Dover Assembly of God

10.22.2017 | Life of David - Week 18
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. the Dover Assembly app!
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October 22, 2017
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
3:00 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ WOP Bible Study
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
1:00 pm ~ Fall Festival
October has been designated Pastor Appreciation Month though out the Assemblies of God. This year we have the distinct pleasure of recognizing our three pastors. Pastors Jeff Bender, Keith Miller and Luis Nunez have served our church and community faithfully. On Sun., Oct. 29, we will be receiving a special offering as a show of our gratitude for their service. We encourage everyone to make an extra effort this month to say “thank you” to Pastors Jeff, Keith & Luis. We hope to see everyone on Sun., Oct 29 for a special recognition service in honor of our pastors and their families. – Dover Assembly of God Deacon Board
Be sure to be with us on Sun., Nov. 5 as we join with our Spanish service believers and Pastor Luis brings a powerful word from God!
Planning and advertising has been completed and now the fun begins with final touches. We are still in need of a few items and if you are able to donate please have them to the church by Wednesday, October 25th.
~ 5 cases -small bottle of water (BJs has them for $7.00 for 70 bottles)
~ 5 cases – Little Hugs drinks
~ 100 – clear plastic goodie bags for sweet treats
Volunteers are also needed to facilitate games and crafts. Please look at your calendar to see if you can come out for a few hours to help. Notify Darlene or Pastor Jeff if you can make it. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Remember…it takes a village to get things accomplished!
Just a reminder that we are less than one month from this conference. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your payment, please see Donna for your individual cost. Thank you and get ready for a great blessing!
The men will be meeting at Dover Valley Restaurant on Sat. Nov 4 at 8:00 am. All men (and boys) are invited. It is also a great time to invite a friend. Please sign up in the lower foyer.
We will begin studying John Bevere’s book / DVD series entitled “Good or God?”. What we think is good might not be what God defines as good. Come and hear what those differences are. Classes begin Wed.,
As the seasons change, there are some items around our church that require our attention. All the (now dead) flowers outside need to be removed, the A/C units need to be stored away for the winter, the platform needs to be de-cluttered and the storage sheds need to be organized. We would appreciate any help that you could offer. There is a sign up sheet on the women’s table in the upper foyer. Please indicate which area you are able to give some assistance.
We have been contacted by the York County Area on Aging to promote their free program on how to navigate the Medicare process. If you are in doubt as to the whole Medicare procedure, there is information on the table outside the upstairs nursery.
Yes, that time of the year is fast approaching and we need your help in planning our annual dinner. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you can help in any way.
Just a reminder, if you are participating in our women’s secret sister ministry, please don’t forget to keep up on blessing your special someone on their birthdays, anniversaries and any other holiday or special event! I know each acknowledgment is appreciated.
Remember to set your clocks BACK on Saturday night, Nov. 4. Of course, for all you who tend be just a bit on the late-to-every event list, just leave your clocks alone. That way you will be on time.
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
3:00 pm ~ Worship Practice
6:30 pm ~ WOP Bible Study
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
1:00 pm ~ Fall Festival
October has been designated Pastor Appreciation Month though out the Assemblies of God. This year we have the distinct pleasure of recognizing our three pastors. Pastors Jeff Bender, Keith Miller and Luis Nunez have served our church and community faithfully. On Sun., Oct. 29, we will be receiving a special offering as a show of our gratitude for their service. We encourage everyone to make an extra effort this month to say “thank you” to Pastors Jeff, Keith & Luis. We hope to see everyone on Sun., Oct 29 for a special recognition service in honor of our pastors and their families. – Dover Assembly of God Deacon Board
Be sure to be with us on Sun., Nov. 5 as we join with our Spanish service believers and Pastor Luis brings a powerful word from God!
Planning and advertising has been completed and now the fun begins with final touches. We are still in need of a few items and if you are able to donate please have them to the church by Wednesday, October 25th.
~ 5 cases -small bottle of water (BJs has them for $7.00 for 70 bottles)
~ 5 cases – Little Hugs drinks
~ 100 – clear plastic goodie bags for sweet treats
Volunteers are also needed to facilitate games and crafts. Please look at your calendar to see if you can come out for a few hours to help. Notify Darlene or Pastor Jeff if you can make it. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Remember…it takes a village to get things accomplished!
Just a reminder that we are less than one month from this conference. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your payment, please see Donna for your individual cost. Thank you and get ready for a great blessing!
The men will be meeting at Dover Valley Restaurant on Sat. Nov 4 at 8:00 am. All men (and boys) are invited. It is also a great time to invite a friend. Please sign up in the lower foyer.
We will begin studying John Bevere’s book / DVD series entitled “Good or God?”. What we think is good might not be what God defines as good. Come and hear what those differences are. Classes begin Wed.,
As the seasons change, there are some items around our church that require our attention. All the (now dead) flowers outside need to be removed, the A/C units need to be stored away for the winter, the platform needs to be de-cluttered and the storage sheds need to be organized. We would appreciate any help that you could offer. There is a sign up sheet on the women’s table in the upper foyer. Please indicate which area you are able to give some assistance.
We have been contacted by the York County Area on Aging to promote their free program on how to navigate the Medicare process. If you are in doubt as to the whole Medicare procedure, there is information on the table outside the upstairs nursery.
Yes, that time of the year is fast approaching and we need your help in planning our annual dinner. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you can help in any way.
Just a reminder, if you are participating in our women’s secret sister ministry, please don’t forget to keep up on blessing your special someone on their birthdays, anniversaries and any other holiday or special event! I know each acknowledgment is appreciated.
