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Matthew 14:1-14

Matthew 14:1-14 TPT

At that time Herod, the Roman ruler over Galilee, heard reports about Jesus. He told his officials, “This man has to be John the Baptizer who has come back from the dead. That’s why he has this power to work miracles.” For Herod had earlier arrested John for confronting him for taking the wife of his brother Philip. He had John thrown in prison and placed in chains because John had repeatedly said to him, “It’s not legal or proper for you to be married to Herodias, your sister-in-law!” So Herod wanted John dead, but he was afraid of the crowds who flocked to John because they considered him to be a prophet. During Herod’s birthday celebration, the daughter of Herodias danced before Herod and all his distinguished guests, which greatly pleased the king. So he said to her in front of them all, “I give you my oath, ask of me anything you wish and it will be yours!” Because she had been instructed by her mother, she said, “I want the head of John the Baptizer here on a platter!” This grieved the king, but because of his oath in front of all of his guests, he had John beheaded in prison. They brought in his head and displayed it to her on a platter, and she then had it shown to her mother. John’s disciples went into the prison and carried his body away and buried it. Then they left to find Jesus and tell him what had happened. On hearing this, Jesus slipped away privately by boat to be alone. But when the crowds discovered he had sailed away, they emerged from all the nearby towns and followed him on foot. So when Jesus landed he had a huge crowd waiting for him. Seeing so many people, his heart was deeply moved with compassion toward them, so he healed all the sick who were in the crowd.