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Dover Assembly of God

11.19.2017 | When God Is Silent

11.19.2017 | When God Is Silent

Locations & Times

Dover Assembly of God

4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM


Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly.

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Weekly Bulletin

November 19, 2017

We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.

9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries



Ladies, set your calendar for Friday, Dec 15 at 6:00 pm. for our annual Women of Purpose Christmas Dinner. We will go to Ray’s in Wellsville. There will be a $10 Christmas Sock exchange for everyone. If you have a Secret Sister, please remember a Christmas gift for her. Please sign up at the Women’s table in the upper foyer.

The guys will be going to Dover Valley restaurant on Thurs. Dec 7 at 6:30 pm for our Christmas dinner. Be sure to sign up and bring a friend with you!

Join us we study John Bevere’s book / DVD series entitled “Good or God?”. What we think is good might not be what God defines as good. Come and hear what those differences are.

There are copies of this book for sale at the Women’s table. The cost is $10 each.


Every year we update the numbering system on our mailboxes in the lower foyer to include any new additions. Please take a new and improved mailbox list found on the table in front of the mailboxes. Feel free to use these for Christmas Cards, Secret sister cards and any other items you wish to leave for someone.

Also, please be sure to notice that the number for the corresponding box is ABOVE the box, not below. Make sure that all your mail actually is your mail.

As of Nov 5, we have received a total of $4065.00 towards the goal of paying off our parking lot loan. Thank you for your continued support! Remember we have a donor who will match the first $10,000 we raise. And we’re almost half way there!

After assessing the intended benefits and desires of having an all-church Christmas dinner with the actual complications and unintended consequences of not being able to seat everyone together and having the same few people doing most of the work, we have decided to no longer have an all-church Christmas dinner. You are welcome to join the departmental ministry dinners that are held in December.

Please take a moment to read the information found at concerning our church’s upcoming season of prayer and fasting. We believe that God desires to work in our fellowship. Our part is to take time out to seek him!

Currently we have several families that are in need of meals immediately. There is a sign up sheet in the lower foyer if you are able to make or plan a meal this week and beyond for those on our prayer list.

After many years of service in keeping our church clean, Brenda & Judy have retired. We appreciate all their years of service and pray God’s blessings on them as they make this transition. Please continue to keep Brenda in your prayers as she recovers from surgery. Diane Crumrine has been hired as our new cleaning person. Welcome aboard, Diane!
Also, Phil Stough has decided to step down from your deacon board. Phil has been a tremendous leader throughout the years and we will miss his wisdom and leadership. God Bless you Phil!

Mark Crumrine’s term as board member is up this year and he has accepted the appointment to fulfill Phil’s unexpired term.

As we prepare for our annual church business meeting on Sun., Jan. 21, one of the items we will be covering is voting for Deacon Board members. The process at Dover Assembly for the election of our Deacon members is to encourage our voting members to submit names of other voting members whom they prayerfully feel would best serve our church and our Lord, Jesus Christ. There are nominating forms at the Information Center. Please write the names of those who you would like to nominate, sign it and place them in the ballot box. We will only consider names of nominees from this ballot box. If you do not put the ballot in this secured box, the ballot will not be valid for consideration. Our nominating committee will review all nominees to determine if all constitutional requirements are met by that candidate.

The eligible nominees will be contacted and asked to pray over acceptance or rejection of the nomination. The names of those who accept the nomination are then presented to the church body three (3) weeks prior to the annual business meeting. Nomination ballots will be accepted until Sunday, Dec 10.

Our current Deacon Board members are:
~ Mark Crumrine
~ Keith Housseal
~ Paul Jones
~ Keith Miller
~ Gil Tunney

We need to fill the position left opened by Mark when he assumes Phil’s unexpired term.

Tired of raking leaves in your yard? Need other yard work done? Emerge Youth can help with that. Our teens are available to help with yard work including raking leaves, mowing, etc. Half of the money donated will be given to Speed The Light and the rest will be used to help our teens attend youth convention next year. If you’d like to hire the teens, please sign up in the foyer & we’ll be in contact to set an appointment. Thank you for your support!

Nov 22 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service (All classes in Sanctuary)
Dec 7 ~ Men’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 14 ~ Deacon Board Christmas Dinner
Dec 15 ~ Women’s Christmas Dinner
Dec 24 ~ Morning Worship service as usual
Dec 24 ~ Christmas Eve Candlelight Service @ 6:00pm
Dec 27 ~ No Family Night Services
Dec 31 ~ Morning worship service as usual

Note: there is no all-church Christmas dinner this year!

