Cornerstone Community Church
Hebrews - Week 2 - Grace is Greater
The writer of Hebrews has one basic message: “Don’t give up! Christ is better. Go all the way with Him!” Faith dominates this book. We do not place our hope in what we do, but what he has done. Believers do not rely on what they are; that would be a religion of works. They base their entire spiritual confidence on what he is, and grace is greater!
Locations & Times
Cornerstone Community Church
227 S Main St, Galax, VA 24333, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Thanks for joining us this morning either online or in person. If you have children, Cornerstone has a great children's ministry for birth through 5th grade. Children can be checked into their classrooms at the first floor lobby in the rear of the building. We also invite you to stop by our cafe for great refreshments and coffee before and after the service. If you are visiting with us for the first time, please stop by the resource table for a special gift. And finally, check out our touch-screen computers at the resource table if you would like to signup for upcoming events at Cornerstone. If you have any questions, please let us know.
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https://mycornerstone.orgSermon Notes
Series: Hebrews: Christ is Better
Title: Grace is Greater
Moses - Represents the Law
Jesus - Represents Grace
The Message: Grace is Greater!
Our Response
Hear the Word
Believe the Word
Obey the Word
Share the Word
Series: Hebrews: Christ is Better
Title: Grace is Greater
Moses - Represents the Law
Jesus - Represents Grace
The Message: Grace is Greater!
Our Response
Hear the Word
Believe the Word
Obey the Word
Share the Word
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