Dover Assembly of God

9.3.2017 | Life of David - Week 14
Locations & Times
Dover Assembly of God
4790 Carlisle Rd, Dover, PA 17315, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
Weekly Bulletin
Welcome to Dover Assembly!
We are so glad you have chosen to attend Dover Assembly this morning. It is not by accident that you are here. We believe that God has allowed you to be here so that you might receive all that He has for you. We pray you are blessed as you allow the Lord to work in your life.
9:00 am ~ Coffee & Donut Fellowship
9:30 am ~ Sunday School
10:30 am ~ Worship Service
10:30 am ~ R.O.C.K. Children’s Ministries
1:00 pm ~ Spanish Service
Labor Day
Dover Fireman’s Fair
6:30 pm ~ FAMILY NIGHT
8:00 am ~ Men’s Breakfast @ Old Country Buffet
Attention all men! It’s time to sign up for the Men’s Conference to be held at Christian Life Assembly in Camp Hill on Oct 20-21. The cost is only $50 for both days and a lunch is provided. We will take the church van both days. Please sign up in the lower foyer if you are able to join us! This is a great opportunity to bring along a friend!
The guys will be going to Old Country Buffet Saturday, Sept 9 at 8:00. Be sure to sign up and bring a friend with you!
The ladies will be going to Bob Evans on Friday, Sept. 15 at 6:00 pm. Be sure to sign up and bring along a friend!
Is scheduled for Nov, 10-11. Please sign up in the upper foyer if you are interested in attending.
Beginning Mon. Sept. 11, 7:00-8:00 pm, the women will begin a study using the book “Battlefield of the Mind” by Joyce Meyers. If you would like to join this study, please sign up at the women’s table and indicate if you need a book. The cost for the book that includes a study guide is $11.49 See you in 2 weeks!
Every year, students and parents from every school across the country gather around their school’s flag pole to pray for their school, teachers and the students. This year’s SYATP day is Wed. Sept 27. Please check with your school as to the time. Our schools are in dire need of prayer and God’s blessings. Please be sure to be a part of this event. The theme this year is “Fix Your Eyes” (Heb 12:2).
We have scheduled a kids popcorn and movie night for Friday, Oct 6 at 7:00 pm. This is open to the public so be sure to invite all your children’s friends. Parents are also encouraged to stay!
We will be celebrating fall with a Harvest Feast of the Lord on September 21,2017 from 6-8 pm. We're planning to have Apples, donuts, s'mores, cider and hot chocolate Bounce house, games, prizes, skits, music and more. Come celebrate the Lord and all he is doing this time of year. If you would like to know more, or want to come have fun contact Michelle or leave a message with Brad.
NEXT Sunday, Sept 10 is National Grandparents day. We are going to celebrate our grandparents (or significant elders in yours or your child’s life) by inviting them to our Sunday service. During that time, we will have your grandparents visit your Sunday School classroom, meet your teachers and enjoy some light snacks. We will have a photo area where we will take a picture of you and your grandparents. During our service time, the children will minister in song and acknowledge their grandparents. Please mark your calendars and begin now to invite your grandparents to our church that day.
Beginning Wed. Sept 20 and running for approximately 3-4 weeks, we will be showing the Feature film / documentary “Is Genesis History”? It is a look at the biblical, historical and scientific evidence for creation and the flood. We will hear from dozens of scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of the truth of Genesis. If you know someone who doubts the biblical account, this is a perfect opportunity to invite them to see it from the other side. There will be discussion before and after each viewing
There is a one day conference designed to inspire and empower our teens to be fearless in sharing the gospel with the world! It is on Sat. Sept 16 at Christian Life Assembly from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We encourage all teens to participate in this tremendous project. The cost is only $35 per student and lunch will be provided.
It is time again for the Annual Dover Borough Fireman’s Carnival! The Carnival is being held Sat., Sept. 2 and Monday, Sept. 4 thru Sat., Sept. 9, 2017. What a great way to reach our community with the gospel! The theme for this outreach is “Riding the Wave.” The church will be taking the “Ark” to the Fireman’s carnival and emphasizing the various ministries within the church. Please see the sign-up sheet if you would like to participate. There will be 2 hour shifts available throughout the week if you are available to help.
We are also starting a Community Outreach Ministry Team to better enable us to reach as many people with the gospel as possible. There are a few activities coming up in the near future that are already in the works but a team effort is greatly desired. A sign-up sheet has been placed in the lower foyer for anyone who desires to be part of this ministry.
We are in the beginning stages of planning this event. If you would like to help, sign up in the lower foyer
It’s that time of year again! We would like to bless and provide small tokens of our love and appreciation for all our college students. Instead of donating specific items, we want to give them gift cards so they can purchase exactly what they need. Please give any gift card or cash donations (we will purchase the gift cards) to Anna, Pastor Jeff or Gladys. Thank you for contributing to this ministry!
"Sin is not an unfortunate slip or a regrettable act; it is a posture of defiance against a holy God." — Max Lucado

