Wiregrass Church

The Messy Middle - How to Persevere in Tough Times
We avoid things we don’t like. But sometimes things come our way that we can’t avoid. When our circumstances deteriorate, what do we do when there’s nothing we can do?
Locations & Times
Wiregrass Church
900 W Main St, Dothan, AL 36301, USA
Sunday 9:30 AM
It's human nature to avoid the things that we don't like.
There are statements in the Bible I don't particularly like.
It answers an important question.
I don't like the answer.
I don't like the answer.
What do we do when there's nothing we can do?
We've all been confronted with our sinister selves.

Poor Ben!
Brother of Jesus
Brother of Jesus
James was surrounded by and responsible for a community in crisis.
Whenever you face trials of many kinds, consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters ...
James 1:2
James 1:2
Testing is the process used to determine the authenticity of something.
Trials expose the authenticity of our faith.
Trials expose the authenticity of our confidence in God.
When you're facing a trial of any kind, immediately you discover something about your faith.
In that moment, without doing anything, your faith, the authenticity, the genuineness of your faith is being tested.
In that moment, without doing anything, your faith, the authenticity, the genuineness of your faith is being tested.
When circumstances deteriorate, artificial, counterfeit, and what's-in-it-for-men faith deteriorates right along with it.
Faith isn't how we get God to do stuff.
Faith isn't a superpower.
Faith isn't a superpower.
Faith is simply confidence that God already did something.
Faith is simply confidence that God is who God reveals himself to be in the New Testament, and that he will do everything he's promised.
Faith is simply confidence that God is who God reveals himself to be in the New Testament, and that he will do everything he's promised.
Trials exercise our faith.
The thing we want removed is the thing God has chosen to use.
The tension in our lives is the epicenter of God's activity in our lives.
The tension in our lives is the epicenter of God's activity in our lives.
Let perseverance complete its work, so you will be complete.
The only way to have grown-up faith is to face a trial and to experience God's faithfulness in the trial
Give me wisdom to see as you see.
I'm most inspired by people whose faith is tested and endures.
They leave us with confidence that there is a category of faith and there is a category of confidence in God that can endure just about anything.
"My life has always been in God's hands. Nothing has changed." - Regi Campbell
"I won't be around to finish it up, but I want to get it kicked off." - Regi Campbell
My Commitments
1. I will walk with Jesus every day.
1. I will walk with Jesus every day.
My Commitments
2. I will be grateful and live every day to the fullest,
2. I will be grateful and live every day to the fullest,
My Commitments
3. I will bless my family with words, pictures, and videos.
3. I will bless my family with words, pictures, and videos.
My Commitments
4. I will invest in my guys for their good and God's glory, not mine.
4. I will invest in my guys for their good and God's glory, not mine.
My Commitments
6. I will let people love on me.
6. I will let people love on me.
My Commitments
5. I will not give up and run out the clock.
5. I will not give up and run out the clock.
Regi's faith did not reverse the consequences of life in a fallen world
Regi's faith produced perseverance and courage in the midst of a fallen world.
God will use whatever he chooses not to remove.
God values and uses persevering faith.
We don't choose the trials, the trials choose us.
We don't choose the trials, we simply choose our response to these trials.
We don't choose the trials, we simply choose our response to these trials.
Heavenly Father, use this until You choose to remove this.
Heavenly Father, use this until You choose to remove this.

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