use the first and second definitions.
Let’s look at a few examples of forgiveness.
Do you remember the story of Jacob and Esau? What did Jacob do to Esau? He stole his birthright through deceit, right?
Jacob’s mother made him run away to escape Esau’s anger, and Jacob had that hanging over him for a long time.
What happened? You will see that Esau finally forgave Jacob
Do you remember the story of Jacob and Esau? What did Jacob do to Esau? He stole his birthright through deceit, right?
Jacob’s mother made him run away to escape Esau’s anger, and Jacob had that hanging over him for a long time.
What happened? You will see that Esau finally forgave Jacob
Now look at Joseph forgiving his brothers . . .
The final example is Jesus forgiving His enemies . . .
The Bible addresses forgiving in a simple fashion, but gives us very human examples.
So what happens when someone wrongs you or I?
So what happens when someone wrongs you or I?
It sounds like human nature isn’t very forgiving, and scripture is addressing it by telling us what NOT to do. It also infers that unforgiveness is evil.
What is our first instinct when we’re wronged; anger and a desire to get even, right? What about if it’s something serious, like murder, or divorce? What then? It gets a little more complicated then, doesn’t it?
What is our first instinct when we’re wronged; anger and a desire to get even, right? What about if it’s something serious, like murder, or divorce? What then? It gets a little more complicated then, doesn’t it?
Here’s an example of not being able to forgive.
There was once a man considered a prophet of the Lord:
· He knew God.
· He spoke with God.
· He lived under the Laws of Moses.
· He followed very closely the religious traditions of his day.
· He was well respected by other godly people.
· But he did not understand forgiveness.
· He refused to offer forgiveness to a certain group of people who lived in Nineveh.
· His name was Jonah.
We're not going to read the whole story from the Bible, but let’s look at one part of it . . .
There was once a man considered a prophet of the Lord:
· He knew God.
· He spoke with God.
· He lived under the Laws of Moses.
· He followed very closely the religious traditions of his day.
· He was well respected by other godly people.
· But he did not understand forgiveness.
· He refused to offer forgiveness to a certain group of people who lived in Nineveh.
· His name was Jonah.
We're not going to read the whole story from the Bible, but let’s look at one part of it . . .
There’re a couple life lessons to learn from this scripture.
First, many of us are like the prophet Jonah. We would rather see a whole city destroyed than deal with forgiveness. We would rather have judgment come upon those who hurt us, than to ever offer forgiveness.
Let’s be honest with ourselves. There have been people in each of our lives that have knowingly hurt us, and we have never forgotten what they did, or forgiven them…!
Many of us can become very angry with certain people from our past. None of us can understand all of the pain these people have caused, and we hide this secret deep in our hearts, but, guess who sees it?
Do you think that’s God’s plan for a Christian’s life? I don’t believe it is.
And then, as if it’s not hard enough, we come to what Jesus says in Mark 11 . . .
First, many of us are like the prophet Jonah. We would rather see a whole city destroyed than deal with forgiveness. We would rather have judgment come upon those who hurt us, than to ever offer forgiveness.
Let’s be honest with ourselves. There have been people in each of our lives that have knowingly hurt us, and we have never forgotten what they did, or forgiven them…!
Many of us can become very angry with certain people from our past. None of us can understand all of the pain these people have caused, and we hide this secret deep in our hearts, but, guess who sees it?
Do you think that’s God’s plan for a Christian’s life? I don’t believe it is.
And then, as if it’s not hard enough, we come to what Jesus says in Mark 11 . . .
So basically, Jesus is saying that if you can’t forgive, your sins won’t be forgiven, and if your sins can’t be forgiven, that’s a BIG problem, isn’t it?
So let’s look at how we forgive. Is forgiveness a choice or an emotion? I think it is a decision of our will, so it’s a choice! It’s motivated because God gives us the command to forgive. Look at Colossians 3 . . .
So let’s look at how we forgive. Is forgiveness a choice or an emotion? I think it is a decision of our will, so it’s a choice! It’s motivated because God gives us the command to forgive. Look at Colossians 3 . . .
What if we don’t feel like it? Sometimes we like to wallow in our victimhood, don’t we? It almost feels good to be angry at someone and, if we can convince ourselves its righteous anger, we have a readymade excuse, provided by our adversary, the devil.
The problem is that lack of forgiveness is like a tumor in us. It can make us physically sick and mentally ill. Look at what happened to Jonah. The example of the worm, in my opinion, also represents what the lack of forgiveness was doing to Jonah.
When we do forgive, it’s like having that tumor disappear.
So, if we don’t feel like it, we do it by faith! Since forgiveness is often against our nature, we must forgive by faith, whether we feel like it or not.
We have to be obedient and trust that God will accomplish the work of forgiveness in us. After all what is faith?
The problem is that lack of forgiveness is like a tumor in us. It can make us physically sick and mentally ill. Look at what happened to Jonah. The example of the worm, in my opinion, also represents what the lack of forgiveness was doing to Jonah.
When we do forgive, it’s like having that tumor disappear.
So, if we don’t feel like it, we do it by faith! Since forgiveness is often against our nature, we must forgive by faith, whether we feel like it or not.
We have to be obedient and trust that God will accomplish the work of forgiveness in us. After all what is faith?
So what happens in us when we do make the decision and have the faith?
Well, God honors that and gradually changes our heart.
If we continue to do our job and forgive by faith, God does his job and completes the change of heart in us.
Well, God honors that and gradually changes our heart.
If we continue to do our job and forgive by faith, God does his job and completes the change of heart in us.
Now here’s the second difficult part of all this. What if the person that needs to be forgiven is a non-believer?
Well, let’s look at what Jesus says in Matthew 5 . . .
Well, let’s look at what Jesus says in Matthew 5 . . .
The secret that we learn in this scripture is PRAYER.
As we begin to pray for the person or persons, God changes our heart and we see them in a new light.
We see them with His eyes. It’s hard to stay angry with someone if you can see them the way God does!
As we begin to pray for the person or persons, God changes our heart and we see them in a new light.
We see them with His eyes. It’s hard to stay angry with someone if you can see them the way God does!
Lastly, how do we know if we have forgiven someone?
Forgiveness is a process and it seldom happens instantly. Look, we’re the ones who suffer when we don’t forgive.
Not only does scripture point that out, but look at the way you feel when there is unforgiveness in your heart. When we feel the freedom and release from those feelings, we’ll know.
Essentially, Jesus was saying, keep on forgiving until you experience the freedom of forgiveness. Forgiveness may require a lifetime of forgiving, but it is important to the Lord.
We must continue forgiving until the matter has been settled in our heart...
Forgiveness is a process and it seldom happens instantly. Look, we’re the ones who suffer when we don’t forgive.
Not only does scripture point that out, but look at the way you feel when there is unforgiveness in your heart. When we feel the freedom and release from those feelings, we’ll know.
Essentially, Jesus was saying, keep on forgiving until you experience the freedom of forgiveness. Forgiveness may require a lifetime of forgiving, but it is important to the Lord.
We must continue forgiving until the matter has been settled in our heart...
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!
http://doverassembly.comWatch on Vimeo!
Miss part of the sermon or want to share it with others? Catch the replay on Vimeo!