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Job 34:21-37

Job 34:21-37 MSG

“He has his eyes on every man and woman. He doesn’t miss a trick. There is no night dark enough, no shadow deep enough, to hide those who do evil. God doesn’t need to gather any more evidence; their sin is an open-and-shut case. He deposes the so-called high and mighty without asking questions, and replaces them at once with others. Nobody gets by with anything; overnight, judgment is signed, sealed, and delivered. He punishes the wicked for their wickedness out in the open where everyone can see it, Because they quit following him, no longer even thought about him or his ways. Their apostasy was announced by the cry of the poor; the cry of the afflicted got God’s attention. “If God is silent, what’s that to you? If he turns his face away, what can you do about it? But whether silent or hidden, he’s there, ruling, so that those who hate God won’t take over and ruin people’s lives. “So why don’t you simply confess to God? Say, ‘I sinned, but I’ll sin no more. Teach me to see what I still don’t see. Whatever evil I’ve done, I’ll do it no more.’ Just because you refuse to live on God’s terms, do you think he should start living on yours? You choose. I can’t do it for you. Tell me what you decide. “All right-thinking people say— and the wise who have listened to me concur— ‘Job is an ignoramus. He talks utter nonsense.’ Job, you need to be pushed to the wall and called to account for wickedly talking back to God the way you have. You’ve compounded your original sin by rebelling against God’s discipline, Defiantly shaking your fist at God, piling up indictments against the Almighty One.”

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