BASIC TRAINING: The Making Of A Soldier
Sunday, Aug 2, 2020 - Part 1
Locations & Times
The Roads Church - NC
583 US-45, Norris City, IL 62869, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Endure hardship - kakŏpathĕō - To undergo hardship, be afflicted, suffer physical pain, hardship or distress
Not WHAT we go through (suffering, hardships or pain) but HOW we go through
WHAT - Helps to relate or connect
HOW - Helps to provide direction, hope and encouragement
WHAT - Helps to relate or connect
HOW - Helps to provide direction, hope and encouragement
As - hos - In which way, like, how; in that manner
Engaged in warfare - strateuo - To engage in a war as a soldier, to fight or battle
Affairs - pragmatĕia - Activities involved in one’s behavior or conduct; transaction, business or personal pursuits
Entangles himself - ĕmplĕkō - To twine or braid; entangle; become involved to the point that it interferes with other activities, immobility
Engaged in warfare - strateuo - To engage in a war as a soldier, to fight or battle
Affairs - pragmatĕia - Activities involved in one’s behavior or conduct; transaction, business or personal pursuits
Entangles himself - ĕmplĕkō - To twine or braid; entangle; become involved to the point that it interferes with other activities, immobility
Choke - sumpnigō - To strangle, suffocate, crowd around, press against; inhibit the function of something
Please - aresko - Give pleasure to or be pleasing to; desire to please
Enlisted him as a soldier - stratŏlŏgĕō - To gather or select; levy an army or recruit for military service