Dover Assembly of God

10.8.2017 | Are We Ready?
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Welcome to Dover Assembly of God! We're glad that you've joined us this morning. If you're on Facebook, we encourage you to take a moment to check in at Dover Assembly. the Dover Assembly App
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October 8, 2017
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ WOP Bible Study
6:30 pm FAMILY NIGHT ~ “Is Genesis History?”
For the next few Wednesday nights, we will be showing the Feature film / documentary “Is Genesis History”? It is a look at the biblical, historical and scientific evidence for creation and the flood. We will hear from dozens of scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of the truth of Genesis. If you know someone who doubts the biblical account, this is a perfect opportunity to invite them to see it from the other side. There will be discussion before and after each viewing
October has been designated Pastor Appreciation Month though out the Assemblies of God. This year we have the distinct pleasure of recognizing our three pastors. Pastors Jeff Bender, Keith Miller and Luis Nunez have served our church and community faithfully. On Sun., Oct. 29, we will be receiving a special offering as a show of our gratitude for their service. We encourage everyone to make an extra effort this month to say “thank you” to Pastors Jeff, Keith & Luis. We hope to see everyone on Sun., Oct 29 for a special recognition service in honor of our pastors and their families. ~Dover Assembly of God Deacon Board
Planning has begun for yet another event reaching out to our community to spread the gospel. A fall festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 28 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the church. This event is going to take a village of people to achieve our goal.
It’s that time of year again! We would like to bless and provide small tokens of our love and appreciation for all our college students. Instead of donating specific items, we want to give them gift cards so they can purchase exactly what they need. Please give any gift card or cash donations (we will purchase the gift cards) to Anna, Pastor Jeff or Gladys. Thank you for contributing to this ministry!
We have been contacted by the York County Area on Aging to promote their free program on how to navigate the Medicare process. If you are in doubt as to the whole Medicare procedure, there is information on the table outside the upstairs nursery.
Yes, that time of the year is fast approaching and we need your help in planning our annual dinner. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you can help in any way.
Just a reminder, if you are participating in our women’s secret sister ministry, please don’t forget to keep up on blessing your special someone on their birthdays, anniversaries and any other holiday or special event! I know each acknowledgment is appreciated.
On the surface McQueen had everything he could want—fame, cars, homes, more money than he could spend in a lifetime. An avid fan of the actor (and owner of a replica of McQueen’s car in the classic film Bullitt), Pastor Greg Laurie hits the road in his mint Mustang, traveling the country in search of the true, untold story of McQueen’s redemption-filled final chapters.
Discover this amazing, true faith journey in STEVE MCQUEEN: AMERICAN ICON, a special movie event in theaters with encore presentations set for Tuesday, October 10 at 7:00 pm at the Regal theater in York. Ticket price is $12.50
Please sign up in the lower foyer if you want to attend this movie.
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
6:30 pm ~ WOP Bible Study
6:30 pm FAMILY NIGHT ~ “Is Genesis History?”
For the next few Wednesday nights, we will be showing the Feature film / documentary “Is Genesis History”? It is a look at the biblical, historical and scientific evidence for creation and the flood. We will hear from dozens of scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of the truth of Genesis. If you know someone who doubts the biblical account, this is a perfect opportunity to invite them to see it from the other side. There will be discussion before and after each viewing
October has been designated Pastor Appreciation Month though out the Assemblies of God. This year we have the distinct pleasure of recognizing our three pastors. Pastors Jeff Bender, Keith Miller and Luis Nunez have served our church and community faithfully. On Sun., Oct. 29, we will be receiving a special offering as a show of our gratitude for their service. We encourage everyone to make an extra effort this month to say “thank you” to Pastors Jeff, Keith & Luis. We hope to see everyone on Sun., Oct 29 for a special recognition service in honor of our pastors and their families. ~Dover Assembly of God Deacon Board
Planning has begun for yet another event reaching out to our community to spread the gospel. A fall festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 28 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. at the church. This event is going to take a village of people to achieve our goal.
It’s that time of year again! We would like to bless and provide small tokens of our love and appreciation for all our college students. Instead of donating specific items, we want to give them gift cards so they can purchase exactly what they need. Please give any gift card or cash donations (we will purchase the gift cards) to Anna, Pastor Jeff or Gladys. Thank you for contributing to this ministry!
We have been contacted by the York County Area on Aging to promote their free program on how to navigate the Medicare process. If you are in doubt as to the whole Medicare procedure, there is information on the table outside the upstairs nursery.
Yes, that time of the year is fast approaching and we need your help in planning our annual dinner. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you can help in any way.
Just a reminder, if you are participating in our women’s secret sister ministry, please don’t forget to keep up on blessing your special someone on their birthdays, anniversaries and any other holiday or special event! I know each acknowledgment is appreciated.
