First Baptist Church, South Haven

Worship Gathering: 6/28/20
Thank you for joining us for worship this morning! While our place of worship has changed from the usual place and time, we are grateful to know that the Body of Christ can worship anytime, anywhere. As a reminder If you have a need for assistance during this time (grocery delivery, meals, etc.), please do not hesitate to call/text Kim Collins on her cell phone. We have church members ready and willing to help.
Locations & Times
First Baptist Church
10781 76th St, South Haven, MI 49090, USA
Sunday 6:00 AM

Worship Video:6/28/2020
Weekly Bulletin

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
Pastor Jerry Koller
· During the first trip, Barnabas and his nephew, John Mark, were his associates.
· At one point in the trip, John Mark left the group.
· During plans for the second trip, Barnabas wanted to take his nephew, but Paul would not allow it because he bailed on the first excursion.
· Paul replaced Barnabas with Silas.
· As the group traveled through Lystra and Derbe, they added a young man to their group named Timothy.
· He wrote his first letter to the Thessalonian church from the city of Corinth around AD 51, just a few months after having preached to them.
· The three specifics are works, labor, and endurance.
· The catalysts are faith, hope, and love.
· These were works produced by faith.
· They were not works that lead to faith.
· They were the result of faith.
· Paul is addressing something internal.
· He is talking about inner motivation.
· The word labor is not to be understood so much as actions as it is effort.
· Effort is the energy, strength, and motivation that is needed to do something.
· Another translation uses the word steadfast rather than endurance.
· Sometimes it is translated patient enduring.
· In the majority of instances where it is used, it is translated perseverance.
· Faith must produce good works.
· Many world religions have a system of works.
· The works we do are not, cannot, will never be a means to an end.
· They are the fruit, as it were, of faith.
· Are your efforts prompted by love?
· Efforts or labors refer to all aspects of life.
· Love for God and love for people encompass everything we think, do and say.
· Hope is the catalyst that helps you persevere.
· Some in the church have chosen to compromise on truth.
· Some have fallen captive to apathy.
· Some have publicly rejected the faith they once held strongly to.
· May hope in the coming of Christ keep this from happening to you.
Do not be afraid to properly assess your lives.

Worship Resumes July 12!
Masks are Required...To begin with, we are requiring those who wish to attend to wear a mask (or bandana) that covers both their nose and mouth. Face shields are acceptable. This requirement will remain until the end of July. At that time, we will reassess the situation to see if masks are still needed. Our rationale for this requirement has to do with the number of droplets that are discharged during singing. Some data suggests singing expels as much as a sneeze. Believing most would want to be able to sing, we feel masks will restrict the amount of droplet discharge to some degree. It will not eliminate them all, but with distancing, we believe everyone should be safe.
Offering: We will not be physically collecting the offering in our regular manner of passing a bag. We strongly suggest you continue to give via mail, online, etc. as you have been during the pandemic. We also intend to place a couple of baskets in the rear of the church should one want to place their offering in it each week.
Koinonia: We will discontinue koinonia for a season as we continue to watch and see how the pandemic progresses. Please be sensitive to this decision. We know many of you have not seen one another for months. Please refrain from physical contact (hugs, kisses, handshakes, etc.) as the individual you are extending them to may not wish to make contact.
Mission Café: Sadly, we will not re-open the Café at this time. Like some other things, this will be for a season. It will not be permanent.
Communication: We will not be distributing any printed information (bulletins, prayer cards, kid's coloring pages, etc.). Announcements will run in the foyer and before worship. We will continue to send out as much information as possible electronically (emails, website, Facebook, etc.). Please take advantage of these methods if you want to stay informed.
Classes and Small Groups: For a season, we will not be conducting Sunday School classes or Children’s Worship in person. As the pandemic diminishes, we will resume these ministries knowing it is safe to do so. Again, this is for a season. It is not permanent. We will resume small groups for those interested. These gatherings will comply with distancing and sanitizing policies.
Happy Birthday!
Graduation Open House
We Are Here For You!
Church Parking Lot Repairs
New Bible Study Begins
Check Out Our Web Page
Flower Bed Maintenance Needed
Online Giving is Now Available!
Pop Cans = Scholarships
Attention Amazon Shoppers!
We Care Pantry Collections
Food Pantry
First Congregational Church
651 Phoenix Street
Open Mon., Wed., Fri. 10am-12pm
Suggested items are:
· Cereal
· Dry Pasta
· Canned Vegetables
· Canned Fruit
· Tuna
· Spaghetti Sauce
· Crackers
· Rice-A-Roni
· Pork & Beans
· Canned Soup
· Peanut Butter
· Oatmeal
Personal Care Pantry
First Assembly of God Church
06500 Blue Star Hwy
Open Wed. 10am-1pm
Suggested items are:
· Shampoo
· Conditioner
· Body Soap
· Deodorant
· Toothbrushes
· Toothpaste
· Feminine Items
· Shaving Cream
· Razors
· Dish Soap
· Laundry Detergent
· Cleaning Supplies
· Trash Bags
· Toilet Paper
· Paper Towels
For questions, contact the church office. Thank you for helping those in our community who are in need.
Opportunities this Week
· This group is on summer break and will resume again this fall.
Monday Evening Men's Group
· This group is on summer break and will resume again this fall.
Tuesday Evening Women's Bible Study
· This group is on summer break and will resume again this fall.
Wednesday Bible Study
· Currently studying the book of James, but will be starting a new book on 7/15.
· Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 AM. This group meets via Zoom, but will also resume meeting in person soon.
· · To find out where they are meeting or if you're interested in joining, please call/text Tina Wilburn at 269-767-4685 or email
Thursday Evening Craft Group
· Has not yet resumed, but will be very soon. Contact Tracy Marshall for questions or more information.
Weekly Prayer List
· Ramona Schultz (Kristen Schultz's 88 year-old mother-in-law) has a mass on her brain which is believed to be cancer. Treatment options are being evaluated.
· John Ellis is in boot camp and struggling with loneliness.
· Pastor Jephthe Lucien and his family and their Haitian community as they grieve the loss of Jephthe's brother, Pastor Henoc Lucien. Cards can be sent to: Pastor Jephthe Lucien | c/o Jerusalem Baptist Mission Church | P.O. Box 601 | Round Lake Beach, FL 60073.
· Dominique (Bruce's Ferguson’s nephew) who is recovering from COVID-19.
· Shirley Jackson and her family upon the death of her husband, Art, on 5/31 following a battle with kidney cancer.
· Leslie Robinson, who lost her husband and pastor, Darrel Robinson, to Covid-19. She was in the hospital and released but quarantined. Her mother is also hospitalized. She's 90 years old and was in a recent car accident where she had to be cut out. Bishop Robinson was the pastor of Vasha Ferguson’s sister, Deborah Kirby. She was very close to him and his wife. So, please include her, the congregation and God's guidance for the continuation of the ministry in your prayers as well.
· Lynn Rarick continues to deal with hip issues. Pray that a resolution can be figured out.
· Crystal Jennings (sister of Tracy Marshall’s brother-in-law, Louie) started chemo for stage 4 breast cancer. She had scans to check how the hormone therapy was doing and there is no new growth and the lesions on her bones show signs of healing. Thank you for all the prayers and please continue to pray that the cancer will be eradicated..
· Check out our monthly prayer card on-line at under “Weekly Bulletins” for a list of those with on-going needs.

1635 76th Street
South Haven, MI 49090