Faith Community San Diego

2017-03-19 Paul the Pioneer
Locations & Times
Faith Community Church
2285 Murray Ridge Rd, San Diego, CA 92123, USA
Sunday 8:30 AM
Interested in joining a LifeGroup? Find out more about our LifeGroups at the Welcome Table Seminar - Saturday, March 25 - 9-Noon
Do you get to do what you do best on a regular basis—to use your talents, gifts, and strengths? Do you find joy, satisfaction, and growth in the ways you serve God, your church and other people? This session will help you affirm and understand your strengths and determine how to use them for growth and service. Material cost is $20.00. If you have already taken the assessment, there is no charge. (Class size limited to 15 participants) Class will be taught by Pastor Deb who is a certified Strengths Coach. Click link below to register. Choir Sign Ups
If you can talk you can sing! Touch base with Pastor Benji for more info and to sign up. He will be next to the Welcome Table in the Courtyard after worship this morning...
This morning's sermon notes
Click the link below to view/download this morning's sermon notes/slides. Resource: Seeking Refuge: On the Shores of the Global Refugee Crisis
This book won Christianity Today magazine's award of Merit in Politics and Public Life. What will rule our hearts: fear or compassion?We can’t ignore the refugee crisis—arguably the greatest geo-political issue of our time—but how do we even begin to respond to something so massive and complex?In Seeking Refuge, three experts from World Relief, a global organization serving refugees, offer a practical, well-rounded, well-researched guide to the issue.Who are refugees and other displaced peoples?What are the real risks and benefits of receiving them?How do we balance compassion and security?Drawing from history, public policy, psychology, many personal stories, and their own unique Christian worldview, the authors offer a nuanced and compelling portrayal of the plight of refugees and the extraordinary opportunity we have to love our neighbors as ourselves. Resource: How Christianity Changed the World
From the previous week's messages: Western civilization is becoming increasingly pluralistic, secularized, and biblically illiterate. Many people today have little sense of how their lives have benefited from Christianity’s influence, often viewing the church with hostility or resentment. How Christianity Changed the World is a topically arranged Christian history for Christians and non- Christians. Grounded in solid research and written in a popular style, this book is both a helpful apologetic tool in talking with unbelievers and a source of evidence for why Christianity deserves credit for many of the humane, social, scientific, and cultural advances in the Western world in the last two thousand years. Photographs, timelines, and charts enhance each chapter. This edition features questions for reflection and discussion for each chapter. Giving
If you would like to worship the Lord through financial giving to the ministries of Faith Community please click the link below.