Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Proverbs 4:23

Relationships Of The Kingdom – A Plan On Marriage, Dating And Singleness
3 Days
Have you ever considered marriage? Have you ever wondered if your relationship is what God wants? Have you ever felt that singleness is just a last resort? Read on to find out what the Bible has to say about these important life stages.

You Are What You Think
3 Days
Our beliefs determine our actions. As Christians, we must take steps to renew our minds so that we may live in the freedom to which God has called us. This 3-day plan examines the importance of being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Seeking Approval
3 Days
So whose approval are you seeking today? Who do you want to like you? The reading plan is about transforming your heart to be less focused on seeking approval from the world to being satisfied with the approval of Christ.

Resolving Tension
3 Days
Have you ever noticed when listening to jazz that certain chords feel peaceful, while others feel out of balance? In musical theory, these feelings are associated with tension and resolve. Understanding tension and resolve are essential to music and life. These guided audio meditations will help you better understand the cycles of tension and resolve in your life and even your walk with God.

Christopher's Creek
3 Days
Where do you go to escape? To hide from the rush and hurry? The theme of these guided audio meditations is how God, the author of your salvation, will help keep you safe and your feet steady as you step along the uneven paths of life.

The Mind - Mental And Emotional Health
3 Days
We think that our thoughts can be kept in secret in our mind, but they cannot. The Bible makes this concept of the power of our thoughts simple: as a person thinks on the inside, this is who they will become on the outside. Thoughts produce a result. Our thoughts can make us ill or help us to heal. Jesus shows us how to become free from these things.

Ye Ask Amiss
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers through this life-changing devotional. “Ye Ask Amiss”, was created to examine the soil of your heart. Let God check your heart. Let God’s Word cultivate your heart’s soil as you read through this wisdom packed devotional.

Love Your Enemies.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful heart transforming devotional. When you focus more on your enemies, than you do God, you begin to worship and magnify the offense instead of worshipping God. When you focus on your enemy, you begin to confess, repeat and rehearse what they’ve done to you. Worship God and not your enemy. What has your heart entangled? Let God lead your heart.

Put On The Whole Armor Of God
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful devotional. Choose to put on the whole armor of God. Don’t cherry-pick His Word. Don’t self-select the parts of the Bible that you choose to obey. Digest His entire Word. God requires your participation. You have to make the choice to put on the whole armor of God. Let God lead your heart as you read this timely message.

Hope for Single Fathers
3 Days
Finalist for the 2022 Selah Awards, this reading plan addresses how dads can model trust and faith while navigating life’s hectic highway. For single fathers, the challenge increases. Men avoid asking for help because it implies weakness. Roadblocks of independence and pride cause discouragement and hopelessness. Based on the book “The Single Dad Detour” you’ll learn reliance on God and maintain hope to be the protective seatbelt your family needs.

Your Prayer Room Is a Womb for Miracles
3 Days
Mark 16:17 says that believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues. Prayer provokes an event that's not explainable by nature. Miracles are God’s mysteries open to His children. Dive into this plan over the next three days to explore how your prayer room incubates miracles.

3 Days
May the true testimony of how God spared me from taking my life be a source of hope and encouragement. Here I am, decades later, hoping to be a light for Jesus in the darkness of someone’s world. According to Global Suicide Stats, an estimated 703,000 people die by suicide worldwide annually. Never do something permanent over a temporary situation. This is the first in a series.

Paint Your Back Side
3 Days
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in taking care of our physical bodies while neglecting the well-being of our inner selves. As Christians, we are called to steward not only our external actions but also the condition of our hearts and minds. Join us in this devotional as we explore the importance of nurturing the inner man.

She Decided
3 Days
In this 3-day plan Dr. Tara Marshall discusses how when life gets hard we must still decide to follow Jesus. She uses the story of Ruth as a guide for when life gets tough. So, if you are looking for encouragement and motivation to continue on path God has for you- THIS IS FOR YOU!

3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful devotional. Greed is not love. Greed is selfish. Greed is prideful. Greed is murderous. Greed is jealous. Greed is envious. Greed will steal, kill, and destroy at any cost. Let God lead your heart as you read this timely message.

Christian Courtship vs. Dating
3 Days
In romantic relationships, Christians often seek guidance for the best way to navigate their journey toward a life-long commitment. Two approaches are courtship and dating, and both come with their own beliefs and practices. Join me for ten minutes daily in this three-day Bible reading plan to discover the difference between Christian courtship vs. dating.

TheLionWithin.Us: Why Diligence Matters
3 Days
Many of us know that we need a diligent approach to our family and careers, yet why does diligence seem so hard to come by? Recognizing that Scripture is the ultimate source of Truth, we’ll look at several practical insights that can help each of us become more purposeful and intentional as we navigate life and help us see how diligence can make a meaningful impact on our testimony.
More of Him, More Like Him (Part 2)
4 Days
Imagine yourself walking hand in hand with the Lord, focusing on the salvation Jesus has purchased for you in the cross and the righteousness that you partake with Him as His child. This reading plan will help you reflect on His goodness and to desire more of Him so you can be more like Him.

Why We Actually Sin - James 1:14-15
4 Days
For many Christians, the root cause of sin is temptation. We sin because we fell victim to a tempting situation. But where does temptation come from? What lies under every sin we commit? In this series of teaching videos David Bowden explains why every sin actually comes from our desires, lackings, and unbelief.

Mind Nutrition
4 Days
This 4-day plan examines negative thoughts, burdens and depression found in the lives of Bible greats like the apostle Paul and even Jesus. Even though modern-day struggles appear to be different, the battle for the mind is not new but it can be won. We hope you enjoy this plan written by Dr. Dennis Cagle of xaltm LLC.

Proverbs vs Pornhub
4 Days
Lust is a discipleship issue for us all - young or old, single or married, male or female. But what does the Bible have to say about pornography in the 21st century? This 4 day study uses the wisdom of Proverbs to tackle the problem of porn, helping us to be honest with God, honest with ourselves, and perhaps even honest with our friends.

Heart Check
4 Days
Where is your heart? Our heart is something much more than just physiological. The heart is associated with a spiritual posture of obedience towards God for the purpose of others. So many of our decisions start with the posture of our heart, such as worship, relationships, life choices, and even generosity. God desires for us to give out of our heart, so what does it look like to honor God through our finances?

Guard Your Heart
4 Days
Our day-to-day situations can be quite challenging. And if we don't take care of our inner selves, we can become vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy. Every attack is aimed at shaking our faith and making us give up. In this devotional you will learn four essential attitudes, according to God's Word, to protect your heart and thus overcome all attacks.

A Daily Word For Parents With Ron Hutchcraft
5 Days
It has never been more challenging to be a parent. Join author Ron Hutchcraft for five days of powerful, biblical insights for busy moms and dads. You’ll study wise choices, new beginnings, leaving a legacy, and more. Allow God to speak to you through these practical “parent devotions” from the Bible.

Guardians Of Ancora Bible Plan: Ancora Kids Run The Race
5 Days
Life is like a game or a race. Sometimes we don’t do well, but with God beside us we can keep going and not give up. This reading plan helps children spend time with God, reading the Bible and hearing from him: great life skills! The plan complements the free children’s game app Guardians of Ancora.