Elements City Church

Joshua series - wk5
In this series, we are journeying through some of the stories of God in the Old Testament Book of Joshua. God’s call to his people back then to join him in movement toward the promised land has great principles and insights for our journey of following God today. We’re to be ‘strong and courageous’ as we follow him whole-heartedly into the adventures awaiting us.
Locations & Times
Elements City Church
1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA
Sunday 5:00 PM
Thanks for joining us...
Thanks for being with us, we pray that tonight would be encouraging for your week ahead. If you're a guest here with us, we invite you to fill out our communication card at the Next Steps table in the hallway after service, we'd love to meet you and we have a free gift for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...
http://elem.cc/weeklyRecap: From beginning to end – the book of Joshua identifies ‘Yahweh’s’ commitment to fulfill his promises to Israel as the driving force behind its narratives. The last couple weeks we've looked at:
-God called & commissions Joshua & he calls & commissions each of us.
- God’s always looking – always at work drawing people toward Himself
-Making Memory Markers helps us remember God's activity in our past and His promise to continue now and into the future.
-You never know what God will set in motion with one small step of obedience. This Jericho story reminds us to live by faith – to TRUST in God’s ways over our cleverness.
-God called & commissions Joshua & he calls & commissions each of us.
- God’s always looking – always at work drawing people toward Himself
-Making Memory Markers helps us remember God's activity in our past and His promise to continue now and into the future.
-You never know what God will set in motion with one small step of obedience. This Jericho story reminds us to live by faith – to TRUST in God’s ways over our cleverness.
Have you ever had a failure moment? Not just a mistake moment, but one where if you're honest with yourself - you know you missed God's best?
God is Holy. He is the one calling the shots. We’re not the ones in charge –
We’re the created, not the Creator. Sin is not a popular topic – we don’t like to talk about it. But the reality is that God had to deal with it. Ultimately, we remember and honor Jesus, because God dealt with sin through Jesus.
We’re the created, not the Creator. Sin is not a popular topic – we don’t like to talk about it. But the reality is that God had to deal with it. Ultimately, we remember and honor Jesus, because God dealt with sin through Jesus.
JESUS took care of the greatest and biggest effect of our disobedience, our sin, and rebellion against God. And as we have faith in Jesus and in Jesus alone – we’re saved from God’s wrath against our sin. We may still face consequences for our acts of disobedience, but we no longer face the relational repercussions of our sin with God & where it leaves us with him.
Our greatest consequence has been dealt with - that's why we're grateful to live in the shadow of the cross.
Our greatest consequence has been dealt with - that's why we're grateful to live in the shadow of the cross.
We don't minimize sin, but we do MAXIMIZE JESUS.
We maximize Jesus, so we’re continually captivated by all He did on our behalf - all He did to bring us home into relationship with our Creator, restore us relationally with him, reconcile us and pay the debt we owed and could never pay off on our own. As we maximize Jesus – We are fueled by gratitude and move forward, not haunted by guilt and held back.
The Devil wants to speak condemnation over us because of our sinful choices. Jesus speaks value over us despite our sinful choices.
“The devil knows you by your name, but calls you by your sin.
God knows your sin, but calls you by your name."
-Ricardo Sanchez
“The devil knows you by your name, but calls you by your sin.
God knows your sin, but calls you by your name."
-Ricardo Sanchez
The practice of repentance matters. Repentance keeps us anchored to Jesus and all He is and all He’s done – it MAXIMIZES HIM and leads us to worship and away from hiding or wallowing in our sin. As we enter a time of practicing repentance - here's some Scriptures that can aid in that process of being honest with God, confessing our wrongs and seeking His healing and resting in His guarantee to never abandon us.
Need Prayer? ....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you. Or you can text the word "prayer" to our phone number: #520-300-9001 to submit your prayer request or submit one via our new app. We look forward to partnering with you in prayer.
Thanks for joining us tonight - we pray that God's best blessings will go with you this week. May you sense His forgiveness and His presence with you each step of each day!