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Elements City Church

Why It Matters - wk2 Discipleship

Why It Matters - wk2 Discipleship

We have a mission as a church that drives the WHY we do what we do, but we also have other things that matter. We wanted to take a few weeks to highlight some other significant WHY’s – as followers of Jesus these are important and why they matter!

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 5:00 PM

Thanks for being here...

Thanks for being with us, we pray that tonight would be encouraging for your week ahead. If you're a guest here with us, we invite you to fill out our communication card at the Next Steps table in the hallway after service, we'd love to meet you and we have a free gift for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...
Tonight I want to talk about WHY BEING A DISCIPLE OF JESUS MATTERS. WHY Discipleship Matters. But 1st – I want to take a minute to address something with clarity – a reminder to us as individuals, a church – as followers of Jesus.
In regards to the events happening in VA: There is absolutely nothing
good or patriotic about KKK, WhiteSupremacists, AltRight. These are not simply hate groups – these are movements of EVIL. We will call it like it is. We are all part of the human race. Each has value because God says so – (Imago Dei). Racism is a SIN issue, not a skin issue. And it is wrong everyday and in every way. These groups stand for ideology that is the direct opposite of what Jesus stands for. And WE WILL ALWAYS STAND WITH JESUS.
Heaven that God secures for us is where every tribe, nation, people and language (Revelation 7) assembles to praise the ONLY ONE who is truly supreme: JESUS. And Jesus is the ONE our world needs more of…
Jesus people are FOR ALL people. We don’t slink in silence in the sight of hate. We Arise to LOVE everyone always. We are people of love, even in the face of hate. We are people of 'faith, hope and love – the greatest of these is love.'
Now, because of what is unfolding around our world and in our own country – I cannot think of a better day to dive into WHY Discipleship matters! …as we seek to align ourselves with Jesus and live under his leadership.
Discipleship is one of those church words that often can get confusing a bit, diluted or fuzzy. On what exactly is it?
The word “disciple” means above all “learner” or “pupil.” So the idea here is to make learners. A disciple is not simply one who has been taught and given tasks, but one who continues to learn from the one they’re studying.
As soon as you become a Christian, you are His disciple. One cannot say you are a Christian and not a disciple.

Definition: a disciple is an apprentice of Jesus.
Notice it’s not a “Jesus Intern” – an intern is given assignments, tasks that they need to complete so the boss can see them working, getting things accomplished. Thus internships often focus on accomplishing, achieving & ACTIVITY.
1st we spend time apprenticing – being with Jesus; then we will naturally become MORE like him. Jesus invites us to follow him – to “come and see”; he invites us to proximity WITH HIM, more than just merely activity FOR HIM. Discipleship is best – when it plants its roots in proximity more than activity.

a little video that helps point us toward 'come and see'

Here's a video that might help us in understanding Jesus' call to come and see - to follow him...
Discipleship = It's less about activity FOR JESUS and more about proximity WITH JESUS – because when you spend time in proximity with Jesus, you’ll begin to pick up the habits and heart of Jesus.
Discipleship doesn’t have its primary focus on “Behavior modification” –
(I need to shape up, act right and behave better.)
Sustained life change doesn’t happen because we muster up more will power and make some behavior modifications.
Sustained life change happens when our hearts and minds are transformed. And Jesus knows this reality. That’s why he never invited someone to simple memorize a list or preached a philosophy for us to adhere too.
He simply invited people to “follow me.” And it’s in that reorientation of living life as an apprentice and follower of Jesus that the Holy Spirit can go to work transforming a heart, which will then create life-change within our hearts, actions, thoughts and behaviors…
illustration: a Map.
Map directions are about a plan: ‘where you go’ - your destination.
Jesus is about transformation of WHO WE ARE & who we're BECOMING; he’s already taken care of where we’re going.
Following the plan is about getting to the destination –
Following Jesus is about experiencing his transformation.
“Disciples of Jesus are those who are with him learning to be like him. That is, they are learning to lead their life, their actual existence, as he would lead their life if he were they.” - Dallas Willard
*(recommend his book: Renovation of the Heart)
Now, apprenticing Jesus IS challenging. An intern has off hours, an apprentice doesn’t. Following Jesus is never really about convenience - it has a cost to it.
Jesus is asking for more than our admiration – he’s asking for our obedience & devotion.
‘Faith Fans’ take Jesus at his promises (his grace to believe in him); they are excited at his rallies, wear the fan gear and cheer real loud as long as it’s to their benefit and convenience - but it’s real FOLLOWERS who take up his invitation to wild devotion and follow him wherever He leads.
Discipleship – apprenticing ourselves to Jesus - challenges us to move past the casual and past the convenient into something more committed.
JESUS is looking for more than FANS: “enthusiastic admirers.”
-He’s seeking obedient followers – apprentices who will align their lives to follow him in all the ways He leads. Following Jesus is open to anyone - but He does ask for your everything.
Jesus is not content with merely being an accessory to your life…
Our culture pushes us toward a “fanship of Jesus”, but a disciple crosses the line from fan to follower.
Following Jesus is not a one-time decision – it’s a daily invitation…to stay close to him. There are ALWAYS next steps as we follow our Savior – we’re never done; he may lead us to moments of rest, but we are never DONE until we are HOME.
It’s why Proximity with Jesus needs to remain our highest priority!
Disciples (followers) of Jesus follow close enough that they pick up the habits and rhythms of Jesus - making them normal in their lives
-scripture (spending time reading, reflecting, memorizing)
-serving others
-love (experienced love -from God & expressed love -for God & others)
We’re to apprentice Jesus. Everyday is a new day to learn, grow, and stretch in our understudy role. To be with HIM and be more like HIM!
As we’re in proximity with Jesus - we're transformed - we’re growing in being God's "active agents" (N.T. Wright) in this world and in the redemptive and restorative work God’s up too here - ‘this side of heaven.’
Need Prayer? ....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you. Or you can text the word "prayer" to our phone number: #520-300-9001 to submit your prayer request to our prayer team to partner with you.

Thanks for partnering with us to BE the church in our city... (online giving)

Thank you so much! All we do is fueled by your gifts. You can be a financial partner with us by giving in the boxes in the back or give online here: *(there are also resources on that page to help you)

Thanks for being with us...

Thanks for being here tonight - stop by the Next Steps table for info on all things happening in and around Elements. If you're a guest with us, we've got a FREE gift for you as you stop by. Check out the WEEKLY online for answers to other questions or information. Join us next week as we continue our WHY IT MATTERS series...
Elements gear:
tonight in the lobby we have a pre-order sheet you can sign up for some Elements T-shirts, hats, hoodies if you've been wanting some.