Midland Free Methodist Church

Come To Worship Week 4
Come To Worship Week 4
Locations & Times
Midland Free Methodist Church
5821 Eastman Ave, Midland, MI 48640, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
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http://subsplash.com/mfmcmedia/appONLINE GIVING
Thank you for giving, It is your generosity that allows us to do what we do. Every bit helps, so thank you so much for your contribution.
https://midlandfreemethodistchurch.cloverdonations.com/online-giving/TEXT TO GIVE
Thank you for giving. Text to give is a smart and easy way to give on your mobile device.
https://give.church/ua8l64uCONNECT CARD
We are glad you are here, you can fill out your connect card by clicking the link below or in the Midland Free Methodist App.
http://goo.gl/forms/vtv37xZYytMFMC MEDIA PAGE
Miss a sermon? Want to hear it again? Follow the link below to access our sermon series and sermon notes.
http://subsplash.com/mfmcmediaWORSHIP WORDS
Click the link for this week's worship words.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0ug9v2jtrscfmzx/Worship%20Words%2012.24.17.pdf?dl=0SERMON NOTES
Follow along and take your own notes on the sermon by following the link below.
https://notes.subsplash.com/fill-in/view?doc=HkbzKRBZGMIDLAND FREE METHODIST WEBSITE
The web site is a great starting point if you're new here, or want to share the site with someone you want to invite to Midland Free Methodist.
http://midlandfmc.orgWEDNESDAY MORNING PRAYER
6:30am - 7:15am Ministry Center Classroom
Join us as we pray together every Wednesday morning. We have a short devotional, a time of worship followed by intentionally praying for the unchurched and for our surrounding community.
Join us as we pray together every Wednesday morning. We have a short devotional, a time of worship followed by intentionally praying for the unchurched and for our surrounding community.
Wednesday Evening activities will resume on January 3rd.
Small Groups are gearing up again. Check the website and app for more details!
The Church office will be closed Tuesday, December 26 & Tuesday January 2. We will be checking messages.
Just a reminder that when Midland Public Schools are closed so are church activities. Have a safe and thankful winter.

Midland Free Methodist Church