Dover Assembly of God

10.15.2017 | Life of David - Week 17
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. the Dover Assembly app!
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October 15, 2017
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ WOP Bible Study
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT ~“Is Genesis History?”
Friday - Saturday
~ 7:00 PM ~ Girl’s Ministries Sleepover
~ Men’s Conference
6:30 pm ~ “The Bold & The Sanctified”
We have finished the video portion of this series which leaves several round table discussions between the scientists featured in this video. Join us as we complete the study that has focused on the question, “Is Genesis History?”.
Just a reminder that we are less than one month from this conference. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your payment, please see Donna for your individual cost. Thank you and get ready for a great blessing!
October has been designated Pastor Appreciation Month though out the Assemblies of God. This year we have the distinct pleasure of recognizing our three pastors. Pastors Jeff Bender, Keith Miller and Luis Nunez have served our church and community faithfully. On Sun., Oct. 29, we will be receiving a special offering as a show of our gratitude for their service. We encourage everyone to make an extra effort this month to say “thank you” to Pastors Jeff, Keith & Luis. We hope to see everyone on Sun., Oct 29 for a special recognition service in honor of our pastors and their families. ~ Dover Assembly of God Deacon Board
Girls Ministries Sleepover 7pm on October 20-8am on October 21st. Fiesta style theme-tacos, games, learn a Spanish style dance, watch a movie. Theme verse Matthew 28:19-20. A permission slip is required for each girl who attends. Bring your Bible.
Planning has begun for yet another event reaching out to our community to spread the gospel. A fall festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 28 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the church. This event is going to take a village of people to achieve our goal. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you are able to help!
We have been contacted by the York County Area on Aging to promote their free program on how to navigate the Medicare process. If you are in doubt as to the whole Medicare procedure, there is information on the table outside the upstairs nursery.
Yes, that time of the year is fast approaching and we need your help in planning our annual dinner. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you can help in any way.
Just a reminder, if you are participating in our women’s secret sister ministry, please don’t forget to keep up on blessing your special someone on their birthdays, anniversaries and any other holiday or special event! I know each acknowledgment is appreciated.
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ WOP Bible Study
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT ~“Is Genesis History?”
Friday - Saturday
~ 7:00 PM ~ Girl’s Ministries Sleepover
~ Men’s Conference
6:30 pm ~ “The Bold & The Sanctified”
We have finished the video portion of this series which leaves several round table discussions between the scientists featured in this video. Join us as we complete the study that has focused on the question, “Is Genesis History?”.
Just a reminder that we are less than one month from this conference. If you haven’t had a chance to submit your payment, please see Donna for your individual cost. Thank you and get ready for a great blessing!
October has been designated Pastor Appreciation Month though out the Assemblies of God. This year we have the distinct pleasure of recognizing our three pastors. Pastors Jeff Bender, Keith Miller and Luis Nunez have served our church and community faithfully. On Sun., Oct. 29, we will be receiving a special offering as a show of our gratitude for their service. We encourage everyone to make an extra effort this month to say “thank you” to Pastors Jeff, Keith & Luis. We hope to see everyone on Sun., Oct 29 for a special recognition service in honor of our pastors and their families. ~ Dover Assembly of God Deacon Board
Girls Ministries Sleepover 7pm on October 20-8am on October 21st. Fiesta style theme-tacos, games, learn a Spanish style dance, watch a movie. Theme verse Matthew 28:19-20. A permission slip is required for each girl who attends. Bring your Bible.
Planning has begun for yet another event reaching out to our community to spread the gospel. A fall festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 28 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the church. This event is going to take a village of people to achieve our goal. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you are able to help!
We have been contacted by the York County Area on Aging to promote their free program on how to navigate the Medicare process. If you are in doubt as to the whole Medicare procedure, there is information on the table outside the upstairs nursery.
Yes, that time of the year is fast approaching and we need your help in planning our annual dinner. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you can help in any way.
Just a reminder, if you are participating in our women’s secret sister ministry, please don’t forget to keep up on blessing your special someone on their birthdays, anniversaries and any other holiday or special event! I know each acknowledgment is appreciated.