Remember to set your clocks BACK on Saturday night, Nov. 4. Of course, for all you who tend be just a bit on the late-to-every event list, just leave your clocks alone. That way you will be on time.
Last week...
Last week, Pastor Jeff talked about David's transformation from failure to fear to faith after his attempt to move the ark his way, not God's.
David was used to always being on the go as he escaped Saul and fought his enemies.
But now there was nothing to do.
But now there was nothing to do.
This sermon has been titled "Accepting God's Will" because David will now have to abandon his plans and accept what God’s plans are.
Up till now after he truly became king, he pretty much did whatever he wanted to do, and all with God’s blessings (except the first ark move.
Now was no different.
He’s an active guy, looking for something to fill his time and what better thing than to build God a nice house.
He bounces the idea off Nathan, his personal prophet, who tells him:
Up till now after he truly became king, he pretty much did whatever he wanted to do, and all with God’s blessings (except the first ark move.
Now was no different.
He’s an active guy, looking for something to fill his time and what better thing than to build God a nice house.
He bounces the idea off Nathan, his personal prophet, who tells him:
At first glance it seems as though Nathan jumps the gun a bit and just says yeah, let’s do it, but what he is really saying here is start to pursue your idea and see where God takes you.
It doesn’t say if David actually prayed about it, but we assume that he did because that very night God spoke to the prophet when he got home and maybe even when he was in bed.
It doesn’t say if David actually prayed about it, but we assume that he did because that very night God spoke to the prophet when he got home and maybe even when he was in bed.
Has God ever woken you up at night with a burden or to pray for something?
Before we begin a work for God, we need to be prayed up. God may stop you even before you start.
Nothing worse than starting something then realizing God wasn’t in it.
So God tells Nathan, then Nathan relays it to David.
Before we begin a work for God, we need to be prayed up. God may stop you even before you start.
Nothing worse than starting something then realizing God wasn’t in it.
So God tells Nathan, then Nathan relays it to David.
We see that David’s desire to build a temple was David’s plan, not God’s.
David was supposed to focus on other things that God said were more important than being a general contractor.
Israel was in the land of peace, God knew the people needed a caring leader, a shepherd. Not a temple!
The people needed someone “after God’s own heart” to lead His people.
Israel needed someone to love them and lead them. To reverse the hearts of the people from being under Saul.
David was supposed to focus on other things that God said were more important than being a general contractor.
Israel was in the land of peace, God knew the people needed a caring leader, a shepherd. Not a temple!
The people needed someone “after God’s own heart” to lead His people.
Israel needed someone to love them and lead them. To reverse the hearts of the people from being under Saul.
Life was going to calm down for them and they needed David to be the one to help them acclimate to their new environment.
Notice how God reminds David of his shepherding days to help him understand that this was to be his calling now.
The temple can wait, because the people were more important to God than the temple.
God’s plan for David was already established and would bring about the Messiah.
God wanted to remind David of that.
Notice how God reminds David of his shepherding days to help him understand that this was to be his calling now.
The temple can wait, because the people were more important to God than the temple.
God’s plan for David was already established and would bring about the Messiah.
God wanted to remind David of that.
David wanted to build God a house, but God is building David a “house” which is David’s dynasty.
This promise to David surely must have encouraged him...his son would be the next king. He would be used to accomplish what David only dreamed about and more.
Don’t we want our children to be better than we are? To have a better relationship with God than we do?
And as parents, when our children leave home and we no longer have the parental influence over them, it is comforting to know that God will watch over them and take care of them and even punish them when needed.
And as parents, when our children leave home and we no longer have the parental influence over them, it is comforting to know that God will watch over them and take care of them and even punish them when needed.
The punishment is meant to be remedial, not punitive.
God is telling David that his kids, grandkids, and so on will serve the Lord. Isn't that what we want in our families as well?
All it required was for David to give up his plans and accept God’s plans.
It was likely disappointing to David - he wanted to be the one to build the temple. He wanted to honor God with this great monument.
But God wanted David to help his sheep become what God intended for them to become.
We all may have plans for our future that we believe are God-honoring, and they may well be.
But how many times does God want us to do something totally different, or how often do we just find ourselves in a situation or part of life that we never planned on when we were younger?
All these great plans we had, God put aside to bring us to where we are today, because God wanted to use you in a way that never would have happened if we got what we planned.
If we jump into present time, we are the recipients of God’s promise way back then. David’s line would be the line to bring us the Messiah.
It was likely disappointing to David - he wanted to be the one to build the temple. He wanted to honor God with this great monument.
But God wanted David to help his sheep become what God intended for them to become.
We all may have plans for our future that we believe are God-honoring, and they may well be.
But how many times does God want us to do something totally different, or how often do we just find ourselves in a situation or part of life that we never planned on when we were younger?
All these great plans we had, God put aside to bring us to where we are today, because God wanted to use you in a way that never would have happened if we got what we planned.
If we jump into present time, we are the recipients of God’s promise way back then. David’s line would be the line to bring us the Messiah.
Solomon’s failure did not break God promise.
Many kings failed after that, but in the end, he chastised His people but brought them back. The only king to be crowned after that would be Jesus, with a crown of thorns.
David responds to God’s plan for his life with a prayer of submission.
How responsive would we be to God changing the plans and direction of our lives?
Whenever we come to Christ and confess and repent, we are already telling God, we want you to change the course of my life and He will do exactly that.
Many kings failed after that, but in the end, he chastised His people but brought them back. The only king to be crowned after that would be Jesus, with a crown of thorns.
David responds to God’s plan for his life with a prayer of submission.
How responsive would we be to God changing the plans and direction of our lives?
Whenever we come to Christ and confess and repent, we are already telling God, we want you to change the course of my life and He will do exactly that.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!