Clearbranch UMC
Sunday November 12, 2017
ClearBranch is a United Methodist Church serving the Trussville/Argo area of northeast Jefferson County, Alabama. Our Mission is to ENGAGE people through relational ministry, to EQUIP disciples for Christ, and to EMPLOY their gifts through missions. The Vision of Clearbranch UMC is Transformed Lives offering the Transforming Love of Christ
Locations & Times
  • Clearbranch UMC
    8051 Glenn Rd, Trussville, AL 35173, USA
    Sunday 9:30 AM
Series: Who Do You Love?

Sermon Title: If, Then...
Key Scriptures: Luke 10:25-37 (NRSV)

25Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” 26He said to him, “What is written in the law? What do you read there?” 27He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” 28And he said to him, “You have given the right answer; do this, and you will live.” 29But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” 30Jesus replied, “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. 31Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. 34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 35The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’ 36Which of these three, do you think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?” 37He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”
The Key: Sacrifice makes love visible
Three Philosophies in the Good Samaritan Story

What is YOURS is MINE - Robbers

What is MINE is MINE - Priest and the Levite

What is MINE is YOURS - Good Samaritan
If we love GOD, then we love OTHERS

Luke 10:27 (NRSV)
Luke 10:27 (NRSV)

27He answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”
If we love others, then we turn INTENTIONS into ACTIONS

Luke 10:31-34 (NRSV)
Luke 10:31-34 (NRSV)

31Now by chance a priest was going down that road; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 32So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33But a Samaritan while traveling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. 34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

If we love others, then it COST US SOMETHING

Luke 10:35 (NRSV)
Luke 10:35 (NRSV)

35The next day he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Take care of him; and when I come back, I will repay you whatever more you spend.’
If we love OTHERS, then we are loving GOD

Matthew 25:35-36 (NRSV)
Matthew 25:40 (NRSV)
Matthew 25:35-36 (NRSV)

35for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.'
Matthew 25:40 (NRSV)

40And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’

Challenge Questions:

Which philosophy are you living by?

How will you choose to make your love of God visible this week?

Will you take the spiritual gifts test?

What are you willing to sacrifice to love others?
Worship Set:

Song Set;

Look to the Son - Hillsong Worship;

The Greatness of Our God - Vertical Church Band;

Worthy of Your Name - Passion;

God With Us - Jesus Culture;

Only a Holy God - City Alight


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