Dover Assembly of God

11.12.2017 | Prayer & Fasting
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
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November 12, 2017
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
3:00 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
Ladies, set your calendar for Friday, Dec 5 at 6:00 pm. for our annual Women of Purpose Christmas Dinner. We will go to Ray’s in Wellsville. There will be a $10 grab bag exchange for those who have a Secret Sister. We will also be doing the Christmas Sock event again! Please sign up at the Women’s table in the upper foyer.
The guys will be going to Dover Valley restaurant on Thurs. Dec 7 at 6:30 pm for our Christmas dinner. Be sure to sign up and bring a friend with you!
Join us we study John Bevere’s book / DVD series entitled “Good or God?”. What we think is good might not be what God defines as good. Come and hear what those differences are.
There are copies of this book for sale at the Women’s table. The cost is $10 each.
Thank you! Pastor Jeff and I would like to thank all of you who were able to attend Pastor’s surprise BD party this past Sunday! Thank you for keeping it a secret for so long! He was truly surprised. And the greatest blessing was having all four of our daughters and their families in church to celebrate with us! We want to thank you for the cards, kind words, gifts, etc. And, as always, it takes a village to pull off something like this so we thank all those who blessed us with the beautiful and yummy cake (Yvonne!) to those who decorated and served in the kitchen, to the Kids church for the birthday song and balloons, and all the other details that go into a surprise party. We don’t want to forget anyone so we simply say, THANK YOU! We love and appreciate you! To God be the Glory ~ Pastor and Anna
As of Nov 5, we have received a total of $4065.00 towards the goal of paying off our parking lot loan. Thank you for your continued support! Remember we have a donor who will match the first $10,000 we raise. And we’re almost half way there!
After assessing the intended benefits and desires of having an all-church Christmas dinner with the actual complications and unintended consequences of not being able to seat everyone together and having the same few people doing most of the work, we have decided to no longer have an all-church Christmas dinner. You are welcome to join the departmental ministry dinners that are held in December.
Please take a moment to read the information found at concerning our church’s upcoming season of prayer and fasting. We believe that God desires to work in our fellowship. Our part is to take time out to seek him!
Tired of raking leaves in your yard? Need other yard work done? Emerge Youth can help with that. Our teens are available to help with yard work including raking leaves, mowing, etc. Half of the money donated will be given to Speed The Light and the rest will be used to help our teens attend youth convention next year. If you’d like to hire the teens, please sign up in the foyer & we’ll be in contact to set an appointment. Thank you for your support!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
3:00 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
Ladies, set your calendar for Friday, Dec 5 at 6:00 pm. for our annual Women of Purpose Christmas Dinner. We will go to Ray’s in Wellsville. There will be a $10 grab bag exchange for those who have a Secret Sister. We will also be doing the Christmas Sock event again! Please sign up at the Women’s table in the upper foyer.
The guys will be going to Dover Valley restaurant on Thurs. Dec 7 at 6:30 pm for our Christmas dinner. Be sure to sign up and bring a friend with you!
Join us we study John Bevere’s book / DVD series entitled “Good or God?”. What we think is good might not be what God defines as good. Come and hear what those differences are.
There are copies of this book for sale at the Women’s table. The cost is $10 each.
Thank you! Pastor Jeff and I would like to thank all of you who were able to attend Pastor’s surprise BD party this past Sunday! Thank you for keeping it a secret for so long! He was truly surprised. And the greatest blessing was having all four of our daughters and their families in church to celebrate with us! We want to thank you for the cards, kind words, gifts, etc. And, as always, it takes a village to pull off something like this so we thank all those who blessed us with the beautiful and yummy cake (Yvonne!) to those who decorated and served in the kitchen, to the Kids church for the birthday song and balloons, and all the other details that go into a surprise party. We don’t want to forget anyone so we simply say, THANK YOU! We love and appreciate you! To God be the Glory ~ Pastor and Anna
As of Nov 5, we have received a total of $4065.00 towards the goal of paying off our parking lot loan. Thank you for your continued support! Remember we have a donor who will match the first $10,000 we raise. And we’re almost half way there!
After assessing the intended benefits and desires of having an all-church Christmas dinner with the actual complications and unintended consequences of not being able to seat everyone together and having the same few people doing most of the work, we have decided to no longer have an all-church Christmas dinner. You are welcome to join the departmental ministry dinners that are held in December.
Please take a moment to read the information found at concerning our church’s upcoming season of prayer and fasting. We believe that God desires to work in our fellowship. Our part is to take time out to seek him!
Tired of raking leaves in your yard? Need other yard work done? Emerge Youth can help with that. Our teens are available to help with yard work including raking leaves, mowing, etc. Half of the money donated will be given to Speed The Light and the rest will be used to help our teens attend youth convention next year. If you’d like to hire the teens, please sign up in the foyer & we’ll be in contact to set an appointment. Thank you for your support!
Last week...
Last week, Pastor Luis talked about hospitality. We always receive blessings when we show hospitality to others.
As you know we have several very serious health issues that some of our church family is facing.
We have some who are facing tough financial struggles, some are facing hard family times.
And since we deal with people, there are some personal issues that are brewing as well.
All this leads me to believe that it is time for this church to get serious about our relationship with God and to understand what God is doing and to seek his face.
We have talked about spiritual warfare before, but now I want to focus on our reaction to it.
We have some who are facing tough financial struggles, some are facing hard family times.
