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Dover Assembly of God

11.26.2017 | Life of David - Week 19

11.26.2017 | Life of David - Week 19

Locations & Times

Dover Assembly of God

4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM


Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly.

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Weekly Bulletin

November 26, 2017

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.

9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries


Thurs., Dec. 7, 6:30 p.m.~ Please join us at the Dover Valley restaurant for our annual Christmas dinner. Be sure to sign up and bring a friend with you!

Fri., Dec. 15, 6:00 p.m.~ Mark your calendars for our annual Women of Purpose Christmas Dinner at Ray’s in Wellsville. Please fill a Christmas sock with items of about $10 for our sock exchange. If you have a Secret Sister, please remember her with a Christmas reveal gift of your choosing. Sign up at the Women’s table in the upper foyer. Please see insert for details.


Currently we have several families that are in need of meals immediately. There is a sign up sheet in the lower foyer if you are able to make or plan a meal this week and beyond for those on our prayer list.

Every year we update the numbering system on our mailboxes in the lower foyer. Please take a new and improved mailbox list found on the table in front of the mailboxes. Feel free to use these for Christmas cards, secret sister cards and any other items you wish to leave for someone.

Sun., Dec. 17~ Please see today’s insert for information regarding Christmas blessings for the ladies and children of New Life for Girls. Please bring wrapped shoe boxes by Sun., Dec. 17 and indicate if it is for a lady or for a child (and please include age-range if for a child). Thank you for this Christmas Blessing.

Our R.O.C.K. Kids and Emerge Youth will be baking cookies on Dec. 3 to bless a local soup kitchen. If you can make a donation for pre-made cookie dough, icing tubes, sprinkles, choc chips, etc., please see Michelle Doan.

Sun., Jan. 21~ As we prepare for our Annual Church Business Meeting, one of the items we will be covering is voting for Deacon Board members. The process at Dover Assembly for the election of our Deacon members is to encourage our voting members to submit names of other voting members whom they prayerfully feel would best serve our church and our Lord, Jesus Christ. There are nominating forms at the Information Center. Please write the names of those who you would like to nominate, sign it and place in the ballot box. We will only consider names of nominees from this ballot box. If you do not put the ballot in this secured box, the ballot will not be valid for consideration. Our nominating committee will review all nominees to determine if all constitutional requirements are met by that candidate. The eligible nominees will be contacted and asked to pray over acceptance or rejection of the nomination. The names of those who accept the nomination are then presented to the church body three (3) weeks prior to the annual business meeting. Nomination ballots will be accepted until Sun., Dec 10.

Our current Deacon Board members are:
~ Mark Crumrine
~ Keith Housseal
~ Paul Jones
~ Keith Miller
~ Gil Tunney

We will vote to fill the position left opened by Mark Crumrine when he assumes Phil Stough’s unexpired term.

After many years of service in keeping our church clean, Judy and Brenda had recently retired from the cleaning portion of the church. We appreciate all their faithful years of service. Please continue to keep Dick and family in your prayers over Brenda’s recent home going. Diane Crumrine has assumed this position as our new cleaning person. Welcome aboard, Diane! Also, Phil Stough has decided to step down from your deacon board. Phil has been a tremendous leader throughout the years and we will miss his wisdom and leadership. God Bless you Phil! Mark Crumrine’s term as board member is up this year and he has accepted the appointment to fulfill Phil’s unexpired term.

As you have probably heard, Brenda Sweitzer passed away on Wednesday, November 22nd and Sue Conley passed away on Friday, November 24th. Both of their services will be held at the church this week. Please continue to keep their families in prayer.

Wed., Nov. 29, 2017
~ Viewing 10:00 a.m.
~ Service 11:00 a.m.

Thurs., Nov. 30, 2017
~ Doors Open: 10:00 a.m.
~ Memorial Service: 11:00 a.m.

Dec 1 ~ Dakota Reed
Dec 2 ~ Leon Conley
Dec 3 ~ Darlene Osborn
Dec 5 ~ Diane Crumrine
Dec 7 ~ Jake Reed
Dec 8 ~ Jamie Wible
Dec 8 ~ Dominic Blanchard
Dec 17 ~ Rea Fearson
Dec 17 ~ Katlynn Havens
Dec 18 ~ Kim Coleman
Dec 24 ~ Gladys Johnston
Dec 25 ~ Bhel Villagracia
Dec 30 ~ Mark Crumrine
Dec 31 ~ Brenda Sweitzer ~ in memory

Did we miss you? Please contact Pastor Jeff or Anna.

Tired of raking leaves in your yard? Need other yard work done? Emerge Youth can help with that. Our teens are available to help with yard work including raking leaves, mowing, etc. Half of the money donated will be given to Speed-The-Light and the rest will be used to help our teens attend youth convention next year. If you’d like to hire the teens, please sign up in the foyer & we’ll be in contact to set an appointment. Thank you for your support!

Dec 3 ~ Cookie Baking ~ R.O.C.K. Kids and Teens
Dec 7 ~ Men’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 14 ~ Deacon Board Christmas Dinner
Dec 15 ~ Women’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 17 ~ R.O.C.K. kids and teens ~ human video
Dec 24 ~ NO Sunday School ~ Morning Worship Service as usual
Dec 24 ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service-6:00pm
Dec 27 ~ NO Family Night Services
Dec 31 ~ NO Sunday School ~ Morning Worship Service as usual
Note: No Church Christmas Dinner this year.

