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Solid Rock Worship Center

Reformation (part 3)

Reformation (part 3)

Our series, “Reformation,” celebrates the 500-year anniversary of Martin Luther's posting of the Ninety-five Theses (October 31, 1517) on the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. It is our desire that God would bring Reformation to all of our lives during this exciting 5 week series. Invite someone to attend with you!

Locations & Times


201 Kennedy Dr, Landisville, NJ 08326, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Week 3 Sola Fide & Sola Christus
("Faith Alone" in "Christ Alone")
Justification, right relationship with God, is based on what ________ accomplished for us. In order to receive the benefits of Jesus’ work, we must place our _________ in Him—nothing more and nothing less.
> I am saved by ____________ alone in ____________ alone. (Gal. 2:15-16)
> I receive the Holy Spirit by ____________ alone in ____________ alone. (Gal. 3:1-5)
> I will ______ _______ requirements to faith. (Gal. 2:17-21)
> I will _______ ______ ‘faith alone in Christ alone.’ (Gal. 2:19b-20)
This week, I will LIVE OUT what I LEARNED by…
Discussion Questions:
What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message?

What was it that Jesus accomplished for us and how did He do it?

Why is Jesus’ death and resurrection the only solution for sin?

How can someone know for sure if they have saving faith in Jesus?

What about when you don’t feel close to God—what do you do then? How can you grow in your trust in God?

What can you pray for?

Solid Rock's Website

Visit our website for our calendar, this week's bulletin, to download Pastor Jim's Sunday's Messages, & more!

Online Giving

If you would to give your tithes offerings with our online giving system, you can do that here:

Spend time with Jesus everyday this week!

Read or listen to "Our Daily Bread" here!