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Christian Stronghold Church

Bible Study - "DAVID" - Lesson 11  - Misplaced Trust

Bible Study - "DAVID" - Lesson 11 - Misplaced Trust

Join us for our Bible Study journey through the books which describe the life of King David. Pastor's Wednesday Night Bible Study is located in the sanctuary of Christian Stronghold, every Wednesday evening at 7:30PM.

Locations & Times

Christian Stronghold Church

4701 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19131, USA

Wednesday 7:30 PM

David's life extended from around 1040 to 970 B.C. Second Samuel 5 records that "David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years. In Hebron he reigned over Judah seven years and six months, and in Jerusalem he righted over all Israel and Judah thirty-three years." The biblical writers view David as the greatest of Israel's kings and the one through whom the ultimate king, the Messiah, eventually came (see Matthew 1;1; Luke 3:31).

Next Selection - The GATHERING

In the building for Bible Study? Stop upstairs at 7:30PM if you'd like to check out "The Gathering", conversations on Christ, the Bible, and life. The Gathering is hosted by Singles Ministry, Next Selection.

Download the Bible Study Presentation

Every Thursday afternoon Christian Stronghold Church publishes the weekly bible study presentation to the church website. If you'd like to download the presentation PDF, use the link below to go directly to the site. Bible study downloads are available every Thursday through Sunday.

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