Last week...

Last week, Pastor Jeff talked about prayer and fasting.
We're going to take another detour from our series on the life of David today and look at a passage in Luke, but before we do that, let's look at what's going on at the time...

The beginning of Luke is one of the 2 accounts of the Christmas story.

Up until this point, it was a dark time for Israel. The people had not heard from God in over 400 years.

No prophets had been called or had risen from their ranks.

The spiritual leaders were far from God and had gotten tangled up with 400 years of tradition that basically pushed God’s law to the side in favor of what they had been doing for all that time.
We constantly have to be on guard that we don’t make our preferences of the time, a tradition.

Why? Because things that we deem as traditions may push what God wants out of the way.

Because we like them or because we get comfortable with them.
What they became comfortable with over rode their desire to change and we see how those traditions eventually caused the death of Christ.
Not only were devout Jews in tough times with their own leaders, their governmental officials were also against them.

This is Herod the great, he was nominally Jewish. He was an Edomite.

The Roman government had appointed his grandfather and his father and now appointed him as Tetrarch. Tetrarch was basically ruler over ¼ of a province. Herod was the tetrarch of Galilee.

History tells us that he had 9 or 10 wives, one of whom he had executed for no apparent reason.

He was the one who ordered the slaughter of the babies in Bethlehem, so you get an idea of his wickedness.
The government was opposed devout Jews (they let them exist as long as they didn’t cause trouble).

Not only that, your own people had all these traditions that basically made it hard to serve God faithfully.

But not even all those odds kept everyone away.

No matter how dark the times are God always has a remnant of people who follow Him in spite of the atmosphere if the times.
No matter how difficult the times, God still calls us to be faithful.
Wow, not only were they probably getting grief from the outside, they were struggling within themselves.

Life for this couple who were faithful was not perfect.

Life had not gone the way they planned or hoped.

For most women and especially women in Bible times, having children was a huge deal.

Look how she expressed it when God showed up.
She called it a disgrace that everyone would have known about and referred to it as.

And being faithful, it is like that this was a constant matter of prayer for them.

They probably read and re-read the account of Hannah--how the Bible says God closed her womb and how it says she prayed in bitterness.
Here we have a couple that have most likely faced opposition from their extended family, they knew they couldn’t count on any official siding with them.

They knew they couldn’t start and trouble or rock the boat. They really had nothing but their trust in the Lord.

They simply lived their lives for God and continued in their obedience.

Not only that, they went years of being faithful with unanswered prayer.

They were faithful and dedicated and God had not answered their prayers for a child.

How long have we prayed for something while being faithful and dedicated and nothing?
Hebrews 11 can be considered the "faith chapter." It details all the accounts of God answering dramatically and miraculously.
We, as believers, trust our lives to these and other verses where God shows up.

We’ve all experienced similar situations where God does the impossible.

And we keep praying expecting more of the same.

But in that same chapter, in fact the same paragraph, also details those who God did not deliver or answer.
Do you think that these took time to pray for help?

Do you think they trusted God to deliver them?

What does God say about this group of believers--ones who didn’t receive what they believed God for?
Zechariah and Elizabeth both served God faithfully in spite of not having everything go their way.

Neither this couple or Hannah knew what God would do.

In fact, Zechariah & Elizabeth had probably stopped praying about it because they were too old to have children naturally.

So in their eyes, God didn’t answer and never would, but they were faithful anyways.

We don’t know how God is going to respond to all the difficulties in our personal lives as well as our church life, but we continue to serve him faithfully and trust his response.
Seems similar to an account in Daniel, when the 3 boys were going to be thrown into the furnace...
It is not a lack of faith or trust to acknowledge a possible outcome.

We buy health insurance. Do we not trust that God can heal us?

We buy homeowners insurance. Do we not trust that god will protect our home?

We buy those things because we acknowledge that it may be a possibility of needing it.

The thing is they trusted him with either outcome.
Bottom line is: Answered prayer didn’t affect the faith of those who trusted God.

They kept praying and trusting.
Our dedication to serving God should not be based on whether or not God gives us what we pray for. It should be based on our trust in who He is.

God eventually did give Zechariah, Elizabeth & Hannah a child, but their dedication was not based on that.

The Hebrews were delivered, but their trust in God wasn’t based on being delivered. It was based on simply trusting God regardless of the outcome.

Thank you for joining us!

If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!