On the surface McQueen had everything he could want—fame, cars, homes, more money than he could spend in a lifetime. An avid fan of the actor (and owner of a replica of McQueen’s car in the classic film Bullitt), Pastor Greg Laurie hits the road in his mint Mustang, traveling the country in search of the true, untold story of McQueen’s redemption-filled final chapters.
Discover this amazing, true faith journey in STEVE MCQUEEN: AMERICAN ICON, a special movie event in theaters with encore presentations set for Tuesday, October 10 at 7:00 pm at the Regal theater in York. Ticket price is $12.50
Please sign up in the lower foyer if you want to attend this movie.

For the next few Wednesday nights, we will be showing the Feature film / documentary “Is Genesis History”? It is a look at the biblical, historical and scientific evidence for creation and the flood. We will hear from dozens of scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of the truth of Genesis. If you know someone who doubts the biblical account, this is a perfect opportunity to invite them to see it from the other side. There will be discussion before and after each viewing
Last week...
Last week, Pastor Keith Miller talked about how we need to put on the full armor of God to resist the enemy’s attacks and stand against the wiles of the devil.
If you have been paying attention to recent events, there have been a variety of events that likely have made you ask yourself if you're ready for the day that your life here on earth ends.
In Matthew 24, Jesus told us to keep an eye out for the signs of the end.
In Matthew 24, Jesus told us to keep an eye out for the signs of the end.
How many times do we hear of someone claiming to be from God and people blindly following them as if they were the messiah?
Here's another take on that...
Here's another take on that...
When following Jesus becomes too hard, people find someone who tells them what they want to hear and now that leader becomes a “messiah” to them. Because when they listen to a man rather than God’s word, that leader now becomes their messiah.
The number of "false Christs" has certainly risen in recent years.
The number of "false Christs" has certainly risen in recent years.
According to Wikipedia, there are currently 58 active wars as of September of this year resulting in at least 100 deaths.
We have a current issue with North Korea, and Iran with the possibility of interference by China and Russia.
We have ISIS all over the place.
We have a current issue with North Korea, and Iran with the possibility of interference by China and Russia.
We have ISIS all over the place.
According to an article in May of this year, the World Economic Forum stated, “the world faces an unprecedented famine threat”.
According to the US Geological Survey:
Indeed, a recent study by USGS researchers found that there were more than twice as many “large” earthquakes (defined here as magnitudes 7 or above) in the first quarter of 2014 than there were back in 1979. The planet saw a record number of earthquakes last April, with 13 quakes with magnitudes of 6.5. “We have recently experienced a period that has had one of the highest rates of great earthquakes ever recorded,” according to Tom Parsons, a research geophysicist at USGS.
5.2 near Japan ~ Oct 6
5.2 Near Papua New Guinea ~ Oct 6
5.4 Near Chile ~ Oct 5
4.3 in Alaska
5.7 Argentina ~ Oct 3
Indeed, a recent study by USGS researchers found that there were more than twice as many “large” earthquakes (defined here as magnitudes 7 or above) in the first quarter of 2014 than there were back in 1979. The planet saw a record number of earthquakes last April, with 13 quakes with magnitudes of 6.5. “We have recently experienced a period that has had one of the highest rates of great earthquakes ever recorded,” according to Tom Parsons, a research geophysicist at USGS.
5.2 near Japan ~ Oct 6
5.2 Near Papua New Guinea ~ Oct 6
5.4 Near Chile ~ Oct 5
4.3 in Alaska
5.7 Argentina ~ Oct 3
Fox News says that between 2005-2015, 900,000 Christians have been killed. That’s 90,000 per year!
1329 churches were attacked in the past year.
According to “Open Doors” a Christian organization that monitors persecution around the world:
“Without question, that the last 4 years has been the largest growth or persecution and martyrdom we have seen in the modern age and this year (2016) tops all previous years.”
1329 churches were attacked in the past year.
According to “Open Doors” a Christian organization that monitors persecution around the world:
“Without question, that the last 4 years has been the largest growth or persecution and martyrdom we have seen in the modern age and this year (2016) tops all previous years.”
Then there are the other natural disasters. Hurricanes and flooding. Hurricane Nate is near.
There was an evacuation on the Island of Vanuatu because a volcano is getting ready to explode.
Irma hit Cuba and left 3 million people with no water.
Maria hit the Nation of Barbuda and Puerto Rico and destroyed 95% of all buildings. No power for months.
And mass killings. Vegas, Orlando night club, 5 in Orange Cty FL & Ft Lauderdale Airport, Black church in SC, Macy’s in Wash., UPS in San Fran,
Nobody is guaranteed of tomorrow. Are we ready if our number is called today?
There was an evacuation on the Island of Vanuatu because a volcano is getting ready to explode.
Irma hit Cuba and left 3 million people with no water.
Maria hit the Nation of Barbuda and Puerto Rico and destroyed 95% of all buildings. No power for months.
