The Vineyard Church

Cultivating a Tribe: Friends
Pastor Mark Pope September 30 & October 1, 2017
Locations & Times
The Vineyard Church
16219 Jackson Rd, Mishawaka, IN 46544, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM
Sunday 11:15 AM
More information on all the happenings at The Vineyard Church can be found at our website!
Main Point #1:
Be less self-absorbed.
Be less self-absorbed.
Selfish ambition – ἐριθεία - to put one’s self forward
Selfish ambition – ἐριθεία - to put one’s self forward
Vain Conceit - κενοδοξία - empty glorying, groundless, self esteem, empty pride
Vain Conceit - κενοδοξία - empty glorying, groundless, self esteem, empty pride
“Friending” someone is easy – being a friend takes effort.
“Friending” someone is easy – being a friend takes effort.
Humility - ταπεινοφροσύνη - the having a humble opinion of one's self, a deep sense of one's (moral) littleness modesty, lowliness of mind
Humility - ταπεινοφροσύνη - the having a humble opinion of one's self, a deep sense of one's (moral) littleness modesty, lowliness of mind
Humility is being transparent, accepting our faults, and asking for help.
Humility is being transparent, accepting our faults, and asking for help.
Do I value others above myself?
Do I value others above myself?
Main Point #2:
Extend a genuine helping hand.
Extend a genuine helping hand.
Serving well requires significant time and includes awkward moments.
Serving well requires significant time and includes awkward moments.
Am I setting time aside for my friends to serve them well?
Am I setting time aside for my friends to serve them well?
You can give online, through our SecureGive App, in the offering boxes, and at the Giving Center Kiosk in the Atrium.
We don't pass a plate for tithes and offerings here at Vineyard, but we do believe that giving back to Jesus through our finances is an important act of our worship.