Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Luke 5:16

Men, Come Back to God // Recharge the Right Way
3 Days
Sometimes men think things have to be complicated to be "good" or "worth it". But what if your physical and mental health don't need to be complicated? What if they involve basics like sleep and good food and rhythms like time with God and time in deep community? This short plan will help you reset your own recipe for phyislcal and mental health.

Godly Self-Care
3 Days
Shopping. Binge-watching Netflix. Taking an evening bath. This is how self-care looks like in the world around us. But the Bible differs in what it teaches about self-care. In this three-day Bible Plan, you'll learn what true self-care looks like, so you can find the rest you need.

Restore My Soul for Leaders
3 Days
Research shows that thirty-five percent of pastors and ministry leaders are experiencing burnout. I believe that God is grieved when people pursuing kingdom living wind up overwhelmed, fatigued, and burned out. This three-day reading plan offers scriptures, encouragement, and clear ideas to help stop the slide into burnout and preserve the joy you have in your call to ministry.

Self-Deception // the "Too Busy" Trap
4 Days
God knows you're busy. Me, too, brother. But none of us get an exemption from His exhortation to "Be Still." This isn't just a command but it's also a beautiful invitation into something better than busyness, distraction, and stress. This 4 day plan will help you get honest with yourself and equip you to engage with God as he reminds you of his good and perfect plan for your life.

Balance At Work
4 Days
The story of Martha and Mary holds important lessons for men and women of all walks of life about God’s design for balance. This 4-day plan will help you envision a life that’s balanced through faith.

The Cure for People Pleasers
4 days
Jesus said “no” all the time. In this four day series, we will take a look at four different times in which Jesus said “no,” try to understand why He said “no,” and unpack lessons we can glean as we fight the temptation to constantly say “yes” to the incessant demands on our time.

Biblical Meditation
4 Days
Some ask, "is it Christian to meditate"? Christian meditation is rooted in the Bible. In fact, the Bible commands us to meditate. Join Abide as we meditate on God's Word.

Set Healthy Boundaries Like Jesus
4 Days
Do you feel burnt out? Are your relationships more overwhelming and tiring than blessed and encouraging? Do you feel you can’t say no because you’re obligated to say yes? Learn how to set boundaries and how to find deep relational rest without losing your sense of self and your unique individuality.

Pray Like the Bible
4 Days
Have you ever wondered if your prayers look like the prayers in the Bible? In this 4-Day Bible Plan, Evangelist Matt Brown shares encouragement and insight into how to pray more like the Bible, making our prayers even more powerful and in alignment with God's will.

Loving Others With Compassion
5 Days
Compassion is a powerful word. It goes deeper than showing sympathy for a person's pain. Compassion drives you to action. Each of these five devotionals contains a short audio message (1-2 minutes). The guests share about hearing from God, encouraging others, loving unconditionally, and proper boundaries. By the end of the five days, you should have a stronger sense of how to love with compassion.

The Power Of PRAYER
5 Days
Prayer to most believers is viewed as monotonous. But the truth is prayer is powerful, and it is a time set apart where we converse with our heavenly Father. The privilege of prayer is far greater than petitioning for our needs, but rather it is the positioning posture for miracles to invade our sphere of influence. After you have finished with this plan, my prayer for you is that you would never view prayer the same as before.

Tune in // God Wants to Speak to You
5 Days
Remember the coach who saw something special in you? Or the teacher that made sure you didn't fall behind? Or the parent who was so happy to see you at the end of the day? God wants to be this, and so much more, in the lives of men like you. His still, small voice wants to tell you more. This 5 day plan will help you tune in.

The Prayers Of Jesus: A 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
In this 5-day devotional adapted from The Prayers of Jesus: Listening to and Learning from Our Savior by Mark Jones, examine the prayers of Jesus recorded in the New Testament can help us imitate his example as we commune with the Father in prayer.

