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1st Free Will Baptist Church

The Movement Begins

The Movement Begins

Locations & Times

1st Free Will Baptist Church

300 Emerson St, Park Hills, MO 63601, USA

Sunday 10:30 AM

Welcome to 1st Church! If you're visiting with us today, please fill out a Connection Card (grey), found in the pew pocket in front of you, and place it in the offering plate at the end of the service. If you have a need that you'd like us to pray about, please fill out a Prayer Card, which can also be found in the pew pocket in front of you. Blessings to you!!!

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Please welcome our special musical guests this morning... The Tucker Family!
The Movement Begins : Week 2 of ACTS : The Movement Begins

Sunday Morning, September 17, 2017 Presented by Pastor Joshua Kennon
1. The Church Is God's Work
2. God's People Are Called For God's Purpose
3. God Sends His People Out To Spread The Gospel
Where Is God Sending You? How Do You Spread The Gospel?
4. The Spirit Always Points People To Christ
5. Spirit Filled People Look Radically Different
6. Repent And Be Baptized

7. A Spirit Filled Community Will Be Unlike Any Other