And since we deal with people, there are some personal issues that are brewing as well.
All this leads me to believe that it is time for this church to get serious about our relationship with God and to understand what God is doing and to seek his face.
We have talked about spiritual warfare before, but now I want to focus on our reaction to it.
Nothing was working for them. What God said would happen was not happening...
...because they were not using the resources that God had provided for them.
They failed because they had been careless in their personal spiritual walk. They had neglected prayer and fasting.
...because they were not using the resources that God had provided for them.
They failed because they had been careless in their personal spiritual walk. They had neglected prayer and fasting.
If Jesus rebuked his disciples for the weak spiritual walk and told them what they needed to do in order to be successful in their ministry, do we not want to adhere to the same advice?
In other words, if we want to see victory in our lives and in our faith, then we need to make sure our spiritual walk in not neglected.
The authority that Jesus gave them was only effective if exercised by faith, but their faith must be cultivated through spiritual discipline and devotion.
We cannot expect God to come through in powerful ways if we are lax in our devotion and surrender to him.
In other words, if we want to see victory in our lives and in our faith, then we need to make sure our spiritual walk in not neglected.
The authority that Jesus gave them was only effective if exercised by faith, but their faith must be cultivated through spiritual discipline and devotion.
We cannot expect God to come through in powerful ways if we are lax in our devotion and surrender to him.
Because the Bible give us many examples of men of God who did.
Because the Bible give us many examples of men of God who did.
Even in married life, God says there will be times when husband and wife shouldn’t come together. But those times should be IN frequently and when that happens, it should only be to take time pray and fast.
And Jesus was put into a situation by God and through prayer and fasting he overcame the temptation.
If God led Jesus to fast before he even began his ministry, that should be reason enough for us to fast too!
What are we doing when we take time to fast and pray?
We are defeating what our natural bodies want and open ourselves up to what God wants.
What are we doing when we take time to fast and pray?
We are defeating what our natural bodies want and open ourselves up to what God wants.
After Jesus defeated the desires of his flesh through fasting, he began his ministry.
The disciples neglected their spiritual life and were defeated at every turn.
When we deny our basic cravings, we put ourselves in a better position to hear from God and to experience the break though that we need in our walk.
What did Jesus say that we as his disciples need to do?
The disciples neglected their spiritual life and were defeated at every turn.
When we deny our basic cravings, we put ourselves in a better position to hear from God and to experience the break though that we need in our walk.
What did Jesus say that we as his disciples need to do?
When we put what God wants above what we want, we open ourselves up to a breakthrough that we have needed.
All the situations I mentioned at the beginning-we need a breakthrough and we need to not neglect our walk and get serious about seeking God.
Jesus rebuked the disciples for neglecting their duties.
All the situations I mentioned at the beginning-we need a breakthrough and we need to not neglect our walk and get serious about seeking God.
Jesus rebuked the disciples for neglecting their duties.
Fasting in the Bible specifically deals with food and water for a particular time-frame.
The literal translation of that word in the Greek means “no food” and in the Hebrew means “not to eat”.
Fasting in the Bible specifically deals with food and water for a particular time-frame.
The literal translation of that word in the Greek means “no food” and in the Hebrew means “not to eat”.
Biblical fasting is usually from sunset of one day to sunset of the next day.
We abstain from food to gain mastery over our flesh. It’s our body that is demanding that we pay attention to it.
We are physically defeating what our flesh wants in order to replace it with what God wants.
While we are denying ourselves, that is when we take time to pray.
The time we would normally take to eat is the time we take to pray.
We are denying our flesh in order to follow God.
We abstain from food to gain mastery over our flesh. It’s our body that is demanding that we pay attention to it.
We are physically defeating what our flesh wants in order to replace it with what God wants.
While we are denying ourselves, that is when we take time to pray.
The time we would normally take to eat is the time we take to pray.
We are denying our flesh in order to follow God.
Fasting is simply denying what you want (not need) to get what God wants.
If we come expecting God to work, we're doing our part and preparing ourselves spiritually to be used by God.
The disciples had the authority to drive out demons, but they weren’t prepared to do it.
If we come expecting God to work, we're doing our part and preparing ourselves spiritually to be used by God.
The disciples had the authority to drive out demons, but they weren’t prepared to do it.
Do we think that God still wants to heal? Does God want families restored? Does God want people to get saved?
If God wants to do all these and they aren’t really happening, what do we think we can do about it?
If God wants to do all these and they aren’t really happening, what do we think we can do about it?
That is what Pastor Jeff is calling us to do today.
He is asking that each of us begin the task of fasting and praying for God to work in this church.
Fasting and praying are not the end of themselves. They are a means to an end and that end is allowing God to work through us in whatever fashion he wants.
We are denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following him.
He is asking that each of us begin the task of fasting and praying for God to work in this church.
Fasting and praying are not the end of themselves. They are a means to an end and that end is allowing God to work through us in whatever fashion he wants.
We are denying ourselves, taking up our cross and following him.
Learn more about our fast
Click here to read the information about our fast that was included in this week's bulletin., this isn’t a contest. This is something you do on your own with no recognition.
We are seeking to grow our own spiritual walk. To make us more like Christ and to be in a position to be used.
We’re not comparing ourselves with anyone else.
We don’t want to neglect what God has already called us to do.
We’re not comparing ourselves with anyone else.
We don’t want to neglect what God has already called us to do.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!