The Vineyard Church

Connected For a Cause: Easy Ways to Offer Christ to Our friends.
Pastor Mark Pope October 28 & 29, 2017
Locations & Times
The Vineyard Church
16219 Jackson Rd, Mishawaka, IN 46544, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:15 AM
More information on all the happenings at The Vineyard Church can be found at our website!
Main Point #1:
Paul’s “Sharing Christ” strategy included…
A distinct focus.
Paul’s “Sharing Christ” strategy included…
A distinct focus.
Sub Point:
When it came to evangelistic conversations, Paul limited himself to the most important issue.
When it came to evangelistic conversations, Paul limited himself to the most important issue.
Sub Point:
For many tangent topics, Paul had an “I don’t know” answer.
For many tangent topics, Paul had an “I don’t know” answer.
Sub Point:
Jesus suffered for Sin.
He rose from the grave.
What are you going to do with that?
Jesus suffered for Sin.
He rose from the grave.
What are you going to do with that?
Where does my conversation need more restraint?
Where does my conversation need more restraint?
Main Point #2:
Paul’s “Sharing Christ” strategy included…
An imperfect proclamation.
Paul’s “Sharing Christ” strategy included…
An imperfect proclamation.
Sub Point:
Paul just did the best he could, and God added His power to save.
Paul just did the best he could, and God added His power to save.
You can give online, through our SecureGive App, in the offering boxes, and at the Giving Center Kiosk in the Atrium.
We don't pass a plate for tithes and offerings here at Vineyard, but we do believe that giving back to Jesus through our finances is an important act of our worship.