Crossroads Church, Avon IN

Functional Faith - Who's Friend Are You?
Conventional wisdom can cause disorder, but heavenly wisdom leads to peace. So why don’t we have peace in our homes, jobs, and friendships? Perhaps we are operating with the wrong kind of wisdom.
Locations & Times
Crossroads Church Avon, IN
7209 E County Rd 100 S, Avon, IN 46123, United States
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
What Causes Fights and Quarrels?
Our Three Biggest Enemies
• The flesh:
-James 4:1 "...your desires that battle within you."
• The world:
-James 4:4 "...friendship with the world is hatred toward God."
• The devil:
-James 4:7 "...the devil"
• The flesh:
-James 4:1 "...your desires that battle within you."
• The world:
-James 4:4 "...friendship with the world is hatred toward God."
• The devil:
-James 4:7 "...the devil"
Steps to Overcoming these Enemies
Step #1 - James 4:7a, "Submit yourselves, then to God."
*Submit is a military term that meant to get into proper rank.
*Submit is a military term that meant to get into proper rank.
Step #2 - James 4:7b, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
*The best way to resist the devil, is to submit to God.
*The best way to resist the devil, is to submit to God.
Step #3 - James 4:8a, "Come near to God, and he will come near to you."
*It is also imperative that we draw near to God.
*It is also imperative that we draw near to God.
Pride Versus Humility
Results of Pride: Slander, boastings, hoarding (demandingness).
Friendship with God Demands Humility
A Prayer for Daily Meditation
Grant, O heavenly Father, that the spiritual refreshment I have this day enjoyed may not be left behind and forgotten as tomorrow I return to the cycle of common tasks.
Here is a fountain of inward strength. Here is a purifying wind that must blow through all my business and all my pleasures. Here is a light to enlighten all my roads.
Therefore, O God, do Thou enable me so to discipline my will that in hours of stress I may honestly seek after those things for which I have prayed in hours of peace.
Grant, O heavenly Father, that the spiritual refreshment I have this day enjoyed may not be left behind and forgotten as tomorrow I return to the cycle of common tasks.
Here is a fountain of inward strength. Here is a purifying wind that must blow through all my business and all my pleasures. Here is a light to enlighten all my roads.
Therefore, O God, do Thou enable me so to discipline my will that in hours of stress I may honestly seek after those things for which I have prayed in hours of peace.

Special Guest Hunter Smith Band - September 17th @ 9AM + 10:45AM
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