Eyewitness Bible Series
The purpose of Eyewitness Bible Series is to help people learn and understand the Bible. Eyewitness video narratives are Bible-based and designed to spark your imagination and provoke your curiosity, while not being controversial. The material is entertaining and uniquely effective for individuals, families, small groups and churches. The series will consist of more than 160 videos and study guides that help people learn and understand the Bible. Each video is 12-18 minutes long and addresses a portion of the Bible from the viewpoint of a Bible personality. Imagine Mary telling about the birth of Jesus, Satan disclosing how he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, and Mary Magdalene imparting her story of being the first person to see the resurrected Jesus. The videos and study guides provide a significant amount of historical, cultural, and chronological information that the original writers and hearers of the Bible knew, but are not well-known by most people today. The videos are not recitations of Scripture. Eyewitness Bible Series is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people understand the Bible. It is a division of Sermon.net, a leading non-profit Internet broadcasting service that serves more than 10,000 churches, organizations, and evangelists.