Faith Community San Diego

2016-10-16 Your Mind Matters
Locations & Times
Faith Community Church
2285 Murray Ridge Rd, San Diego, CA 92123, USA
Sunday 8:00 AM
Help GEM Foundation get a car!
The GEM Foundation led by Faith members Josh and Ema Quisenberry, is a home on the outskirts of Kampala, Uganda for children with special needs. These children are medically fragile frequently require doctor/physician visits. They need a reliable car/van for transporting these special gems. The GEM Foundation exists to: Love the Broken. Strengthen the Weak and Encourage the Weary. A donor from Faith will match all special donations up to $8,000 given over the next 3 weeks. To participate you can click on the link below. Go to the bottom of the form where you will see the Missions field. Enter your donation and choose GEMS in the drop down box to the right. morning's sermon notes
Click the link below to view/download this morning's sermon notes/slides. Resource: Thought Germs
Vince posted this last week but it is relevant for this week because it illustrates how our minds are constantly under viral attack to be "squeezed into the mold of this world". Resource: Your Mind Matters
A classic reflection by John Stott on the need and role of the Christian mind... thoughtful, provocative, and encouraging. Resource: Rebuilding the Real You
Jack Hayford’s landmark teaching on the Holy Spirit, unfolds a clear picture of the process by which the Holy Spirit works in the life of the believer. This book is a picture of how and what a "renewed mind" looks like.This book is a handbook on restoration, enabling the reader to identify and effectively deal with obstacles, walk fully and fruitfully in Spirit-filled life, and rejoice in God’s faithfulness. Containing life-transforming dimensions of renewal and personal restoratioN. Giving
If you would like to worship the Lord through financial giving to the ministries of Faith Community please click the link below.