The Cure For Burnout
5 days
“Burnout can be defined as a loss of enthusiasm, energy, idealism, perspective, and purpose; it has been described as trying to run a marathon at full speed.” ― Kathleen Kendall-Tackett Ph.D. Jesus promised to give rest to people in that condition. In this plan, we can find a real solution to this problem that is affecting almost everyone in our hectic world. Enjoy it!

Something Needs To Change
5 Days
What happens when a well-known pastor and best-selling author has his deepest convictions rocked by darkness, suffering, and loss in the world around him? David Platt, lead pastor at McLean Bible Church and founder of Radical Inc., invites you on this five-day reading plan to bring you face to face with the God who wants you to make your life count in a world of urgent spiritual and physical need.

A Heart for Prayer: 5 Days of Drawing Close to Father God
5 Days
Do you desire to have a heart for prayer? Psalms 27:8 says, “My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” Having a heart for prayer is having a heart for relationship. My hope is that each of these days whet your appetite to enjoy a lifetime of sweet prayer with Father God.

The Great Surrender
5 Days
We are called to live a surrendered life! When we surrender our all to God, we give Him the opportunity to transform us and reveal His good and perfect purpose for our lives. This plan will help you understand the importance of surrender.

Christian Mindfulness
5 Days
The concept of mindfulness is a pretty trendy idea right now, but what does it mean for the life of a Christian? How can you apply it to your life of faith today? Learn more about mindfulness in this five-part video series.

Me & God, Not Me Alone
5 Days
Feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? At some point, we need to realize we’re not made to do this, that we can give it to God. This 5-day devotional from Harold & Rachel Earls, authors of A Higher Calling, will help you find joy despite your circumstances and grow closer in your relationship with God, reminding you that you are not in this alone.

From Passover to Pentecost
5 Days
From Passover to Pentecost is a five-day journey specifically designed to prepare you for a fresh and deep experience with the Holy Spirit. Cynthia shares that the Bible tells us that as we wait upon the LORD from Passover to Pentecost, preparing our hearts by giving Him our love and devotion, we too can receive a fresh revelation through the ever-present living Spirit of God!

Momentum: How to Get Unstuck
5 Days
Stuck. Know the feeling? Disappointments, problems that linger, and other confining obstacles leave us with life circling on a perpetual merry-go-round rather than treading a path toward a destination. Thankfully, stuck is not a place God desires His children to remain. So, how does a person get unstuck? Take five days to discover biblical strategies for gaining momentum and getting off that mental merry-go-round for good.

Walking in the Wilderness
5 Days
A series by Heidi Wysman. Mountaintops are fun but we can’t stay there forever. Most of us will go back to the wilderness many times. But the wilderness doesn’t have to be a frightening place.Through this study we discover that the wilderness can be a place of beauty, a place of empowerment, a place where God is.

Hope for School Teachers
5 Days
School teachers have a challenging job. Interactions with students, parents, co-workers, supervisors, and more can wear you down. Coupled with low pay and long hours, teachers can feel underappreciated and discouraged. Where do they find hope to avoid burnout? This five-day reading plan offers hope to teachers desiring to make a difference within their circles of influence as they walk out their faith.

Witness: Be the Ripple Effect in Your Sphere of Influence
5 Days
Come & See, Go & Tell has always been the Gospel message! As Christians we are all called to witness, but what exactly does that mean and how can we best represent Christ to the world around us? This 5-day reading plan is designed to give you the skills to live out the Great Commission in your everyday life; to equip you to have a different, deeper walk with God.

Soul Care Part 2: Solitude
5 Days
Self-care has become all the rage. Clean eating, rest, exercise, essential oils, ‘me time’. Yes, all these types of self-care are great, but do you continue to find yourself struggling with stress, anxiety, anger, insecurity, or self-doubt? Maybe there’s some deeper spiritual care needed. This series, Soul Care, will explore how to take care of your soul… the most important part of you.