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Elements City Church

Joshua series - wk4

Joshua series - wk4

In this series, we are journeying through some of the stories of God in the Old Testament Book of Joshua. God’s call to his people back then to join him in movement toward the promised land has great principles and insights for our journey of following God today. We’re to be ‘strong and courageous’ as we follow him whole-heartedly into the adventures awaiting us.

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

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Thanks for being with us, we pray that tonight would be encouraging for your week ahead. If you're a guest here with us, we invite you to fill out our communication card at the Next Steps table in the hallway after service, we'd love to meet you and we have a free gift for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...
Recap: From beginning to end – the book of Joshua identifies ‘Yahweh’s’ commitment to fulfill his promises to Israel as the driving force behind its narratives. The last couple weeks we've looked at:
-God called & commissions Joshua & he calls & commissions each of us.
- God’s always looking – always at work drawing people toward Himself
-Making Memory Markers helps us remember God's activity in our past and His promise to continue now and into the future.
The people of Jericho were expecting a siege and were hiding behind double walls, which they hoped would prove impregnable.
God promises Joshua the victory and then outlines a most strange strategy.
All through the Scriptures we see the 'strange things' of how God operates. One of the deepest theological messages of this story is that God is teaching us to trust Him instead of trusting our own cleverness.
Jericho falls through God's intervention. The impossible happened. It reminds us of what Jesus said "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” = Impossibility isn’t in God’s vocabulary.
Now, there are some troubling questions raised in this passage/story. What do we do with this violence? Do we sidestep these questions raised in this experience? Do we spiritualize it and leave it neutered of it’s raw reality? The God of the OT and the NT are the same. Justice and Grace are both found in Him. It is fascinating to observe how the writer mentions the destruction of Jericho and in the same sentence, mentions the salvation of Rahab. Justice and Grace simultaneous = that’s also what we see in Jesus on the Cross (God’s Justice and Grace).
God is still in the business of breaking down walls today – still seeking His people to listen and walk in obedience to His leading today. God never promises to lead us around obstacles to avoid them, but he will lead us through them as we follow Him forward faithfully.
*key takeaway: You never know what God will set in motion with one small step of obedience.
This story reminds us to live by faith – to TRUST in God’s ways over Our ways. To live by faith.
God loves overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I’ve asked our worship team to come and sing a new song over us – as we take a moment to engage in prayerful faith – asking God to tear down walls again. -Maybe it’s walls that you’ve created and you need God’s intervention to help you take them down so you can move forward following Him. -Maybe it’s an obstacle that is a WALL before you today in a circumstance, relationship, situation and you need God's intervention. -Maybe you want to take a moment to ask God to intercede on behalf of our city – a city in desperate need for God to tear down walls. Break down the walls of relational damage, poverty, hunger, hopelessness, racial divides, financial ruin and struggle, spiritual separation and more.
Need Prayer? ....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you. Or you can text the word "prayer" to our phone number: #520-300-9001 to submit your prayer request or submit one via our new app. We look forward to partnering with you in prayer.

*download it from your app store now...