NEXT Sunday, Sept 10 is National Grandparents day. We are going to celebrate our grandparents (or significant elders in yours or your child’s life) by inviting them to our Sunday service. During that time, we will have your grandparents visit your Sunday School classroom, meet your teachers and enjoy some light snacks. We will have a photo area where we will take a picture of you and your grandparents. During our service time, the children will minister in song and acknowledge their grandparents. Please mark your calendars and begin now to invite your grandparents to our church that day.

Beginning Wed. Sept 20 and running for approximately 3-4 weeks, we will be showing the Feature film / documentary “Is Genesis History”? It is a look at the biblical, historical and scientific evidence for creation and the flood. We will hear from dozens of scientists and scholars as they explore the world around us in light of the truth of Genesis. If you know someone who doubts the biblical account, this is a perfect opportunity to invite them to see it from the other side. There will be discussion before and after each viewing
Last week...

He put himself in a familiar area where he thinks he could maybe find some help.
The further he got away from Judah, the less he could rely on anyone lending a hand.
The further we retreat from the family of God, the less we are going to find help in our time of need.
When David ran to Ahimelech, he found some material things, but no spiritual guidance.
When he went further away to Gath, he put his life in danger.
Only when he comes home does he receive some help.
They realized finally that David was the future for their country.
So not only his family, but soon others joined him as well.
Saul had put hardship on their military.
These “malcontents” were people who saw what was happening currently and knew that the only hope for their country was God’s anointed king-David.
David started with 400 but ended with 600.
True leaders attract people who see in their leader the qualities that they most admire.
They saw David’s anointing and believed that God was putting the nation back on track.
David’s little band of rejects represented the future of Israel and God’s blessing was with them.
They had 600 rejects, and Saul had 3000 chosen men.
We may see our country and feel that it has gotten to the point of no return, and maybe it has.
But if God’s people take up the task of praying and fighting for God, then who knows what this small band of Christians may accomplish.
Because of this answered prayer, simply people showing up in support, we see David’s attitude change.
Once the men showed up to support him, David began to take courage and felt better about the situation, no longer throwing himself a pity party.
First he protects his parents. (“Honor your father and mother”)
He could have just abandoned them to protect himself, but he knew God was in control of this, so he wanted to obey that commandment.
We should never violate what we know God’s word says just to make it easier on ourselves.
If God is in control, then we know that following His word always works out best even if it may seem harder at first.
His great-grandmother Ruth came from there.
Look at how Ruth’s life shaped that of her great grandson.
The life we live as parents and grandparents can have a tremendous effect on the spiritual walk of our kids and grandkids.
Not only how Ruth affected David, her life and testimony may have even given David favor with the town. He spoke to the king for help, not just anybody.
The cave up to this point seemed to work fine. Saul wasn’t finding him, people were safe.
Sometimes we need to venture out of our comfort area to follow God’s leading.
God didn’t want this cave to be his stronghold because God wanted Himself to be David’s stronghold.
If we don’t need him to protect us or provide for us, then he can’t prove himself.
What David was trusting in for the moment (the cave) would prove to be not as safe as he thought.
David couldn’t keep his trust in what was comfortable. His trust had to be in God.
Notice the contrast between the men who followed Saul and those who followed David...
David’s men were voluntarily risking their lives for what they believed was God’s will.
Saul had to threaten, demean and bribe his men to get his way.
What is our character? How do we behave when the pressure is on? How do we react when we feel God leading us into unchartered waters?
What does our character say about us?
God responded to that prayer and supplied the men. That answered prayer gave David hope for what was next.
And what was next was to leave what was familiar and comfortable, to trust God with that next step.
Thank you for joining us!