CrossWay Church
November 26: Shining Like Stars
Locations & Times
CrossWay Church Battle Ground
311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
Philippians 2:12-30 (952 & 1825): Shining like Stars
I) God has placed Christians in this world to bring ________ in the midst of darkness.
A) The world is ________________ by sin.
B) The world’s darkness gives Christians the ______________ to shine.
C) God has put each Christian in their own ___________ spot to shine.
II) A Christian’s ability to shine is a _________________ of their and God's work.
A) The Bible describes ________ dimensions of a believers' salvation
1) Past: _________________ is a free gift. Jesus died for our sins. If we have faith in Christ as our Savior, God declares us righteous.
2) Future: The final _________________ still awaits. Jesus will come again to judge all people and restore all things.
3) Present: ____________________ is the ongoing renewal of believers that leads to their growing in Christlikeness.
B) Paul says that present sanctification requires . . .
1) Hard ________________ on the part of the believer.
2) A _____________ view of God
3) A willingness to have our lives be ______________________.
C) God works in _________________________ with believers.
III) Christian shine brighter when their lives reflect _____________ Christ's holiness.
A) Christians shine brighter when they ___________ God’s commands in his word.
B) Christians shine brighter when they don’t ______________ or argue.
1) Grumbling puts us in the center of the universe and says I _____________________ better.
2) Grumbling says I _________________ better than God.
C) Christians shine brighter when they ____________ others.
IV. Questions to think about this week.
What dark places had God put you in?
How can you reflect Christ brighter?
I) God has placed Christians in this world to bring ________ in the midst of darkness.
A) The world is ________________ by sin.
B) The world’s darkness gives Christians the ______________ to shine.
C) God has put each Christian in their own ___________ spot to shine.
II) A Christian’s ability to shine is a _________________ of their and God's work.
A) The Bible describes ________ dimensions of a believers' salvation
1) Past: _________________ is a free gift. Jesus died for our sins. If we have faith in Christ as our Savior, God declares us righteous.
2) Future: The final _________________ still awaits. Jesus will come again to judge all people and restore all things.
3) Present: ____________________ is the ongoing renewal of believers that leads to their growing in Christlikeness.
B) Paul says that present sanctification requires . . .
1) Hard ________________ on the part of the believer.
2) A _____________ view of God
3) A willingness to have our lives be ______________________.
C) God works in _________________________ with believers.
III) Christian shine brighter when their lives reflect _____________ Christ's holiness.
A) Christians shine brighter when they ___________ God’s commands in his word.
B) Christians shine brighter when they don’t ______________ or argue.
1) Grumbling puts us in the center of the universe and says I _____________________ better.
2) Grumbling says I _________________ better than God.
C) Christians shine brighter when they ____________ others.
IV. Questions to think about this week.
What dark places had God put you in?
How can you reflect Christ brighter?