And mass killings. Vegas, Orlando night club, 5 in Orange Cty FL & Ft Lauderdale Airport, Black church in SC, Macy’s in Wash., UPS in San Fran,
Nobody is guaranteed of tomorrow. Are we ready if our number is called today?
We need keep ourselves holy. We can’t just do whatever we want or behave however we choose.
Now what about these tragedies? Shootings, natural disasters?
What does Jesus say about those?
Now what about these tragedies? Shootings, natural disasters?
What does Jesus say about those?
During the reign of Pilate, he had constant conflicts with the Jews. He would take money from the Jewish treasury. As the Jews would gather in protest, Pilate would send armed guards into the crowd dressed as Jews and they would kill the unarmed protesters as they mingled in the crowd.
Jesus didn’t address the Pilate issue. He didn’t start getting into the politics of the issue. He told his followers that the people killed weren’t responsible or more guilty than anyone else.
People that endure such tragedy are not more guilty of anything that all of us here.
Whenever we hear about this or that being judgment from God, we need to remember that those affected are no better than we are.
What he did tell them was that unless those who were still living got right with God would perish.
That word perish is also the word that Jesus used in John 3:16
Jesus didn’t address the Pilate issue. He didn’t start getting into the politics of the issue. He told his followers that the people killed weren’t responsible or more guilty than anyone else.
People that endure such tragedy are not more guilty of anything that all of us here.
Whenever we hear about this or that being judgment from God, we need to remember that those affected are no better than we are.
What he did tell them was that unless those who were still living got right with God would perish.
That word perish is also the word that Jesus used in John 3:16
So essentially Jesus was saying unless you get right with God, the next tragedy could be you and if you aren’t ready, you will not have eternal life.
So don’t sit around fearful of what may happen next, God did not give us a spirit of fear.
We do need to examine our relationship with God so you are ready if and when it happens.
The next part of Luke deals with natural disasters.
So don’t sit around fearful of what may happen next, God did not give us a spirit of fear.
We do need to examine our relationship with God so you are ready if and when it happens.
The next part of Luke deals with natural disasters.
So the people who were hit by the hurricanes and flooding and tsunamis and all other natural disasters were not more guilty than anyone else either.
But in all these cases, we still have the opportunity to be Jesus to people.
But again Jesus ends that with the admonishment that we better be ready because it could be us that gets hit next.
But in all these cases, we still have the opportunity to be Jesus to people.
But again Jesus ends that with the admonishment that we better be ready because it could be us that gets hit next.
Are we ready?
Is our life in such a place that if Jesus came back today, are we ready? We already saw that things he told us would happen close to that time have and are occurring at an ever increasing pace
Or if we died today whether by natural causes, natural disasters or a force outside ourselves, are we ready to face God?
The Bible makes it clear that no one is guaranteed of tomorrow. So we need to be ready today.
No one knows when Jesus will return, but God has given us markers to watch and prepare.
Those markers we have discussed. Wars, earthquakes, etc.
We know that time is getting shorter by the day.
Is our life in such a place that if Jesus came back today, are we ready? We already saw that things he told us would happen close to that time have and are occurring at an ever increasing pace
Or if we died today whether by natural causes, natural disasters or a force outside ourselves, are we ready to face God?
The Bible makes it clear that no one is guaranteed of tomorrow. So we need to be ready today.
No one knows when Jesus will return, but God has given us markers to watch and prepare.
Those markers we have discussed. Wars, earthquakes, etc.
We know that time is getting shorter by the day.
Let's look at a book of the bible that we probably don’t read a lot: AMOS.
Amos was given the job of telling Israel and Judah that their time had come and that judgment was imminent.
In the process of telling them that they were going to be judged he reminds them of all the times God and tried to get their attention.
Amos was given the job of telling Israel and Judah that their time had come and that judgment was imminent.
In the process of telling them that they were going to be judged he reminds them of all the times God and tried to get their attention.
God caused the disaster to the city to get the same reaction, but they never repented, so judgment was coming.
Most of the prophets in the OT were used by God to warn the people of their wayward lives and tried to get their attention.
But as we see, to no avail.
Now we have the NT telling us basically the same thing.
Be ready for his return.
Most of the prophets in the OT were used by God to warn the people of their wayward lives and tried to get their attention.
But as we see, to no avail.
Now we have the NT telling us basically the same thing.
Be ready for his return.
Christians can get lulled into complacency because we may not see God being active to us individually.
When all along he may try to be getting our attention.
Since we haven’t seen his return, do not get lazy about this Christian life.
When all along he may try to be getting our attention.
Since we haven’t seen his return, do not get lazy about this Christian life.
Why are we here? What is God’s purpose for this church and us as individuals?
Our tagline is "Connecting to God, Building People, Offering Hope." Are we doing that?
Our tagline is "Connecting to God, Building People, Offering Hope." Are we doing that?
Thank you for joining us!
If you haven't already, be sure to check out our website and follow us on social media @doverassembly! Have a great week!