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East Lake Community Church

Prayers That Avail - Prayer For Blessing

Prayers That Avail - Prayer For Blessing

James 5:16…….says the prayers of a righteous man avail/accomplish much. Throughout the Bible we see examples of how when God's people prayed amazing things happened. What if we became known as a church that prayed, and people witnessed God moving in might ways as we prayed?

Locations & Times

East Lake Community Church Online Campus:

10057 Broad River Rd, Irmo, SC 29063, USA

Sunday 9:00 AM

We start our Prayers that Avail series by exploring Davids Prayer in 2 Samuel 7. David and God are entering into a covenant (agreement) that will ultimately lead us to the Person and promises of Jesus Christ.

David knew his identity and stood boldly in that identity as he cried out to God to remain faithful to His people. God answered in surprising ways while reminding His people of His enduring Faithfulness.

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You can become a part of God's Kingdom work through giving by clicking this link, giving in the boxes in the back, or mailing checks to ELCC 10057 Braod River Rd, Irmo SC, 29063

Regathering Plan

You Can Find our Regather Plan Here:

Special Meeting of the Partners 6/21/2020

The Lead Pastor affirmation vote will be held during a special meeting of the partners on Sunday, June 21 at 12:30 pm.