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Valley Church Cupertino

The Gorgeous (and Gut-Wrenching) Geography of Galatians

The Gorgeous (and Gut-Wrenching) Geography of Galatians

Darren Seitz Oct 29, 2017 9:00 am and 10:45 am

Locations & Times

Valley Church Cupertino

10885 N Stelling Rd, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

Big Thought #1: The National Parks provide a picture of Paul’s first letter. We’ll call it “Galatians Theological Park” because it’s BREATHTAKING and INTIMIDATING at the same time.

Big Thought #2: Galatians is thrilling. It has glorious VIEWS of great NEWS for every human being.

Big Thought #3: But Galatians has some WILD TRUTHS running through it that we TURN OUR BACKS ON at our peril.
I. At first the Galatians were SUCCESSFUL on their salvation venture.

ESV Galatians 4:4-5 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.
Four Staggering Effects of “Simple Faith”:
1. God confers on them a new STATUS (Gal. 2:16; 3:6)
2. God conveys to them his own BEING (Gal. 3:2; 5:25; 3:14; 3:27-28
3. God calls them to a new COURSE of life. (Gal. 5:7; 5:18)
4. God commits to ENRICH them eternally. (Gal. 6:8; 3:18; 6:9; 4:7)

ESV Galatians 5:5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness

To move from “righteousness credited” to “righteousness confirmed,” live The LOVE-Shaped Life. The form that your simple faith in Jesus takes now is “agape,” that is, simple DEVOTION to the needs of other people, by the sustaining power of the Holy Spirit. ESV

Galatians 5:6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
II. But later the Galatians went SIDEWAYS on their salvation venture.
“The Judaizers” promoted The LAW Driven Life — “righteousness confirmed” by keeping the Torah of Moses.

ESV Galatians 3:22-24 But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. 23 Now before faith came, we were held captive under the law, imprisoned until the coming faith would be revealed. 24 So then, the law was our guardian until Christ came, in order that we might be justified by faith.

“The Minimizers” promote The LAW - OF - CHRIST-less Life. Righteousness is already confirmed, so how you live doesn’t matter.
“The Ekpistospneumatizers” promote The Love-Shaped Life — expressing agape out of faith and by the Spirit.

“Ek”—“out of”; “Pistos”—faith; “Pneuma”—Holy Spirit; “Tizer”—Proponent

An “Ekpistospneumatist” is a believing man, woman or child who happily lives out of faith (always celebrating the King Jesus Story), and by the Spirit (always launching forward in love).
Attaching the Torahs of Moses and Men/Women (Left-side Defection)
1. Circumcision—Cutting of the male flesh.
2. Food laws—Avoiding non-kosher items.
3. Holiday observance—Scrupulous practice of Jewish holy days.
4. 610 other commandments—Everything else that the law demands.
5. Conventional fundamental morality—No drinking, dancing, cards, etc.
6. Anti-conventional morality—Rejecting all traditional moral habits.
7. Respectable religious life—Carefully staying safe and conventional. 8. Nationalism—Extreme veneration of one’s nation.
9. Ethnocentrism—Thinking one’s race is superior to others.
10. Cultural/tribal conformity—Honoring expectations of one’s upbringing.
11. Conservative politics—Mixing Christianity with right-wing views.
12. Liberal politics—Mixing Christianity with left-wing views.
13. Denominationalism—Measuring truth only by one’s group of believers.
14. Theological system-ism—Looking down on other Christian traditions.
15. Pleasing a pseudo-king or queen—Staying in step with a person, not the Spirit
Abandoning the Torah of Jesus the Messiah (Right-side Defection)
1. Sexual immorality—Fornication, prostitution and homosexuality.
2. Impurity—Pornography and the like.
3. Sensuality—Giving oneself over to immoral practices.
4. Idolatry—Image worship and idolizing created things.
5. Sorcery—Magic and occultism.
6. Enmity—Chronic hostile feelings and actions.
7. Strife—Maintaining disagreements and being contentious.
8. Jealousy—Intense negative feelings about achievements of others.
9. Fits of anger—Rage and continual expressions of indignation.
10. Rivalries—Disputes with fellow believers from selfish ambition and ego.
11. Dissensions—Perpetual personal opposition to other people.
12. Divisions—Refusing to be reconciled and peace with other people .
13. Envy—Strong desires for what others possess.
14. Drunkenness—Habitual intoxication from drugs and alcohol.
15. Orgies—Carousing and partying.
The Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians
1. Love—Undying affection and assistance for others.
2. Joy—Frequent gladness, cheerfulness and delight.
3. Peace—Harmony in personal and ministry relationships.
4. Patience—Tranquility while awaiting an outcome.
5. Kindness—Being beneficial and helpful to others.
6. Goodness—Genuine interest in the lives and wellbeing of others.
7. Faithfulness—Trustworthiness for God and others.
8. Gentleness—Considerate and mild treatment of others.
9. Self-control—Consistent mastery of one’s emotions, impulses and desires.
The Heartbeat of Agape in Galatians
1. Helping the empty-handed (Gal. 2:10)
2. Embracing all believers (Gal. 2:11-12)
3. Meeting practical needs (Gal. 5:13)
4. Recovering stumblers compassionately (Gal. 6:1)
5. Listening and supporting (Gal. 6:2)
6. Taking personal responsibility (Gal. 6:5)
7. Supporting the ministry of the local church (Gal. 6:6)
8. Claiming the King at a cost (Gal. 6:17)
Questions for DISCIPLE Groups and Individuals
1. What is your favorite National Park (in this country or another one) and why?

2. The speaker taught that righteousness is a “now-and-later” phenomenon in the life of a believer. How does this idea strike you? Read Galatians 3:6 for “now” and Galatians 5:5 for “later.”

3. The gospel is a story about a person — a biography about our Pioneer and King. Read Galatians 4:4-5 again and savor each element.

4. We start the “race of righteousness” by Simple Faith and we continue by SimpleLove-Shaped Faith. Reread Galatians 5:6. What is Simple Faith is your view?

5. Read the list of enslaving “Torahs” on the right — especially numbers 5-15. Where do you see believers getting trapped? How do these Torahs squeeze out love for others? Why is the “sideways left” departure so dangerous for believers?

6. One famous theologian wrote the following: The Holy Spirit is the quickening power in which Jesus Christ places a sinful man [or woman] in His community and thus gives him the freedom, in active self-giving to God and his fellows as God’s witness, to correspond to the love in which God has drawn him to Himself and raised him up, overcoming his sloth and misery.” What a thought, that Jesus places us in his society so that we can be active self-givers to God who leave lovelessness and laziness behind. How do you respond?

7. Although there is no code of agape (codes are out) Paul gives his readers (and us) agape ideas. Read “The Heartbeat of Agape in Galatians” at the top right, looking up each verse in turn. Share with your group members one or two that you sense the Holy Spirit might be nudging you to develop.

8. Talk now about the “sideways right “ defection from Christ. Do you agree that the American Church is in the Age of Grace (Minimizers)? Do you think that past centuries had different tendencies? How can we be aware of the prevailing theological mood and not be impacted negatively?

9. Every pastor and believer leans towards Judaizing or Minimizing. Which way do you lean and why? If you grew up in a church, did it tilt one way or the other? Then discuss how you can you stay in the middle, finishing out of faith and by the Spirit (aka being an Ekpistospneumatist).

10. What did you get out of today’s message?

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