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Branch Church

This is Us: Racism, Jesus & the Church

This is Us: Racism, Jesus & the Church

Locations & Times

Branch Church

83 Pine St, Peabody, MA 01960, USA

Sunday 10:00 AM

The Bible makes it clear that there is only ONE RACE - the HUMAN RACE. Why does racism exist if it is only "skin deep?" The Bible says more than one would think about indifference, contempt, hatred, avoidance, exclusion and violence found is racism. Jesus responded differently and desires His Church to respond differently. If the Church can't figure it out - how can we expect others to?
"Be TRANSFORMED by the WORD and not CONFORMED by the WORLD."
"God created ONE RACE - the HUMAN RACE."
"If people have interpreted the Bible in a racist framework, the error is in the interpretation, not the Bible itself."

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