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Jeremiah 14:11-22

Jeremiah 14:11-22 TPT

And YAHWEH said to me, “Don’t intercede on behalf of these people! They can fast and pray all they want, but I still won’t listen to their cry. Neither will I accept their burnt offerings and meal offerings that they present to me. I will destroy them by war, food shortages, and plague.” I said, “But Lord YAHWEH! The prophets are prophesying: ‘You won’t experience war; neither will food shortages come upon you. God will protect you securely in this place.’ ” Then YAHWEH replied: “The prophets are using my name to lie to the people. I’ve not sent them or commissioned them. I’ve not spoken a word to them. They prophesy false promises and speak of an imaginary future—things they have made up in their minds. This is what I, YAHWEH, am going to do to those lying prophets. They claim to speak in my name although I did not send them, and they say that there will be no war or food shortages in this land. Therefore, it is by war and food shortages that I will kill them. And those who foolishly believed these prophecies will meet the same end. They will all die from war and food shortages, along with their wives and sons and daughters. Their bodies will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem, with no one to bury them. For I will bring evil to them as they have been evil.” “So, Jeremiah, speak your message of sorrow over them: “ ‘My eyes gush with tears day and night. I can’t stop weeping over all that my people have suffered. For my beloved people have suffered a great wound and are left grievously injured. They are as precious to me as a young daughter. If I go into the countryside— there they lie, slain by the sword. If I enter the city— there they lie, sick and starving. Both prophet and priest wander throughout the land, with no revelation to share.’ ” Lord, have you completely rejected Judah? Does your soul really despise Zion? Why have you crushed us so that we can’t be healed? We longed for peace and happiness, but nothing good ever came. We longed for a time of healing, and we find a time of terror instead. YAHWEH, we acknowledge our wickedness before you— we have sinned against you, just like our fathers did. For the sake of your great name, do not disown us; do not dishonor Jerusalem, that glorious place from which you rule. Don’t break your promise; remember your covenant with us. Can any of the false gods of foreign nations give us rain? Can the skies by themselves give showers? Only you can, O  YAHWEH, our God! So, we place all our hope in you, for only you accomplish all these things.

Video for Jeremiah 14:11-22