~ Dick Sweitzer
~ Judy Lanids
~ Sherry and Ken Sheely
~ Kendra & Gene Knaub
~ Leon Conley
~ Les Kauffman
~ Robin Housseal
~ Donna Scott (hip surgery)

Last week...

Last week, Pastor Jeff talked about the story of Zechariah & Elizabeth, who remained faithful to God even though their prayers for a child weren't answered right away.
We're continuing with our look at David's life today. Today's message goes right along with what has been in the news lately ~ sexual harassment...

People in powerful positions using their position to do things they shouldn’t be doing...
Today we're going to look at account of a man in a position of power having his way with the wife of another man, and not just any other man, but a trusted friend of that powerful man...

...that of course would be David & Bathsheba...
We left off last time (about a month ago) with God telling David, that Solomon, not David would build the temple. David was cool with that. He accepted God’s plan, instead of his own.

2 Samuel 8 talks about how David’s kingdom was just growing. He defeated the Philistines, the Moabites, the Ammonites, the Edomites and the Amalekites. He was just stomping over everyone.

2 Samuel 10, he wins more battles. Everything is going his way. He can seem to do no wrong.

Life if pretty good for him. In fact, so good that he decides that he can win wars without even having to go with the troops.

Now we come to 2 Samuel 11...
David was becoming over confident. Since everything was going his way, he felt he didn’t have to really work at it.
If we begin to feel that we can “phone in” our walk with Christ, then we will be the next to fall.

That phrase means: To perform something halfheartedly or carelessly without full concentration or passion:

All of David’s success had gone to his head. He really thought he was above it all.
He had nothing to do. He probably napped during the day and was awake at night.

“Idle hand are the devil’s workshop” ~ The Living Bible paraphrase of Proverbs 16.

Idleness isn’t just the absence of activity-we all need to rest. Idleness is activity with no purpose.

Samuel Johnson says it this way: “If you are idle, don’t be alone. If you are alone, don’t be idle.”

When we have nothing to do, we have to be careful that we don’t find bad things to do.
There will always things put in our path that we have no control over. We can’t un-see something. You can’t walk around with your eyes covered.

You will see things you shouldn’t see. That’s not the problem.

The problem is when we do a double take, or linger while we watch or contemplate something in our minds that we should have dismissed long ago.
We will have thoughts enter our minds and we will see things that will distract us. But we have to take every thought captive at that moment.

David didn’t do that...
David took his armor off because he didn’t go to battle.
~ When we don’t keep our armor on, we also open ourselves up to an attack of the enemy.

~ When our helmet of salvation is off, we don’t act and behave or think like Christians.

~ Without the breastplate of righteousness our heart is left unprotected.

~ Without the belt of truth, we believe lies like I can get away with this.
Unsaved people do not think like Christians, their heart is totally corrupted and they think they can get away with it.

But lest we think that we are different, remember what Paul said:
So David begins to plan. Instead of walking away, he starts the process.

Sin is always a process.
Up to this point David could have claimed ignorance, but now David knows and is without excuse.

Not only was she the wife of one of his personal friends and defenders, she was the granddaughter of one of David’s advisors.

David’s 30 mighty men:
David betrayed Uriah his friend and warrior and the grandfather of the women he was about to be with.

If you read later on, Ahithophel sides with Absalom against David.

The sins we commit always involve other people and other people are hurt because of what we do.
Our sins make us very selfish. It’s all about me and what I want and I don’t care who else gets hurt.

I don’t care if one of my loyal friends and fighters gets hurt. I don’t care that my trusted advisors granddaughter is violated.

I’m the king. Up to this point my life has been blessed, everything is going right, why should I deny myself?
A couple of things.

~ More than one commentary asked the question, why was she bathing in the open? Why was she directly in view of the palace?

~ Why did she go to David? Jewish law gave her the legal right to decline. She did not have to violate God’s law even for the king. Was she in fear for her life since he was the king?

The Bible doesn’t address any of these so we can’t really answer them.
The second thing it says about her purification. This is meant to tell us that she was NOT pregnant before her encounter with David.

Think about this: David was given the kingdoms of his enemies, but yet he felt he had to steal a woman.

God has blessed us so much but how many times do we think we have to disobey God to get something that we want, even if we know God says NO? what was the punishment for adultery in the Old Testament?
Do you think that god is serious about this?

Do you think that David now realized how serious this was?

What he thought would be one night, now could ruin him.

Do you think David or any of those in the news today thought about the consequences first?

Everyone thinks that God will overlook their sin. That he will just “understand the situation”.

Surely God didn’t mean for me to be unhappy, surely this is wasn’t God REALLY meant.

Either we forget or we don’t know God’s word when it says:
You may get away with sin for a while, but as we see in the news today, you won’t get away with it forever.

The good news is just that, the good news!

No matter the depth of our sin, God is willing and able to forgive us of them and start us out anew.

We may still struggle with the consequences of our actions, but we can take comfort in the knowledge that our sins have been forgiven and forgotten by the one who matters.

Thank you for joining us!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!