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CrossWay Church

October 20th, 2019:  How Do We Love Our Neighbor: 1 Peter 4:7-11

October 20th, 2019: How Do We Love Our Neighbor: 1 Peter 4:7-11

These are the Bible passage and sermon notes for our Sunday morning worship services.

Locations & Times

CrossWay Church Battle Ground

311 N Parkway Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

1 Peter 4:7-11: How do we serve our neighbor?

I) Love Where You Live Overview

A) Why do we serve our neighbor? __________ served us. We want to show this same love others.

B) Who is our neighbor? ___________ even those that are difficult to love.

C) Peter answers the question: How do we serve our neighbor?

II) God has equipped and empowered each of us to serve.

A) God has _______________ each of us to serve others.

1) God does not make ______________. The gifts he has given us are valuable for his kingdom.

2) God has entrusted us with our _______________. We need to properly use them.

B) God’s Spirit ________________ us to serve others.

How are you equipped to serve? Where are you called to use these gifts?

III) Three practical ways we can serve our neighbors.

A) We can _____________ for them and that God would open your eyes to their needs.

Who are three people in your sphere of influence that you will pray for this week?

B) We can selflessly _________ others.

Wayne Grudem: “Where love abounds in a fellowship of Christians, many small offenses, and even some large ones, are overlooked and forgotten. But where love is lacking, every word is viewed with suspicion, every action is liable to misunderstanding, and conflicts abound”

What can you do to cultivate this kind of selfless love in your sphere of influence (work, school, neighborhood, etc.)

C) We show __________________ to them.

1) Share a __________: Provide food and drink.

Who can you bring a meal to or invite over for dinner?

2) Welcome them into our ______________ and include them in our everyday lives.

How can you invite others into your life?

3) Meet their ________________ needs.

What practical needs can you meet around you?

4) Show up at ____________ moments.

Who do you know that is going through a difficult time? What can you do reach out to them?

IV) The goal of serving others is to reveal Christ and bring God _____.