The Vineyard Church

Chasing God: Thirsty for More
Pastor Mark Pope November 11 & 12, 2017
Locations & Times
The Vineyard Church
16219 Jackson Rd, Mishawaka, IN 46544, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:15 AM
More information on all the happenings at The Vineyard Church can be found at our website!
Appetite - A natural desire to satisfy a bodily need… a strong desire or liking for something; craving, longing, hunger or hankering
Appetite - A natural desire to satisfy a bodily need… a strong desire or liking for something; craving, longing, hunger or hankering
Chasing God Speakers
Wednesday - Kevin Clark
Thursday - Joe Wood
Friday - Janice Wood
Saturday - Geno Olison
Wednesday - Kevin Clark
Thursday - Joe Wood
Friday - Janice Wood
Saturday - Geno Olison
Main Point #1:
We should chase God because…
He is God.
We should chase God because…
He is God.
God - אֱלֹהִים (el-o-heem') - divine, divine being, mighty, ruler, exceedingly great
God - אֱלֹהִים (el-o-heem') - divine, divine being, mighty, ruler, exceedingly great
Sub Point:
“Chasing God” is worth the energy,because catching him is life-changing.
“Chasing God” is worth the energy,because catching him is life-changing.
Sub Point:
Esau’s quick, thoughtless,urge cost him a place in God’s big plan.
Esau’s quick, thoughtless,urge cost him a place in God’s big plan.
What am I trading for God's best?
What am I trading for God's best?
Main Point #2:
We should chase God because…
The alternative is fairly dry.
We should chase God because…
The alternative is fairly dry.
Sub Point:
David was drawn toward God, because life wasn’t offering him much.
David was drawn toward God, because life wasn’t offering him much.
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We don't pass a plate for tithes and offerings here at Vineyard, but we do believe that giving back to Jesus through our finances is an important act of our worship.