Dover Assembly of God

1.21.2018 | Vision
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. the Dover Assembly app!
Stay up to date! View our weekly bulletin, watch previous sermons, and more. Bulletin
January 21, 2018
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
11:30 am ~ Business Meeting
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
3:00 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
Our annual meeting will be held TODAY following the morning service. We will review this year’s activities, give an update on the building project and the parking lot pledge offerings. We will vote for one candidate to fill the vacancy on our deacon board. Please be in prayer as to whom God will choose.
The following have accepted the nomination and will be on the ballot. We will choose one.
~ Rick Crone
~ Sherwin Villagracia
Mark your calendars now for the Spring Tour. It will be held at Christian Life A/G on April 21. There is a sign up sheet on the Women’s table. Please sign up if you would like to join us
If you would like to be a part of this yearly program, where each lady is assigned another to encourage throughout the year with cards, small gifts on special days, etc. please complete the form on the women’s table in the upper foyer and return to Darlene Fearson or put it in her mailbox.
Emerge Youth will be having their spaghetti lunch fundraiser on Sun. MARCH 11 immediately following the morning service. Please sign up if you are able to come and support our teens! If you are able to donate any food items, that would help in keeping our costs down. The youth will appreciate it! New this year, we are adding a dessert auction that day. If you’d like to donate a dessert to be auctioned off, please sign up in the foyer and write DESSERT next to your name.
Mark your calendars now! On Sun., Feb. 11 we will have a Friends Day! Invite your family and friends who do not regularly attend church. We will be having New Life for Girls ministering that morning! And, we have invited our Spanish service to join us as well! Immediately following the service, we will have a luncheon for all church body, New Life for Girls and our Friends. Please sign-up and let us know how many will attend (adults and children) and what you are able to donate. Cash donations are accepted as well.
The ladies will resume their study of Joyce Meyer’s “Battlefield of the Mind” on Monday, Feb. 26 at 7:00 pm. It will continue through Monday, Apr. 30. Please sign up if you would like to be part of this study.
We would like to be able to purchase some communion cup holders to place in each pew row. The goal is 3 holders per row. There are 18 rows so the total needed would be 54. The cost per holder is $17.00. We are asking if you would prayerfully consider “adopting” one or more holder. We will receive the offering on Sunday, March 11. Thank you for your help!
As of Dec 31, we have received $5305 towards our loan repayment. Thank you for your faithfulness to this obligation. We are more than half way from our matching challenge of $10,000. PTL! Please help us to get there!
Should we have the need to cancel any of our services due to inclement weather, we will put that information on our FaceBook page, our website, and the local TV stations [WGAL-CH 8, CBS 21, ABC 27, FOX 43, CW 15] If you would like to sign up for a TEXT on your cell phone that will indicate the status of our services, please fill out the blue & white card with your name and cell phone number. Please be sure to hand them into our Information Center and we will add you to our list.
Please note: The TV stations may not list this on their TV shows. It may only be available on their website. If you are in doubt, please call the church.
We should have our envelopes in about a week or so. Please use the envelopes in the pew racks and put your name on them to ensure proper credit. Once the new envelopes arrive, they will be in your church mailboxes.
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Helen Stough
Prayer Needs
~ Rick Crone
~ Robin Housseal
~ Les Kauffman
~ Marian Tunney
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
11:30 am ~ Business Meeting
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
3:00 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
Our annual meeting will be held TODAY following the morning service. We will review this year’s activities, give an update on the building project and the parking lot pledge offerings. We will vote for one candidate to fill the vacancy on our deacon board. Please be in prayer as to whom God will choose.
The following have accepted the nomination and will be on the ballot. We will choose one.
~ Rick Crone
~ Sherwin Villagracia
Mark your calendars now for the Spring Tour. It will be held at Christian Life A/G on April 21. There is a sign up sheet on the Women’s table. Please sign up if you would like to join us
If you would like to be a part of this yearly program, where each lady is assigned another to encourage throughout the year with cards, small gifts on special days, etc. please complete the form on the women’s table in the upper foyer and return to Darlene Fearson or put it in her mailbox.
Emerge Youth will be having their spaghetti lunch fundraiser on Sun. MARCH 11 immediately following the morning service. Please sign up if you are able to come and support our teens! If you are able to donate any food items, that would help in keeping our costs down. The youth will appreciate it! New this year, we are adding a dessert auction that day. If you’d like to donate a dessert to be auctioned off, please sign up in the foyer and write DESSERT next to your name.
Mark your calendars now! On Sun., Feb. 11 we will have a Friends Day! Invite your family and friends who do not regularly attend church. We will be having New Life for Girls ministering that morning! And, we have invited our Spanish service to join us as well! Immediately following the service, we will have a luncheon for all church body, New Life for Girls and our Friends. Please sign-up and let us know how many will attend (adults and children) and what you are able to donate. Cash donations are accepted as well.
The ladies will resume their study of Joyce Meyer’s “Battlefield of the Mind” on Monday, Feb. 26 at 7:00 pm. It will continue through Monday, Apr. 30. Please sign up if you would like to be part of this study.
We would like to be able to purchase some communion cup holders to place in each pew row. The goal is 3 holders per row. There are 18 rows so the total needed would be 54. The cost per holder is $17.00. We are asking if you would prayerfully consider “adopting” one or more holder. We will receive the offering on Sunday, March 11. Thank you for your help!
As of Dec 31, we have received $5305 towards our loan repayment. Thank you for your faithfulness to this obligation. We are more than half way from our matching challenge of $10,000. PTL! Please help us to get there!
