Foothills Christian Church

Mother's Day 2020 | Linda Hoffman | May 9 & 10, 2020
Weekend Services
Locations & Times
Foothills Christian Church
365 W Bradley Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020, United States
Saturday 6:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:45 AM
Who determines sex of child?
Who determines sex of child?
As a baby or small child who is just as happy playing with objects as with people?
As a baby or small child who is just as happy playing with objects as with people?
Who says their first words earliest?
Who says their first words earliest?
Who has better sensitivity with their hands?
Who has better sensitivity with their hands?
Who is more interested in seeing how things work?
Who is more interested in seeing how things work?
Who has an easier time mastering a foreign language?
Who has an easier time mastering a foreign language?

Christmas Girls

Christmas Boys
“We have discovered that many of our problems in children and young people’s behavior, in our morals, culture and in production - are partially cause by the weakening of family ties and slack attitude to family responsibility. This is a completely unexpected result of our sincere desire to make women and men equal in everything…. Russia is now looking for ways to make it possible for women to return to their purely womanly mission.”
I OVERSEE THE most important organization in the world
Where hundreds of decisions are made daily
Where property and resources are managed
Where health and nutritional needs are determined
Where finances and futures are discussed and debated
Where projects are planned and events are arranged
Where transportation and scheduling are critical
Where team-building is a priority
Where careers begin and end
I am the Family Manager
Where hundreds of decisions are made daily
Where property and resources are managed
Where health and nutritional needs are determined
Where finances and futures are discussed and debated
Where projects are planned and events are arranged
Where transportation and scheduling are critical
Where team-building is a priority
Where careers begin and end
I am the Family Manager

Budget Amounts

Mahli's Letter
Family Evaluation
What are we known for?
Is that all we want to be known for?
Is it enough to keep our family strong?
What would we like to be known for FIRST.
What are our strengths?
Do we have some weaknesses?
Do we operate like a team?
What one action can we take this month to become a stronger, better team?
What are we known for?
Is that all we want to be known for?
Is it enough to keep our family strong?
What would we like to be known for FIRST.
What are our strengths?
Do we have some weaknesses?
Do we operate like a team?
What one action can we take this month to become a stronger, better team?
Gathered We Grow That my kids would be confident and secure in who they are, recognizing their inherent value and worth.
Jackie Hill-Perry: ex-gay hip-hop artist Appetite for God
2. Self-Control
4 Questions for Clarity:
What do I see?
What do I want to see?
How do I encourage the good?
How Do I discourage the bad?
What do I see?
What do I want to see?
How do I encourage the good?
How Do I discourage the bad?
Foothills Text Line:
Text PRAYER to 619-375-0805
Text DECISION to 619-375-0805
Text PRAYER to 619-375-0805
Text DECISION to 619-375-0805
Want to go deeper?
Check out the Digging Deeper sermon based study each week. Involved at Foothills
Follow this link to get involved in serving.