Matthew 23:13
Bogtag we ye Tefoy
Iwe ngo faesol ire kowe ye ppungdiy sala tumuldah mo luwul bol kala ye momay, ila re wochog rechokla re rongrong mala yalol Deus ngo re medaf iyang, sala yor uwar, le tot ikla kasubguy, ngo tot ikla kaweleg, ngo tot ikla kasilig.”
Explore Matthew 13:23
Matthew 22:13
Faesol ire kowe ye ppungdiy luwul walwol kowe yor chil, ila re wochog rechoka re rongrong mala yalol Deus, iwe ngo yar merahrah irel molow le yar wol talop mo yar hachangi mekla mmaler, mele sa totawoloh mala yalol Deus sala tor loh uwar.
Explore Matthew 13:22
Matthew 19:13
Rechokla re rongrong kofal mala Lamliyel Laeng ngo re temedaf, ila re wochog faesol ire kowe ye ppungdiy lal yalap. Moniyan ye budoh chog yesa hasiloh mala yalol Deus mo lal deper.
Explore Matthew 13:19
Matthew 20:13-21
Faesol ire kowe ye ppungdiy luwul feas, ila re wochog rechoka re rongrong mala yalol Deus ngo ye rraey lal deper iyang. Iwe ngo yete ssulay ngalir bo yete mmoch long lal deper. Ngo yodla bela holar weres mo hafohoy bo fael mala yalol Deus, ngo resa tahchaloh mala yalol Deus.
Explore Matthew 13:20-21
Matthew 44:13
“Mala Lamliyel Laeng ila iye sengal. Semal mal yela wiri sew mokwe ye kkel yal chang le tor le ye wiri mo woal sew milay. Yesa lebaloh le yesa momay depal. Yesa loh chog sala tap chuway pangal mekla lital, yesa tafael yesa chuwayiloh milay we.
Explore Matthew 13:44
Matthew 8:13
Iwe ngo tot ye ppungdiy lobo kowe ye momay bol iyang, yela pallengdah sala yor uwal. Yor ika kasubguy uwal, ngo yor ika kaweleg uwal, ngo yor ika kasilig uwal.”
Explore Matthew 13:8
Matthew 30:13
Ha ligdi bo be tumul sew dah wheat kala mo fadil kala yee, yela hola yodla yebe masow wheat kala iyang. Iwe ngo isa moch kangalur chol yengang kala rebe tarhadah mwo fadil kala, ngo resa hohoyu fengali le be sew mo sew pulgul resa fisgi. Iwe ngo re moch hatteyili fengali wheat kala resa yetolong lal soko we yai.’”
Explore Matthew 13:30