Wiregrass Church

Better For It - Moving Forward From A Crisis
There is more to your circumstances than meets the eye. Your current circumstances are a chapter. They are not the full story.
Locations & Times
Wiregrass Church
900 W Main St, Dothan, AL 36301, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
One of the reasons we respect the people that we respect most is their response to
Your Superpower is why you can be …

All of this pain without any gain would certainly be a shame.
How can we be better for it?
What have we been doing that almost led to our undoing?
What have we been doing that almost led to our undoing?
How can we be better for it?
What should we begin doing that we should have been doing all along?
What should we begin doing that we should have been doing all along?
Your Superpower
Your ability to respond allows you to dictate and to influence your own future.
To react to circumstances sets us up to reflect those circumstances.
When we react, we actually relinquish control of our lives, and we ultimately relinquish control of our destiny and our legacy.
A measured, thought-through response ensures this doesn’t happen.
Your Superpower
The response that has the potential to reverse the natural course of things isn’t natural.
The response that has the potential to reverse the natural course of things isn’t natural.
The catalytic response is the least intuitive response.
Your Superpower
Joseph Jacobson
Kidnapped ---
Sold twice
Kidnapped ---
Sold twice
Joseph responded as if God was with him.
How would someone in your circumstances respond if they were confident God was with them?

In these times, Joseph must’ve thought...
I wish God would go be with someone else for a change!
I wish God would go be with someone else for a change!
As much as Joseph had a sense God was with him, he was not enjoying these circumstances.
Gee, that’s a tough one.
I’m afraid I can’t help you.
I’m afraid I can’t help you.
In their absence, Joseph had lived every single day of his life as if God was present.
When it counted most, Joseph once again chose not to react but to respond, and he forgave his brothers.
When we are able to believe and when we are able to respond as if God is with us, we gain a perspective on what’s behind our circumstances that we can’t gain any other way.
If all we do is react, not only will we not be better for it, we will never have the perspective that allows us to move successfully into our future.
God’s entire plan of salvation for the world hung by the thread of Joseph’s response.
Never underestimate the power of a measured response.
God’s intention became reality through one man’s catalytic, unprecedented, circumstance-defying responses.
Our Superpower, our respond-ability, gives us the potential to be better for it, whatever it is.
We don’t choose the it.
But our responses determine whether or not we are better for it.
But our responses determine whether or not we are better for it.
How would someone in my circumstances respond…
How would someone in my circumstances respond if they were confident God was with them?
Your answer to this question is your invitation to exercise your Superpower. Your answer to this question is your best way forward.
We are no better than our responses, but our responses have extraordinary potential to make us and to make the world better.
How would someone in your circumstances respond if they were confident God was with them?

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Wiregrass Church relies on your prayers and financial support in order to accomplish our mission of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you for supporting our mission and your local church.