Genesis 18:14
Plain English Version
I’m telling you, nothing is too hard for me. I am God, and my name is Yahweh. Just like I said, at this time next year, I will come back, and Sarah will have a baby boy.”
Avasta Genesis 18:14
Genesis 18:12
so when she heard him say that, she laughed quietly and said to herself, “I am too old and worn out to have a baby, and my good boss, my husband, he is old too. If I had a baby, I would be really happy. But I’m too old for that now.”
Avasta Genesis 18:12
Genesis 18:18
You know, Abraham’s family will be a big and powerful nation one day, and I will use his family to do good things for all the nations in the world.
Avasta Genesis 18:18
Genesis 18:23-24
Abraham went up close to God and asked him, “Are you going to kill all the good people, as well as the bad people? There might be 50 good people that live the right way down there in that town. Will you still finish up that town? Or will you save that town to save those 50 good people?
Avasta Genesis 18:23-24
Genesis 18:26
God said, “If I find 50 good people in Sodom, I will not finish up that town. I will save that town so that I can save those 50 good people.”
Avasta Genesis 18:26