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Elements City Church

Parables - wk4

Parables - wk4

we're looking at parables - those stories and life lessons Jesus told to help us know God and the best way to live life. This Week: The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)

Locations & Times

Elements City Church

1825 N Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

Thanks for joining us...

Thanks for being with us, we pray that tonight would be encouraging for your week ahead. If you're a guest here with us, we invite you to fill out our communication card at the Next Steps table in the hallway after service, we'd love to meet you and we have a free gift for you. Click the link below to see THE WEEKLY - our digital announcements/info for all things happening in and around Elements...
We are looking into some Parables Jesus told. Parables – are some stories and life lessons from Jesus. It’s often how he encapsulated spiritual truths about the kingdom of God and how God sees things, God’s character and dreams for our life – how God desires things to work and function their absolute best. So each week, we’ll look at a new one and draw some conclusions and actions steps for us
Distance = the space between point A and point B. Also the amount of time between the 'present' and a future date/goal. There can also be 'relational distance'. The story of the gospel is that after the 'fall' of humanity - God set in motion a plan to eliminate relational distance between himself and mankind through Jesus.
Tension existed as Jesus hung around those that the religious establishment said there should be distance between "you and them." -
People that were nothing like Jesus, actually liked Jesus. Jesus is demonstrating that - EACH life matters.
Each One Matters!
This is not a numbers game. It’s not 3 out of 4 is a good enough average or that 99% is close enough. That might be good on a test – but in life: EACH PERSON MATTERS! Because EACH ONE is valuable to the shepherd.

God’s love for each individual is so great that he seeks each one out
and rejoices when he or she is “found.”
Jesus is driving home a reality:
God is our GOOD Shepherd
A shepherd that SEARCHES!
And God longs for us to join in the search – to leverage our lives to help search out those who are separated from him relationally. To invite them home.
Jesus is not only the Good Shepherd – He’s the Lamb of God, who laid down his life, that we might discover and have life through Him; so we could be welcomed home. *(see John 10:10-28)
This is WHY our mission is: inviting people into a life-giving & life-changing relationship with Jesus.

God has a great heart for PEOPLE… we get to put that on display in how we live, and how we leverage our lives to invite people toward Jesus.
Found People - find people
What does it do to your heart to know that God searches for you, finds you and watches over you as a Good Shepherd?

How does it move your heart to have the Shepherd say to you – asking you and I to join Him in the search for others…?
Need Prayer? ....we've got some of our prayer team and pastors available following service to pray with you.

Thanks for partnering with us to BE the church in our city... (online giving)

Thank you so much! All we do is fueled by your gifts. You can be a financial partner with us by giving in the boxes in the back or online here: *you can also help partner with us to give scholarships for students attending camp this summer