First Christian Church of Huber Heights
"In For the Long Haul"
Sunday morning worship message.
Locations & Times
  • 6114 Fishburg Rd, Dayton, OH 45424, USA
    Sunday 10:00 AM, Sunday 11:30 AM


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Long-term faithfulness bears fruit and brings fulfillment.

This is the difference between those who last and those who don't. Some things can't be done halfway and the Christian life is one of these. Jesus' instruction to His disciples on His last night with them focused on this principle.
We will bear fruit--be productive and have an effective life--when we...

Connect to the Source
We stay attached to our Source largely by prayer.

Prayer does not have to be flowery or impressive. We are not praying for some other person to judge whether or not we are a good pray-er. Prayer is a conversation between two persons (God and his creation) who love each other.
We will bear fruit--be productive and have an effective life--OVER THE LONG HAUL when we...

Stay Connected to the Source
Fruitfulness is developed over a lifetime.

Our spiritual life is completely dependent on Jesus. This means He must prune out of our life the things that keep us from being productive and bearing fruit for Him.

Having a valuable effect on the lives of others comes from relationship with Jesus. You can't bear fruit if you are consumed with your own wants and personal happiness above the needs of others around you.

Fruitfulness comes from long term faithfulness. Strength and comfort from God's Word comes most when our time with it is a regular habit of life--not just a crisis response.

A commitment to a regular, on-going ministry position is more valuable to yourself as well as others.

More than only giving to special causes, the habit of tithing makes your whole experience of personal finance peaceful and blessed rather than anxious and worried.

We will bear fruit--be productive and have an effective--life when we...

Continue to Cultivate a Relationship with the Source
Joy comes when you put Jesus first, Others second, and Yourself last.

Michelangelo said, "When I am yours, then at last I am completely myself."
When you serve God's Kingdom in church, the results of your service will outlive you. This is your spiritual legacy.

What will you do with this?

Prayer Request

We Would Like to Pray for You...Our church staff and team of people committed to pray will include your request in prayer to God this week. What can we pray for you?(link to submit prayer request)

Past Messages

Listen to previous messages from First Christian Church by visiting our Sermons Page or subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

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Your Giving Honors GodThank you for supporting the ministries of First Christian Church and our partners locally and globally.  Together we are seeing God's purposes fulfilled in our community and throughout the world.