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Northlake Church | December 24, 2017 | Mike Garner

Waiting For Jesus | He's Here!! | Luke 2:1-21

Waiting For Jesus | He's Here!! | Luke 2:1-21

Locations & Times

Northlake Church

3610 Lohman Ford Rd, Lago Vista, TX 78645, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Sunday 10:45 AM

Welcome to Northlake Church!

Welcome!  We're glad that you found us! As you get to know us, you'll see that we are just like you, people learning what it means to follow Jesus in their everyday life. In order to take away some of the mystery of what happens on Sunday mornings around here, we've jotted down a few tips on visiting Northlake Church for the first time, click the link below to visit our website to get to know us a little better! We pray that today, you are encouraged, that you feel welcomed and that you are reminded just how much Jesus loves you!

Online Giving

We believe all that we have comes from the gracious hand of our God. It's not ours to keep; we've been entrusted by Him to be good managers of all that He has given us. So we view the giving of our time, talents and resources to the Lord as an act of worship. Regarding the stewardship of our financial resources, there are several ways we can participate in worship through giving...physically giving at one of our Sunday Gatherings, via check or cash and digitally giving through our church app, our website, or clicking on the link below to access mobile giving. Give as the Lord leads you, not under guilt or compulsion, with a thankful heart. Thank you for worshiping God in this way and being a part of helping Northlake Church accomplish its purpose of making disciples who make disciples!

He's Here!! | Luke 2:1-21


As we JOYOUSLY GLORIFY GOD we will experience the PERFECT PEACE that comes only through JESUS!

Something really, really, happened, amazingly awesome and it resulted in some great news for all of us!

--It was a REAL DAY: not fairytale story, not a mythological tale, but a real day, planned from eternity past, meticulously prophesied, intricately executed, arranged to happen, in reality on a real day in history (Caesar Augustus)
--It was a REAL CITY: not Narnia, Middle Earth, Galaxy far far away, here, on earth, in the middle east, in a small town, Bethlehem, that still exists today, real people, real stories, real houses, real animals, where M and J traveled…a real city like Lago, CP or Austin, just without the traffic
--It was a REAL BABY: sign…baby | swaddling clothes | lying in a manger
--It was a REAL KING: proclamation…SAVIOR: because we have sinned, we need a savior, Jesus=one who saves | CHRIST: anointed one, fulfiller of prophecies, long awaited one, the Messiah | LORD: ruler, sovereign, mighty God, everlasting father, prince of peace

1. That God Is Joyously Glorified...God is glorified because Jesus was born!

2. That We Can Finally Have Perfect Peace!...Peace is spread everywhere that Jesus is received!

--An Angel EXHIBITED the GLORY OF GOD “shone around them”
--Angels (plural) PROCLAIMED the GLORY OF GOD “glory to God in the highest”
--Shepherds RESPONDED by GLORIFYING and PRAISING GOD because of all they saw and heard

1. We Can Have Peace With God…Romans 5:1“Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. “
--God’s peace is available to all (the whole world) but applied to those who receive him (believe, trust, obey…Jesus as A. Savior B. Christ/Messiah C. Lord)

2. We Can Have Peace With Ourselves…Philippians 4:6-7“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
--No need to fear, worry, anxiety, cast it on Jesus, understand new IDENTITY, lost/found, dead/alive, enemy/child

3. We Can Have Peace With Others…Romans 12:18 | Ephesians 4:31-32
“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”
“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”
--World is absolutely not at peace, we can have personal peace that extends to living peacefully with others, even our enemies…but only through our peace with Jesus is this even possible…loved to love | forgiven to forgive | blessed to bless

...God’s Glory and Our Peace…

God's PEACE is available to everyone…BUT, it is only applied to those who joyously glorify God (receive trust believe obey) through receiving Jesus!

How do we receive Jesus?
o We place our FAITH IN JESUS: genealogy, the drama, the mess, the brokenness and yet Jesus beautifully arrived on the scene, faithfully fulfilling the promises made about him
o We SURRENDER EVERYTHING TO JESUS: Mary…I am your servant
o We practice sacrificial OBEDIENCE TO JESUS: Joseph…he obeyed Immediately and Completely

As we JOYOUSLY GLORIFY GOD…we will experience the PERFECT PEACE that comes only through JESUS!