Should we have the need to cancel any of our services due to inclement weather, we will put that information on our FaceBook page, our website, and the local TV stations [WGAL-CH 8, CBS 21, ABC 27, FOX 43, CW 15] If you would like to sign up for a TEXT on your cell phone that will indicate the status of our services, please fill out the blue & white card with your name and cell phone number. Please be sure to hand them into our Information Center and we will add you to our list.
Please note: The TV stations may not list this on their TV shows. It may only be available on their website. If you are in doubt, please call the church.
We should have our envelopes in about a week or so. Please use the envelopes in the pew racks and put your name on them to ensure proper credit. Once the new envelopes arrive, they will be in your church mailboxes.
Please take time to review and pray for those on this list. Drop them a card or call to set up a time to visit. They will be blessed!
~ Helen Stough
Prayer Needs
~ Rick Crone
~ Robin Housseal
~ Les Kauffman
~ Marian Tunney
Last week...
Last week, Pastor Jeff talked about David's son's sin with his half sister.
“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.” ― Zig Ziglar
By constantly keeping the vision of our church visible and talked about, we will learn it, do it and accomplish it.
Because a vision isn’t just a sentence, it is a reason for being.
By constantly keeping the vision of our church visible and talked about, we will learn it, do it and accomplish it.
Because a vision isn’t just a sentence, it is a reason for being.
The reason that Dover Assembly exists is this:
Our mission and every church’s mission should be to connect people to the living God. If a person doesn’t know Jesus, our job should be to introduce them to the Jesus we know.
Our mission and every church’s mission should be to connect people to the living God. If a person doesn’t know Jesus, our job should be to introduce them to the Jesus we know.
In Acts, we hear about Paul’s conversion from Saul in chapter 9, but we also see that Paul repeats that same account 3 times. Each account differed a bit from the others, but Paul used his experience on 3 different occasions to witness to those around him.
We don’t have to be Paul or a preacher or a theologian to simply tell others what Jesus has done for us.
We don’t have to be Paul or a preacher or a theologian to simply tell others what Jesus has done for us.
As a church, our responsibility is to facilitate each person here to connect with God. That means our goal on Sundays and Wednesdays is to have develop an atmosphere and opportunity for everyone who walks in the door to have an intimate time with God.
Our worship is designed to allow us to express in song what we may not be able to otherwise the appreciation we have for all that Jesus has done.
Every Sunday School class or Wednesday night class is designed to teach children and adults God’s word which enables them to connect with God on their own.
Worship time is us expressing our love to God. Sermons are God’s time to speak to us thru His word.
Occasionally God speaks to us through tongues and interpretation or prophecy. Generally those words are words of encouragement designed to speak to the entire church or maybe just one individual to meet a need in their life at that time.
Our worship is designed to allow us to express in song what we may not be able to otherwise the appreciation we have for all that Jesus has done.
Every Sunday School class or Wednesday night class is designed to teach children and adults God’s word which enables them to connect with God on their own.
Worship time is us expressing our love to God. Sermons are God’s time to speak to us thru His word.
Occasionally God speaks to us through tongues and interpretation or prophecy. Generally those words are words of encouragement designed to speak to the entire church or maybe just one individual to meet a need in their life at that time.
Church is supposed to be a time of rest from the world and refilling of God’s spirit in us.
We want our church to be one where people can connect with God.
We want our church to be one where people can connect with God.
Not only do we want people to connect with God, we know that God uses people to accomplish His will. He uses people to meet the needs of others.
Not only do we want people to connect with God, we know that God uses people to accomplish His will. He uses people to meet the needs of others.
LifeWay Research did a survey and found the following:
~ 45% of regular church attenders read their bibles more than once a week.
~ About 40% read it occasionally. 1 or 2 times per month
~ 20% never read it.
~ 67% of Americans believe heaven is real.
~ 45% believe you can get there many ways.
~ 20% of Christians believe this too.
~ 45% of regular church attenders read their bibles more than once a week.
~ About 40% read it occasionally. 1 or 2 times per month
~ 20% never read it.
~ 67% of Americans believe heaven is real.
~ 45% believe you can get there many ways.
~ 20% of Christians believe this too.
Once we have a working knowledge of God’s word, then we are more apt to apply what it says to our lives.
We build people by teaching them God’s word, we build them by getting them to apply what they know.
And we build people by meeting their needs.
And we build people by meeting their needs.
We study God’s word, not just to gain information and knowledge--we study and teach it to prepare us to do it.
It is through the doing that we really build ourselves up in the faith.
Building is a circle. We come to be built up in the faith, then we desire to reach out and help others and as we do, we desire to know more, then we desire to do more. . .
Most people aren’t satisfied to have others do everything for them. We have a God given desire to experience and do things for ourselves.
Building is a circle. We come to be built up in the faith, then we desire to reach out and help others and as we do, we desire to know more, then we desire to do more. . .
Most people aren’t satisfied to have others do everything for them. We have a God given desire to experience and do things for ourselves.
Our vision to build people is really a desire to equip people to live out God’s will with God’s help for themselves.
Christianity is the only thing that can give each of us true hope.
People will let you down, things will wear out, situations will come and go, and if we have our hope in any of those, we will be let down.
They will never fulfill what they say they will.
God is the same always and his promises never change.
Christianity is the only thing that can give each of us true hope.
People will let you down, things will wear out, situations will come and go, and if we have our hope in any of those, we will be let down.
They will never fulfill what they say they will.
God is the same always and his promises never change.
When we invite our friends and family to church, we aren’t just inviting them to a meeting. We are asking them to experience the hope and encouragement that we have already experienced.
We want this church to grow and be an influence in our community.
We believe the more this is brought to our attention, the more we will become what our vision says we want to be.
We believe the more this is brought to our attention, the more we will become what our vision says we want to be.

Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!