We have finished the video portion of this series which leaves several round table discussions between the scientists featured in this video. Join us as we complete the study that has focused on the question, “Is Genesis History?”.
Last week...
Last week, Pastor Jeff talked about how we need to be ready for Jesus to come back, or for our number to be called for our life on earth to end.
We left off with our study of David’s life at the point where he was taking the ark to the city, but he wasn’t doing it God’s way.
If you remember, he took a survey of the people about what to do instead of seeing how God wanted it done.
And because of David’s disobedience, other people were hurt.
No matter how good an idea or plan or intention is, we need to seek God’s wisdom and direction on it.
To David both moving the ark and the method seemed reasonable, but they didn’t ask God about it.
So after Uzzah was killed, understandably David became hesitant about his next step.
If you remember, he took a survey of the people about what to do instead of seeing how God wanted it done.
And because of David’s disobedience, other people were hurt.
No matter how good an idea or plan or intention is, we need to seek God’s wisdom and direction on it.
To David both moving the ark and the method seemed reasonable, but they didn’t ask God about it.
So after Uzzah was killed, understandably David became hesitant about his next step.
After a failure, we tend to become hesitant about taking the next step...
Sometimes big failures stop us in our tracks and rather than acknowledging them, and moving on, we never attempt anything else for fear of failure.
By not figuring out what went wrong and trying to do it the right way, he was missing out on God’s blessings.
God’s blessings followed God’s presence as represented in the Old Testament by the Ark.
So if his goal was right, David now had to figure out where he went wrong.
Just because we may fail big time or blow it, doesn’t mean we abandon being in God’s presence.
God’s blessings followed God’s presence as represented in the Old Testament by the Ark.
So if his goal was right, David now had to figure out where he went wrong.
Just because we may fail big time or blow it, doesn’t mean we abandon being in God’s presence.
Testimonies of God’s blessing in people’s lives are meant to encourage us to seek God for ourselves. We should be encouraged that the blessings that others receive are also available to us.
He knew he had to pursue God again, so he started the preparations.
Whenever we fail at serving God, instead of running away, we need to press in more than ever.
Get a plan together. Start your preparations on how to once again receive God’s blessings.
The first step in this plan of restoration, was to figure out what went wrong the first time--and he did.
Whenever we fail at serving God, instead of running away, we need to press in more than ever.
Get a plan together. Start your preparations on how to once again receive God’s blessings.
The first step in this plan of restoration, was to figure out what went wrong the first time--and he did.
David realized what he did wrong. The first thing we have to do is admit we were wrong.
Seems as though there was plenty of blame to go around, but David didn’t focus on that.
He acknowledged it, told everyone what they did wrong. He ended it by saying WE did not inquire of God. He accepted responsibility as well.
In times of failure, do we step up and acknowledge our part in the failure? Or do we try to shift the blame?
He acknowledged it, told everyone what they did wrong. He ended it by saying WE did not inquire of God. He accepted responsibility as well.
In times of failure, do we step up and acknowledge our part in the failure? Or do we try to shift the blame?
If it was a group failure, the team has to step in and prepare for what is next. They had to first get in a position to be used by God.
In the Old Testament, they had to consecrate themselves. Today we have to prepare our hearts.
In the Old Testament, they had to consecrate themselves. Today we have to prepare our hearts.
There were certain things that the king did, certain things that the priests did and certain things that prophets did and certain things that the singers did.
Everyone had a part to play.
Everyone had a part to play.
David was their leader, but the people had to do what they were called to do.
If Israel was to retrieve the ark and receive God’s blessings, everyone had to do their part.
1 Corinthians 12 talks about each person in a church setting is part of the whole body and each had individual gifts, abilities and responsibilities.
And for any church to move forward and receive God’s blessings, each has to do what they were called to do.
So once the team is assembled and prayed up and prepared to seek God and his blessings, excitement build in expectation.
If Israel was to retrieve the ark and receive God’s blessings, everyone had to do their part.
1 Corinthians 12 talks about each person in a church setting is part of the whole body and each had individual gifts, abilities and responsibilities.
And for any church to move forward and receive God’s blessings, each has to do what they were called to do.
So once the team is assembled and prayed up and prepared to seek God and his blessings, excitement build in expectation.
Everyone was rejoicing.
They had studied God’s word, knew what God had promised and they were expecting a great move and blessing from God.
They were worshipping and rejoicing before God.
Worship isn’t always about singing and playing.
They had studied God’s word, knew what God had promised and they were expecting a great move and blessing from God.
They were worshipping and rejoicing before God.
Worship isn’t always about singing and playing.
They had only walked 6 steps before they offered a sacrifice.
2 things about this...
1st: They didn’t want to get too far into this only to find out they were doing it wrong again, so they paused and offered this sacrifice. When no judgment fell like with Uzzah, they were confident that God was pleased.
It’s always good to seek God the whole way through a situation not just start and never ask him again for wisdom.
2nd: Worship always involves sacrifice.
Whether it is the “sacrifice of praise” which means we praise God when we don’t feel like it, or the sacrifice of giving yourself to be used by God in a given area.
2 things about this...
1st: They didn’t want to get too far into this only to find out they were doing it wrong again, so they paused and offered this sacrifice. When no judgment fell like with Uzzah, they were confident that God was pleased.
It’s always good to seek God the whole way through a situation not just start and never ask him again for wisdom.
2nd: Worship always involves sacrifice.
Whether it is the “sacrifice of praise” which means we praise God when we don’t feel like it, or the sacrifice of giving yourself to be used by God in a given area.
If all we do is sing and think that is all worshipping God is about then we are forgetting that everything we do for God is an act of worship.
We worship when we serve others, when we give, when we sing, when we sit and listen to a lesson.
There was great excitement and expression as they worshipped God.
There was great excitement and expression as they worshipped God.
When God’s people were following God’s plan, they couldn’t help but rejoice and be excited about what their God was doing in their midst.
When we come to worship and we focus on what God is doing, we should be able to be excited.
These folks weren’t excited about what was happening at that moment, they were excited about what they expected God to do. They were expecting.
When we come to worship and we focus on what God is doing, we should be able to be excited.
These folks weren’t excited about what was happening at that moment, they were excited about what they expected God to do. They were expecting.

They were singing, dancing and playing music in expectation of what God was going to do.
When we worship, are we excited and expectant of what God is going to do?
They didn’t focus on their first time failure. They focused on the future.
Our failures do not define our future. Once we repent of our mistakes and sin, our future is what God determines it should be.
And for that we should be excited and rejoice.
When we worship, are we excited and expectant of what God is going to do?
They didn’t focus on their first time failure. They focused on the future.
Our failures do not define our future. Once we repent of our mistakes and sin, our future is what God determines it should be.
And for that we should be excited and rejoice.
David went from failure, to fear, to faith. We will all experience failure at some point in our walk with God.
We needn’t be afraid of confessing and pressing on.
As we said before. Failure doesn’t define your future. God is able to turn the worst around for His glory and our good.
And that knowledge should excite us and cause us to worship God with exuberance. Not for what’s happening now, but we are trusting God for in the future.
We needn’t be afraid of confessing and pressing on.
As we said before. Failure doesn’t define your future. God is able to turn the worst around for His glory and our good.
And that knowledge should excite us and cause us to worship God with exuberance. Not for what’s happening now, but we are trusting God for in the future.
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!